Chapter 273: Refining the Divine Building, Ezu Descending!!

Such a terrifying blow, in an instant, thousands of divine beings were affected and the true spirits were sunk.

Just when everyone thought that the true dragon and the two desolate giants were about to fall.

Suddenly, the sound of the dragon chanting and phoenix roar between heaven and earth instantly sounded out, and the terrifying roar spread throughout the endless universe.

All the divine raised their eyes uncontrollably, and the two incomparably vicious breaths between them stood between heaven and earth.

A huge red-gold figure covers the sky, and the figure is incomparably beautiful, and every inch of feathers is pregnant with unparalleled light.


The phoenix and the phoenix are two creatures, divided into phoenixes, and the phoenix is born together, and its power is comparable to that of Tianqi.

Two huge wings, one red gold and the other the other, are extremely snow-white.

The two figures also turned into human beings, one with phoenix eyes and blond hair, and his handsome face was even a little enchanting, and the other was dressed in a red golden robe, covering an indescribable momentum.

His name is Fengxi, and he is the young master of the Phoenix clan.

Next to him is a woman in white, if the cold ice does not melt, quietly standing in the clouds, the ice muscle jade bone face is beautiful and cold, seems to have a temperament that rejects people thousands of miles away.

Her name is Phoenix Bingxue, and she is the princess of the Phoenix lineage.

The two figures stood above the void, and the fierce power and killing will just now were blocked by them.

Originally, they were hiding in it and waiting for the result, but who knew that the punishment day suddenly invaded, and they had to make a move.

Not far away from the dragon range, a blond figure slowly walked out, the other party’s eyes were cyan, and the robe was also a green king dragon robe, with a calm face.

At this moment, he slowly leaned out his palm, and within his palm, a vicious force frantically slashed into the void in front of him, constantly changing endless space.

He directly isolated the power of that axe into the void in his palm.

“It is worthy of being the strongest person in the Jiuli Fierce War, and if you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s hard to believe that you can only break through in January.”

Long Ji looked at the creature in front of him, and then slowly looked into the distance.

“You of the Terran don’t need to be patient, since I have already appeared, then let each of you do it.”

Long Kui’s eyes released an unparalleled brilliance like two rounds of stars, and suddenly the whole heaven and earth began to tremble, and Long Wei permeated.

Seeing this, Su Ming and the First Emperor looked at each other, and then the two of them walked across the sky at the same time, one step at a time, and came to the top of the heavenly dome.

At this moment, the surrounding Terrans received the transmission from Su Ming and the First Emperor and went to compete for the sea of rules!

For a time, the digital half-step fruit level stood facing each other, each giving birth to infinite power, and it seemed that the heavens and all realms were boiling at this moment.

In an instant, the figures fought together, and the terrifying destructive power spread instantly!

30,000 mountains.

At this time, the heaven and earth were red with blood, and a huge round of demonic Dao formation occupied the entire heavenly firmament, running wildly.

The formation isolates time and space, shrouding tens of thousands of divine beings, and the terrifying will to kill is obviously to completely kill the other party when it is strong!

At this time, the two sides had obviously started a continuous confrontation, the smell of blood rose into the sky, and all kinds of corpse fragments spread across the earth.

Countless divine frantically roared, and their eyes were occupied by fear and horror.

“Heavy building! Are you going to kill me and wait!” ”

“This is the Dao of the Demon Ancestor? I can’t wait! If you wait for this, you will be punished by heaven! ”

“I’m not willing to do this! I have been enlightened for thousands of years, and tonight I have been secretly calculated! ”

The sound of screams and sorrows is incessant.

Zhonglou looked coldly at all and didn’t want to listen to the words of these ants, with his own strength, if he didn’t bother these people, it would not be enough for him to kill a demon!

Then he looked at the pitch-black figure in the center of the formation.

The opponent’s eyes were scarlet and bloodthirsty, and the killing avenue around him was constantly circling, constantly absorbing the killing will breath on the battlefield.

His own cultivation has grown even more wildly.

But the other party was, not the slightest will to kill, in the endless killing intent, those eyes are absolutely sober!

For ordinary creatures, once they kill too much, they will sink into the dirt of blood and killing, and will also erode their own avenue.

But the other party did not feel this way at all, as if it was killing itself or that he was driving killing!

“Is this the reincarnation of gods and demons?”

Zhonglou looked at everything that happened to the other party and muttered slowly.

Then press to the group of demons behind him.

“No need to suppress, just release your heart.”

Hearing this, the cultivators of the Demon World all rushed forward frantically and rushed directly into the formation!

This formation is conceived by the Demon World Cultivation Method, as long as it is not the Demon World cultivator who enters it, it will inevitably receive indescribable suppression, and the Demon World cultivator will increase his strength several times here!

It can be said that all demon cultivators under this formation are equivalent to being invincible.

Rounds of bloody battles and killings are irresistible even to the Heavenly Divine.


The man in black penetrated a divine statue in the middle of the true self with one palm, and the will to kill instantly wiped out the other party’s true spirit.

“It feels good.”

Since birth, he knew that he could continuously improve his strength through killing, but because he was in the human race, there were few internal fights, so his cultivation speed was not fast.

But entering the immortal battlefield can be described as a fish in water for him, killing the heavens and sacred.

Just like when the other party encroached on the destiny of the human race, this is also revenge, but in a sense, both are for the pursuit of the ultimate Dao.


He exhaled softly and looked at the heavy building in the distance, the other party fulfilled his promise and had helped him surround and kill tens of thousands of saints, although not all, but I have to say that the other party did what he said.

“So, he went to see what was so strange about the so-called Dao Cave, he slowly looked into the distance, and in his eyes, a glint of essence slowly flashed.”


At this moment, a cold drink slowly passed.

Above the heavenly firmament, Demon Venerable Lou looked at each other, and there was a trace of battle intent in his eyes.

He can feel that the other party is very strong, and he may be able to fight with himself!

I saw a hideous figure slowly stepping towards the void, the other party’s upper body was exposed, and a terrifying barbaric aura emerged from his body.


The demon world cultivators couldn’t help but narrow their eyes slightly when they felt the other party’s breath, they had a lot of understanding of this Heavenly Emperor’s cronies.

In the original battle of the Lich, Ezu rushed into the Wu army alone, and his bravery was no less than that of the Wu Clan, especially the barbaric power of the fearful cloth, which was no less than that!

After the Lich War, he was named the ancestor by Di Jun, and the millions of demon tribes under his command showed how strong its strength was.

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