Chapter 274: Billions of Onlookers! System crash!!

In the cultivation room, Su Yang held his breath and sat cross-kneeled, and the rich power around him continued to stir and spread.

At this time, he had already refined all the three thousand divine sources that Su Qingyun had obtained.

In an instant, the three hundred and sixty-five acupuncture points around his body burst out with terrifying light, and at this moment, under the action of the cultivation room, the endless pressure of the wind on all sides frantically squeezed every inch of his flesh and blood.

Only the greater the pressure, he can forge a more powerful body, you must know that the further you go, the stronger the kingdom of God, the higher the requirements for the physical body.

Their cultivation system could have carried a world, and all they had to do at this moment was to temper the foundation and make it stronger.

If it was said that Su Tian’s flesh was originally a heavy piece of sunken iron, then he would have to temper it into steel at this moment!

Even beyond steel to reach a more powerful level!

Thinking of this, Su Tian’s eyes slowly closed, no longer paying attention to the situation of Honghuang Daluo, but completely gathering his mind and tempering his body wholeheartedly.

And at this time, the outside world is almost fryer.

The origin of the matter is Su Qingyun’s affairs before, and the two sides have not been known by everyone since then.

Su Yang is a lazy nature, anyway, whether they guessed correctly or not, since this is the case, why care, just guess as they like.

And Su Qingyun’s didn’t care at all, and she was not affected in any way.

Many of Su Qingyun’s supporters hate Su Yun so much that their teeth itch, although the other party’s strength is outstanding, but in their opinion, Su Yun is just a lowly mud leg of an ant, and he is not worthy of Su Qingyun at all.

Because neither side has clarified or other statements have made the form grow.

In the end, since Su Xiao defeated Lin Xuan with one finger, this thing has reached its peak!

Countless hidden powerhouses have spoken out to make Su Xuan look good, and the person behind Lin Xuan even openly said, if Su Xuan does not kneel to apologize to Lin Xuan, then the day of the battle again will be his death period!

In the national youth competition, death is not unfamiliar, it can be said that every time there are contestants who withdraw from the competition or die in the ring due to serious injuries for some reason.

Most of the explanations to the outside world are that the battle is too fierce to see a moment of life and death, and it is difficult to stop.

The real reason for this is unknown.

It can be said that not only the outside contestants but also the Internet began to fiercely discuss this endgame.

Especially for Su Tian’s heat, it is crazy, and many people have specially analyzed it.

Even the heat of the matter has touched the top management slightly.

“It’s good to be young.”

A middle-aged man in the upper echelons learned that the cause of the incident was only because the two helped each other into the room.

For a while, I couldn’t help but sigh a little.

“It’s good to be young, but young people always need to be calm, this time the matter is a little big, and even the virtual figure on the side of the international spread some wrong remarks slowly said.”

Hearing this, everyone was silent, obviously they did not expect that there would be such a heated discussion even internationally, but when I thought about it, it was almost the same.

After all, the national youth competition, which is broadcast live around the world, is a major event in China, which can not only show the power of the younger generation to inspire people, but also knock the mountain and release the deterrent force.

So this makes sense.

“What are the words?”

The figure on the side asked slowly with interest, and the man replied a little impatiently when he heard it.

“What else can it be, smearing, cracking, planting and framing, just these three axes.”

The other party shook his head helplessly, and then did not care, after all, they were too lazy to care about this broken thing from time to time, except for major events, they basically didn’t care about this broken thing.

“I do feel that this is very good, who has not been young and vigorous, and the blood is just hot.”

The general who thought that he had been battle-hardened not far away said slowly, without the slightest concern in his tone.

“But these are our seeded players, and losing one is a huge loss…”

“There is no perfect victory in war!”

The other party said slowly, hearing that everyone closed their eyes, and then stopped talking, and gave up the plan to stop it

“Sleeping, Su Shen is really a carving explosion, first a crowd beat everyone, and then soaked the beauty of the imperial capital, I declare that from now on he is my idol!”

“+, stand behind, Lao Tzu will come first!”

“Heh, as everyone knows, I was the same back then, but it’s a pity that the good man didn’t mention the courage back then.”

“He meowed! Wake up the star him! Who has a little idea? ”

“I’m diabetic, I’ll come!”

“Go behind the diabetes, I urinate and I will come first, I can’t let him taste the sweetness.”

At this time, Su Tian, who had just walked out of the cultivation room, knew nothing, but felt that everything seemed to have changed when he came out this time, and his eyes were on him one by one…

However, he didn’t care, and after a simple meal, he looked at his battle today.

Yuan Ji.

Su Xiao was slightly stunned, if he remembered correctly, the other party seemed to be a seventh-level order.

And according to the battle table, the two can’t meet at all, but at this moment, I’m afraid it’s because his previous performance was too eye-catching, deliberately giving him to raise the level of his opponent?

Su Xiao thought, and then slowly looked not far away, his eyes were flat, and he did not have the slightest worry.

It just so happened that he had just finished refining the three thousand divine sources, and when this battle came, he could let himself see how high his strength had risen.

Above the ring, Yuan Zhu is dressed in white, and the yin and yang double fish on the sleeves echo each other, and the flow seems to be endlessly mysterious.

He stood in the central area, his robe was windless, his face was like crown jade, his qi was high, and he could be said to be very handsome, like an immortal.

At this time, the audience stage was already crowded, and all the participants were not absent.

And the network platform is even more squeezed and stuck.

“Nima! What a broken platform card to die! ”

A figure before the virtual projection was a little furious, and he waited for this for three days!

Who knows that the system just went in and crashed directly!

At this moment, countless netizens are completely confused, the bastard Laozi has waited for so long for your mother to give a server crash!?

Damn your mother!

For a time, countless netizens almost directly collapsed the message under the platform!

And the maintenance staff of the platform is also a mess, this is really not their fault, Nima billions of people!

That platform got it!

I can’t bring it at all!

Ma eggs their server roast is enough!

At this moment, all the virtual screens suddenly resumed, but they were no longer the original platform.

“Sleeping? This is an official shot!? Papa is a cow! ”

Countless people watched the restored screen and finally cheered again and died.

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