Chapter 279: Valhalla is shocked, the void is alarmed, and the heavens covet!!

The nine levels have always been the existence of the top level that everyone thinks, and they are also the apex of power that everyone knows.

But when his strength reached Su Tian’s level, he already had some feelings, and the ninth rank was not the apex!

Just like the cup of Heavenly God Liquid that Su Qingyun gave him at the beginning, it was condensed by the existence above the ninth order.

You must know that at that time, it was only a few dozen drops in one cup, which brought Su Yang unimaginable divine power, and the energy in it was still improving his physical body even now!

He didn’t know much about that level, but since it was called Heavenly Divine Liquid, I was afraid that the existence above the ninth order could really reach the level of a god.


At this moment, a message was transmitted, and after Su Yang opened it, he pondered for a long time.

There has been another change, and after this battle, his strength has been re-evaluated again, and has been assessed to the mid-seventh order level!

It can be said that every shot he makes will refresh everyone’s understanding of Su Yang and the entire national youth competition, the real seventh-order strong is only a few people, coupled with his strength at the moment, he seems to have become one of the strongest people.

In order to be fair in the subsequent matches, he directly skipped all his subsequent battles and automatically advanced, while the rest of the strong ones were still eliminated in step-by-step battles, and finally decided the strongest one to duel with him.

Even this can already be said to change the rules for Su Xiao alone.

“I was… Got to the final? ”

Su Xiao was a little helpless, so it was true, presumably once this matter was released, it would inevitably set off a storm of public opinion.

Su Xiao shook his head slightly, and then fell into cultivation again, at this time, he felt that he could try to break through his acupuncture points again, and the next time he might reach the sixth order, and Da Luo Honghuang would inevitably cause a series of changes.


This is an incomparably magnificent temple, standing in the void, and the surrounding area is blessed with layers of spatial formations and various void folding techniques, so that every breath can instantly destroy a seventh-order divine residence.

Above the main hall, several Valhalla elders kept talking, discussing a recruitment plan for Su Yang.

“There has been another change, his place has risen again, he has reached third place, which is unprecedented.”

The black-robed elder said in a deep voice, and then distributed the information in front of him.

[Huaxia capital potential list. 】

[1. Ancient night song, the peak of the seventh order of strength. ] Divine Kingdom Fantasy Heavenly Court. (Record: Unknown)]

[2. Xiao Xi, the peak of the seventh order of strength. ] The fantasy years of the Kingdom of God. (Record: Fight against an eighth-order powerhouse without dying)]

[3. Su Tian, the peak of the fifth order of strength. ] The Kingdom of God is a great Luo Honghuang. (Record: Once shattered the divine kingdom of the seventh-order powerhouse with fifth-order strength, and the creatures of the divine kingdom easily destroyed the seventh-order divine mansion)]

The elders of the Valhalla Hall couldn’t help but look pale when they saw this, they didn’t expect Su Tian’s ranking to progress so quickly!

You must know that everyone on this Hua Xia potential list is qualified to prove the existence of the true god!

That’s beyond the level of the rank!

And the top ten must also be the strongest among them!

You must know that the top ten in the past are basically seven levels, and the lowest strength is Su Qingyun who is in the early stage of the seventh order!

A few days ago, Su Qingyun ascended to the tenth place, which had already caused a lot of momentum, but he did not expect that now Su Yang would climb to the third position with the strength of the fifth order!

This has turned almost everyone’s perception upside down!

The gold content of this list is one of the best in the whole world, not to mention that the original battle was broadcast live by billions of onlookers.

Such strength is also qualified to step into it.

For a while, all the elders were a little unsure, after all, if such a strong person can be pulled into the Valhalla, it is at least at the level of the God of War level, and even the level of the hall master is not impossible!

You must know that in the Valhalla, in addition to the twelve elders, there are also nine war gods and the main and deputy hall masters above them.

The minimum requirement for the strength of just the elder level is the peak of the eighth order!

The God of War and even the Hall Master level are even more unimaginable, and the promise they gave Su Yang was the God of War level!

This is not to wait until the other party reaches the corresponding rank to give rights, but as long as you join, you will have such rights!

Only the God of War level can call on almost endless Valhalla resources!

This was the limit of what their twelve elders could mobilize.

The price is very high, but as long as Su Yang promises it’s worth it anyway!

However, at this moment, a gray figure slowly appeared above the void, and the other party seemed to be between reality and nothingness, and just appearing had an indescribable terrifying momentum.

It is as if a galaxy is crisscrossing in front of you, and that kind of grandeur ordinary people can’t perceive at all!

“His Royal Highness the God of War!”

The twelve elders knelt down on one knee in unison, their eyes were extremely solemn, and saluted each other.

“At all costs, recruit Su Tian.”

The voice is indifferent but unquestionable, as if the fall of the voice is heavenly reason, and it is also the destiny of heaven!

“Your Highness the God of War, I have already opened the greatest conditions and sincerity, but if it is the other party”

The black-robed elder at the head couldn’t help but hesitate.

After all, Suzhou’s results of their solicitation are also ambiguous.

“If so, it is a killing, you go personally, or send a heroic escort.”

The other party’s voice was cold, and the elders present at the moment couldn’t help but feel that their backs were cold.

Valiant Guardian!

Valhalla has a total of eighteen Ni puppets, named Valhalla Guardians, and the strength of each one has the terrifying strength to kill the nine ranks.

Such a huge handwriting shows the determination of the other party.

After all, an existence like Su Yang who defies the sky is too terrifying, if you can’t use it for yourself, you must kill it!

But before that, they will do their best to fight, and killing each other is always a last resort.

After all, such a genius, who doesn’t love?

“I’ll obey the order!”

At the same time, the top level of Huaxia also launched a fierce war of words.

“Nope! The talent displayed by Su Yang at this time is too strong, and he must be withdrawn! This is for his safety! ”

“Yes, I agree, such a genius demon must be protected before the other party preaches the ninth order, once the loss is the sorrow of the country!”

“Foolishness! At this time, Su Tian’s momentum has been continuously accumulated, and it has achieved a momentum! Invincible momentum! ”

“How many people throughout the ages have died here fighting for this invincible momentum? As long as he ascends to the first ranks, he will definitely have the strength to be arrogant, and Huaxia will have one more pillar of the town and country! ”

“The pillar of the town? With his talent, even if he does not participate in this battle, he will definitely be ranked above it in the future! Why bother, now all the countries are looking at him, once there is an assassination, you can know what kind of damage it will cause! ”

In the conference room, several bigwigs were red in the face and had different opinions, and they were almost about to fight.


At this moment, the figure sitting on the first place slowly spoke, and for a while, everyone couldn’t help but close their mouths.

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