Chapter 275: Entering the Kingdom of God and Reducing Dimensionality Infinitely!!

“Sleep~ finally came in, it’s so comfortable.”

“Something is wrong with you upstairs.”

“Country dad is awesome, love to death!”

“I also came in, it’s so comfortable, I trembled all over.”

“Isn’t it okay to drive?”

The system was restored, and many silly netizens finally showed their sand sculpture nature, but it didn’t last long.

Then he looked at the position of the ring, and Yuan Zhu’s figure stood in it.

It seems to be light and windy, with its own charm, which makes people feel convinced in their hearts just by looking at it.

“It’s really Yuan Ji! Fifth Rank vs. Seventh Order, good fellow, if he wins enough, it will go down in history…”

“Loading a fart, how big is the gap between the fifth and seventh orders? Although Su Xiao is a demon, he has already reached the limit of fighting across the sixth order just like that, and as for the seventh order. Hehe. ”

“Not a good group of Su blowing, blowing a hair, fools can see that Su Yang will be defeated!”

For a time, there were endless debates on the Internet, and although many people had some confidence in Su Tian, they were limited to being able to confront each other.

As for the victory, even the most avid fans have to admit that the gap between the fifth and sixth orders is huge and incomparable.

Wang Sheng was completely disdainful of Su Tian’s momentum.

After all, such a huge span is really a bit self-sufficient.

Similarly, the light broadcast is also quite appropriate, and an entertainment vote was specially carried out to see the support of the audience.

Unfortunately, it is no different from the form, completely one-sided, Yuan Zhu’s win rate is as high as 99.5%, while Su Yang is only 0.05%.

It’s a pitiful amount…

At this time, with the passage of time, many people were slightly stunned, looking at the ring, and it was not a minute before the battle began.

“What’s going on? What about Su Yuren!? ”

“It’s all open! This cargo can’t be a runaway, right?? +, the most unaccustomed to such desertion! ”

“Really fake? Is there something delayed? ”

“Isn’t it! This is still washed!? If only the battle thing would have been shot early! ”

Huaxia has always advanced both culture and martial arts, but for the Chinese people, they are particularly good at martial arts and highly respected for combat.

The same is intolerable for those who escape!

For a time, the online condemnation of Suzhou was almost to the extreme, and even the voting had disappeared.

And watching at this moment, the high-level officials couldn’t help but look cold and gloomy.

In their opinion, you can choose to surrender, after all, there is no shame on this scale, and even defeat is glorious!

You can get the respect of everyone, but this kind of general practice of doing nothing as a deserter is the most disgraceful!

Just when everyone thought that the other party was going to be a deserter, a figure finally appeared in the ring.

The sudden appearance of Su Yang did not cause everyone, but a burst of boos.

There are even more direct scolding, and the condemnation on the Internet is also wave after wave.

In their opinion, Su Yang was completely unbearable and had to stand up.

This kind of coward who bullies the soft and fears the hard, he doesn’t know that there are cheeks standing here!

And at this moment, everyone has malice towards Su Tian, only Su Qingyun is still plain on the scene, looking at the other party’s figure The corners of his mouth unconsciously evoke a smile.

How can the other party be afraid?

To know that the other party did something about a promise is still fresh in her memory.

What’s more, if you really want to say that it is fear, Yuan Ji, who knows nothing, is to be afraid.

After all, he was obsessed with killing ten people whose strength had reached the seventh rank with the power of one person!

And before the screen at this moment, Elder Liu and Director Meng on the side also looked solemnly, and with their understanding of Su Yang, they naturally would not doubt each other’s personalities.

Although the other party is a little lazy and greedy for money, he will never be cowardly!

Fleeing from battle, they couldn’t imagine that Su Yang could do it.

The two looked at the figure.

So, what are you going to do.

Su Yang glanced at everyone on the side, his face still did not change in the slightest, even in the face of so many denunciations, he did not refute it.

He knows that even if you refute them, they will think that you are making excuses.

And at the moment, they only shut up a little.

He slowly looked at Yuan Ji on the side.

“Lin Xuan was instructed by you before?”

Su Xiao said slowly, his voice unhurried.

“At this time, you can still be so calm, I really don’t know if you are arrogant, or do you really think that you can walk completely off the stage?”

Yuan Zhu sneered one after another, and after several years, he stepped out step by step, and the spatial dimension spread out layer by layer between the gatherings!


Someone exclaimed, and his gaze instantly covered!

The divine kingdom opened up by Yuan Zhu is not different from other fantasy or technology, but a dimensional divine kingdom, with a total of eleven dimensions…

Each dimension has an ultimate power and law, and only the four dimensions have covered time and space.

And Yuan Zhu, whose strength has reached the seventh order, has already opened up the seventh layer of dimensions!

No one knows what terrifying power there is after the four dimensions.

For a moment, Su Yang only felt as if he was being pulled into layers of space, but this was not pure spatial power.

It also contains the charm of time.

Almost instantly, he came to a cosmic space.

There was darkness all around that could not be seen.

“Here it is… His dimensional space. ”

Sensing the changes in this space, Su Yang did not expect that the other party wanted to use such a way.

Mutual entry into the kingdom of God.

It is also a form of battle, entering each other’s divine kingdom to see who defeats the creatures in the opposing divine kingdom first, or destroys the other party’s divine kingdom.

Unexpectedly, the other party was using this kind of scheme.

“Want to collapse my kingdom of God from within?”

Su Xiaoguan smiled, if he guessed correctly at this moment, he only opened one place, and that was the Immortal Battlefield.

And at this moment in the immortal battlefield, if the same realm does not care about their absolute strength, I am afraid it will be a little tricky, and the other party directly recklessly entered it.

Good luck, good luck.

Su Xiao smiled faintly, and instantly squeezed the positive space in all directions!

In an instant, the positive film space loses its length, width, and height…

The positive space was suppressed dead and dead into an extreme line that could not be seen with the naked eye!


At the same time, in the land of the immortal battlefield, the various tribes of the flood and desolation continue to fight, you come and go, and the killing is shocking!

And just as he ate that white jade sacred mountain, his forehead trembled instantly, and then a white-clothed figure slowly walked out, looking around coldly, and a strange smile raised at the corner of his mouth.

“Su Yang I’m going to completely destroy your flood wilderness!”

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