Chapter 280: Emperor Jun Proves the Beginning of the Dao! Su Yang is invincible and the town country!!

“Fight around, like a child!”

The person who was the leader, looking at the sides, saw that the two sides were still like water and fire, and couldn’t help but shake his head.

In fact, he also hoped that Su Xiao could withdraw, after all, with the talent he showed at the moment, he could even predict that even if he faced the eighth-order opponent, there was still a way to fight and win!

The other party is already strong enough, invincible, to be honest, it is just the icing on the cake, and once they continue to compete, the countries will inevitably recruit or assassinate.

Of course, this is not because they are not confident in their own protection, but that they do not feel the need.

At this moment, they only want Su Xiao to grow to the level of the pillar of the town without any harm.

“Since you can’t convince the other party, let the other party make this choice yourself.”

He slowly spoke, hearing that although the high-level officials were still a little indignant, the atmosphere of confrontation had also been reduced a lot.




[Encrypted communication, please choose whether to answer within three seconds! ] 】

[Encrypted communication, please choose whether to answer within three seconds! ] 】

[Encrypted communication, please choose whether to answer within three seconds! ] 】

Instantly, Su Xiao was slightly stunned, looking at the big characters in front of him that glowed red, frowned slightly, and then directly connected.

Just now, he received a summons from Director Liu Lao Yu Meng, before his battle had too much influence, which had already caused the upper echelons to touch, and both of them told him to be cautious that there might be high-level people talking to him.

So it seems that this time should be a high-level communication, but I don’t know what the other party has planned.

Is it solicitation or poaching…

The moment he answered, Su Yang felt a supreme force descending on his body, boundless in the Han Sea.

When I opened my eyes again, I came to a huge conference hall.

As far as the eye can see, there are people standing on the left and right, and each figure contains the power of fear that destroys the world and destroys the earth, even if they do not deliberately show their momentum.

But this terrifying power still made Su Yang’s whole body tense.

Too powerful!

When he looked forward, he only felt that his brain was blank for a while, as if an entire universe had risen up and was looking at him.

Endless God Kingdom World, measure in it!


Su Xiao took a step back, his eyes slowly converged, and a drop of sweat on his forehead slowly slipped down.

At the level of his moment, he could not perceive any power of the other party, not even a trace of it!

“Yes, such a will, no wonder you can have such talent.”

Above the first place, the man said approvingly, knowing that even if he didn’t use any means just now, the other party and him without a divine sense collapse are already at the top level, you know that even if there are eighth-order or even ninth-level existences, there are few who can look at him directly.

“No need to worry, I won’t wait, I just want you to make a choice.”

The man slowly spoke, his voice was calm, without the slightest threat, and for a while, Su Tian’s nervous mood finally got some relief.

“What an option.”

“Do you know how talented you are at this time? To make an analogy, at this moment you are like a peerless beauty who has stripped naked, and next to you are a group of hungry ghosts who have been locked up for tens of thousands of years. ”

Good fellow, your metaphor is really strange.

Su Xiao hesitated, and then said slowly.


“It seems that they have already looked for you, and the hand is quite long.”

The other party smiled slowly, and did not seem to be angry but looked happy

“Let’s talk to you like this, you have two paths at this moment, the first is to continue to participate in the national youth competition, and it should be more than enough to win the first place with your strength.” But equally you will be wrapped up in countless dangers.

No one knows what the congresses will do against you, but assassination must be one of them. Your talent is too strong, and you will definitely be able to grow to the same level as me in the future, or even stronger.

Therefore, in order to contain China, the countries must take action, and you will be the target of everyone. ”

“What about the second option?”

Su Xiao’s face was not afraid but asked slowly.

“The second choice is to quit, Huaxia will do its best to cultivate you, until you reach the ninth level, you will really go out to try, after all, once you die, it will be a huge loss for the entire Huaxia.”

Hearing this, Su Yang couldn’t help but squint.

“So I’ll be limited in accepting the second option?”

“That’s true to some extent, but you’ll also get the highest level of instruction and you’ll get the most resources.”

The other party looked at Su Tian, his eyes were not shocked.

“Then I choose the first one, although the second one is better, but I still prefer unfettered days, as for resources, I think I can get it myself, thank you for the kindness of the country…”

Su Xiao said slowly, maybe the second choice is better for him, but this is not in line with his heart, nor is it in line with his enlightenment.

He tempered the Great Luo Honghuang with thousands of tribulations, and naturally he would temper himself in the same way.

Only in the continuous battle can we become more powerful, and only in this way can we truly achieve the ultimate Dao.

Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, it is just a word of war for him.

For a while, the figure stared at Su Tian’s eyes, as if it was testing the other party’s state of mind.

Su Xiao also did not avoid it at all, and looked directly at the other party!

That person only felt that in a corner of the future, endless years change, heaven and earth collapse and shatter, everything is about to be destroyed, and a figure stands on the earth in the midst of silence, and this person alone can fight everything!

Everything returned to nothingness, the years faded, he slowly turned back to look at the young figure in front of him, the other party’s eyes were extremely firm, as if nothing in the world could shake his will.

“In this way, it will be as you wish.”

In the midst of the Great Luo Honghuang, Di Jun stood at the top of the heavenly dome and looked at the endless years, staring directly at the immortal battlefield.

The eyes contained the majesty of the endless sun, and at this time, Fuxi on the side found that this friend’s eyes were faintly trembling.

“Terrans, gods and demons.”

Di Jun said slowly, until this moment he really understood the reason for the Mandate of Heaven.

There are two Da Luo Dao Fruits again, and the Terran is about to appear, and at this time, the pattern of Da Luo Honghuang is really about to be touched.

Of course, if only that, he wouldn’t be so gaffe, but.

Just now, an endless force seemed to descend on his body!

The Avenue is Back!

Or rather, from the gods and demons!

He had planned for gods and demons, contaminated with a lot of cause and effect, you must know that all causes and effects related to gods and demons will be blessed with supreme power, and at this moment, some gods and demons have sensed that they are being plotted by him.

There are even some gods and demons who have already begun to spy on him, and they have truly awakened!

“But the spirit of chaos that has long sunk, Hugh must be presumptuous!”

The power of the great sun of Dijun’s double pupils shook the universe, and all the heavens and all realms were instantly opened up by him!

The body of the great sun slowly rose into the air, and the entire Honghuang Da Luo began to shake slightly!

Fuxi’s complexion changed slightly, such power.

“In the beginning…”

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