Chapter 272: All parties gather, and the power of the Heavenly Punishment can open the firmament!!

For a time, the battle above the heavenly dome was extremely fierce, the sky was full of sacred conspiracies and calculations, and blood rained in the air.

The two great desolate giants at the top of the heavenly dome are fighting frantically, scales and feathers continue to fall, and every piece and piece will cause a big earthquake!

In the immortal world, Jiang Ziya looked at the figure that was constantly fighting, his eyes were shining, but he still did not take half a move.

Even the Dao Inscription was difficult for him to touch, and the Immortal World was the most enduring of all the forces.

“Senior brother! If you don’t make a move, the foreign treasure will definitely be taken! ”

Shen Gongbao looked at his senior brother so carelessly and couldn’t help but speak out eagerly.

“No hurry, this battle hasn’t really started yet…”

He stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes looked at the heavens and tribes, you know, whether it is the witch tribe, the human race, or the demon tribe has not yet moved.


Shen Gong Leopard looked at the Nine Heavens Bi Divine Vine in the distance, his eyes were cloudy and sunny, and at this moment the nine blades had lost three.

The dragon-type blades and the Great Sun blades were taken away by the dragon clan, and the Suzaku clan took the phoenix leaves.

Only the remaining six leaves emit an unparalleled light.

Seeing that Senior Brother was still so careless, Shen Gongbao’s heart was one, when even one step stepped out of the air!

“Junior Brother!”

Jiang Ziya frowned slightly, secretly saying that it was a pity that the junior brother was so impatient, he must sharpen it, otherwise there would be a big disaster.

“Senior brother, I’ll wait.”

Seeing that Shengong Leopard had entered it, his palms pushed horizontally, and the power of heaven and earth converged!

Several people in the immortal world looked at Jiang Ziya, and the look in their eyes was self-evident.

“I’ll help Junior Brother, and you go get the Sea of Rules.”

Jiang Ziya said slowly, since the junior brother had already entered the game, he only broke in.

Then he looked at several reincarnated gods and demons behind him.

“Gentlemen, don’t forget today’s actions in the future.”

Say nothing and fly away.

At this moment, above the heavenly firmament, Shen Gong Leopard went straight to the Nine Heavens Bi Shen Vine Er, his palms evolved into yin and yang double fish, and a huge immortal hand was held away!

What he wanted to seize was a white jade-like leaf containing endless pure qi, which was of infinite benefit to them!

However, in an instant, he felt a cold tearing feeling, and suddenly the space appeared thousands of miles away, and the next moment, where he was originally located, a hideous paw print tore through layers of space!

Long Min’s eyes were cold, his momentum soared, and the infinite power bred above the dragon’s claws tore out!

Not good!

As the eighth son of the ancestral dragon, Long Shi’s strength is naturally extremely strong, and he has already reached the peak level of his true self, and even with the supreme body drive, even the half-step path fruit is not weak at all.

With such a terrifying blow, Shengong Leopard couldn’t avoid it, and his body burst open, turning into a blood mist in the sky!

“Hongjun’s dog, also dare to come to Kai Ship’s treasure!”

The dragon wet roared angrily, and then the supreme dragon power permeated, and a simple pitch-black dragon scale between the eyebrows shone with endless light!

The Ancestral Dragon Eight Sin Dragons all possess the eight supreme dragon scales given by the Ancestral Dragon, and they have infinite power!

The light converged, and as soon as Shengong Leopard’s body drive converged, he felt a supreme destructive force!

I only feel like a purgatory of heaven and earth, and countless killing avenues are spreading!

“Keep people under your hands!”

A light drink resounded at the end of the sky.

Jiang Ziya stepped on the void and walked step by step.


Suzaku hissed, and in an instant, endless karmic fire burned, directly covering the sky bend, and surrounded each other’s bodies, as if they wanted to refine the other party to death!

Above the bend, a golden light soared into the sky, and the endless karmic fire dissipated in an instant.

I saw that in the central area, Jiang Ziya was holding a divine whip, and the golden light around him was loud, and the fairy flying knife surrounded his body.

This whip is given by the Dao Ancestor, and it has supreme power, and it can command heaven and earth and rule all directions under one whip!

I saw him slowly waving, and in an instant, the golden light instantly bombarded the wings of Suzaku, and the other party wailed that there was already blood all around him!

Countless feathers slipped down, and Suzaku was in pain, but he was directly shot away more than a thousand feet.

She stared at Jiang Ziya with vicious eyes, but she was afraid that the divine soldiers in the other party’s hands did not dare to attack easily.

Each whip of this divine whip not only acts on the physical body but can even hit the true spirit directly, and the pain that hurts the soul is simply unbearable!

The next moment, Jiang Ziya appeared on Shengong Leopard’s side, pressing one hand on the other party’s shoulder.

The space between the beards was inverted, and the figures of the two appeared thousands of miles away.

“Half-step fruit!”

Long Min’s eyes were sharp, and he could see the strength of the other party at a glance, and he was extremely dignified!

I never expected that the other party had reached the half-step fruit realm!

At this moment, Suzaku on the side was also cautiously standing in the sky, and the four-winged true dragon and Kunpeng, who were fighting in the distance, also found something unusual and slowly stopped fighting.

For a time, Jiang Ziya single-handedly forced the three major flood and desolate giants to cease the war.

Such a power made countless divine people look away.

At this moment, a shaking force stirred the sky, and the power of various avenues was blessed by him.

Heaven and earth trembled constantly, seemingly unable to withstand the arrival of the other party.

The mountains touched, and an incomparably huge figure slowly walked forward, compared to the mountains that stood tall over me, they were just small mounds.

The opponent is dressed in his black battle armor, the explosive muscles give birth to endless destructive power, one hand is holding an axe, the other is holding a shield, and the vicious momentum causes the sky and earth to change color.

He has no head, but he has both breasts as his eyes and his navel as his mouth.

Crazy Battle Punishment Day!

“This thing belongs to me Jiuli!”

With a roar, the giant axe tore the heavens and the earth, as if opening up the world!

In the land of the Terrans, Su Ming’s eyes were solemn, and the punishment sky was stronger at this time.

As he stepped into the half-step fruit, his own momentum became more and more powerful, like a solid sacred mountain, unshakable.

Not far away, the First Emperor followed Su Ming’s gaze and looked into the distance, and couldn’t help but slightly condense the exuberant qi and blood power, such a terrifying physical body, and such a shocking battle intent.

At this moment, every step taken by the Punishment Heaven will rise wildly, and each step is hundreds of thousands of li!

After nine steps, the other party looked at the sky and slashed down with an axe!

Moldy time the world changes color!

The giant murderers of the flood desolation have changed color one after another, and this axe contains an unparalleled skill in killing will!

The spar is going to kill them all!

Jiang Ziya’s face was extremely solemn, the fairy flying knife and the self-body surface were constantly circling, and the whip was even more across his chest!


In an instant, the buzzing sound rippled for millions of miles, and in an instant, even the heavenly divine felt that his ears were buzzing, as if he had lost his voice!

The terrifying power slowly dissipated, Jiang Ziya was shocked back dozens of miles by this terrifying momentum, his hands trembled gently, and the body of Shengong Leopard behind him was shattered three times in a row!

If it weren’t for his will to resist this terrifying killing force, I am afraid that he would have already died.

Even with his existence, there is still such an injury, and at this moment, the True Dragon Group or Suzaku Kunpeng is only afraid.

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