Chapter 281: Divine Demons Descend to Fight Emperor Jun, the power of the beginning, the five Dao Fruits are shocked!!

The figure of Di Jun appeared above heaven and earth, and the power of the great sun followed like a shadow.

A dazzling sun rose, and for a while, the entire flood and desolate Daluo began to be enveloped by this terrifying force.

“Great Sun Authority! It’s the Heavenly Emperor!! ”

At the same time, countless demon clans sensed the changes above their heads, and they were shocked one by one.

Countless demon tribes knelt on their knees and bowed down to the only Heavenly Emperor of the demon race.

Since Di Jun established the Demon Race Heavenly Court, it can be said that the status of the Demon Race in the entire Honghuang Daluo has always been higher than the existence of the Heavenly Races!

It seems that there is already a trend of domination of the flood wilderness, and all this is inseparable from this person’s painstaking management.

Even a little bigger, without Dijun, there would be no demon clan today.

In this way, Dijun’s status among the entire demon clan can be imagined.

In the same whiskers, you all could feel the spread of this terrifying power and looked at it one after another.

Hongjun surrounded him with 3,000 clear qi, and every move was pregnant with endless Dao charms.

“Dao counter-devouring, gods and demons counter-devouring, Dijun, this time you planted it.”

The corners of his mouth smiled, as if everything had already been won.

After all, he finally introduced the other party here, thousands of years of planning, for this moment!

The heavens are devouring!

Kunlun Mountain, a red and clothed figure is extremely beautiful and Lingran, the Queen Mother of the West looks at the endless void, feeling the power of the great sun that is constantly escaping and frowning slightly.

Something is very wrong, at this point, she naturally knows that Dijun has been yin, but all this was pretended to be Nuwa’s six reincarnations.

If that’s the case.

Her eyes were cold, looking at the endless abyss, approaching the land of Hongjun.

In the demon world, Luo Yu slowly opened his eyes, and a hint of shock gradually appeared in his eyes.

Different from the changes of the great sun that the rest of the people felt, in the feeling of the pool, a vicious and familiar feeling gradually returned to the flooded world.

“Yes… No, just a few…”

Luo Yu got up and looked at the top of the heavenly firmament, at this moment, Di Jun was proud of the world, and his mighty force shook the heavens of the universe, and the terrifying aura emitted had reached the beginning of the beginning that Pangu had involved in the beginning

“Heavenly Emperor Emperor Jun.”

His eyes were solemn, he had always thought of himself as a chaos god and demon, and he had never cared much about these Pangu creations, even if some of their strength exceeded Yu Chi’s in his opinion.

But at this moment, Di Jun has reached a level that has not even been touched, and I have to say that this Demon Heavenly Emperor who has always been a demon clan is really peerless.

“However, this may not be invincible.”

He looked silently, and in his eyes, the power of the Demon Dao converged frantically, and everything around him seemed to be contaminated by the Demon Dao aura in an instant.

“In the primordial realm, Di Jun really touched this level.”

Fuxi looked at the figure that reached the great shore, he had a premonition ten thousand years ago, but because Di Jun hid it too well, he did not have the slightest perception, but at this moment he unabashedly released his power.

What can such a mighty force be besides Taichu?

Di Jun looked down at the bent heaven and earth, and the big figure behind him covered everything, and the power of the fear cloth steamed the heaven and earth.

Gradually, his gaze looked to the other side of the Endless Heavenly Firmament.

At the same time, the endless space fan collapsed and shattered, and the immeasurable years rolled in!

We have directly evolved immeasurable years!

At the same time, one figure after another gradually manifested, and various avenues accompanied by space avenues, time avenues, destruction avenues, and bloodthirsty avenues!

The void changed, and the four figures evolved above the heaven and earth, and suddenly the heaven and earth instantly solidified, and space and time froze at the same moment!

The two terrifying figures of destruction and bloodthirsty crushed the endless world, and the surrounding qi burned the heavens and the universe!


Four Devils in the Sky!

“Although we are sleeping, how dare we plan!!! with the filthy spirits of the districts?”

The sound of the avenue is pure, triggering a vision of the sky, going back in time and space, and destroying the ages!

Di Jun looked at the heavens proudly, and his eyes scanned each other indifferently.

The four gods and demons also looked straight away, and the entire flood and desolation shook at the next moment!

Standing in the midst of immeasurable years, looking at the earth-shattering changes in the flooded world, even he couldn’t help but be moved.

What a ruthless plan!

What a strong Dijun!

Such a terrifying momentum, enough four gods and demons to tear the sky and the earth, who can stop it?

This battle is a huge change for the entire demon clan, and it is even possible that Di Jun will die!

This is not impossible, after all, in the corner of countless years, the demon race has declined, and the demon race Heavenly Emperor has even fallen.

And Di Jun relied on supreme means to make the demon clan prosperous so far, naturally he would not allow everything to be ruined.

At the same time, above the thirty-three heavens, five fierce momentum rose across the sky in an instant, and the time and space that were pressed were constantly shattered, and even the immeasurable years that rushed were much sluggish!

Daluo Daoguo!!

Countless strong people were shocked!

It just feels impractical!

A whole five Da Luo Dao Fruit levels!

At the same time, Hongjun’s complexion changed abruptly, and his eyes were extremely gloomy.

“Well, it’s very good, Dijun didn’t expect you to hide such a hand.”

Five Da Luo Dao Fruits!

This kind of terrifying power can rank first in the entire flood barren world!

With such strength, the other party already has the power to destroy other forces, and if the other party is willing, it can even pull up the entire flood to accompany the burial!

However, how did he let the existence of these five people be covered up!?

Hongjun’s heart was full of anger, and at this moment he seemed to feel something, and his eyes touched slightly.


He gritted his teeth and said, the other party has reached this step!

I’m afraid that convenience is the use of the mystery of the beginning, which is why these Da Luo Daoguo can be hidden!

In this way, the other party is not deeply mired, and the plans of the two sides are equal at this moment.

“Don’t you make a move.”

Hongjun silently muttered to himself, and an illusory figure on his side slowly emerged from the void.

A pair of eyes are gray and white, giving birth to an endless aura of death.

“It’s not time yet, and besides, my dealings with you don’t seem to cover this one.”

“As long as you kill Dijun, the entire flood and desolation can be turned into a place of ruins by you, and I will help you.”

Hongjun looked at each other, and his eyes faintly revealed a hint of madness!

“What’s more, to destroy the entire flood waste, Di Jun must fall, which is a necessary link.”

“Oh, trust you.”

The Death God Demon said coldly, but he disagreed in his heart, this creature was too cunning.

Even at this moment, I still want to make a knife, you must know that if you shoot Di Jun, the probability of falling is as high as eighty percent, but at the same time, Pangu can also feel the existence of the pool.

At that time, a big battle will naturally be avoided, and the other party may plan to take this opportunity to pull himself into the water.

I have to say that this Hongjun’s plan and conspiracy are really powerful, why didn’t I notice that the gods and demons of immortals have such wisdom before?

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