Chapter 286: Blood Demon Tribe, stealing the sky for a day!!

The barren universe, located in the southeast of the known universe, covers an area of tens of trillions of miles, and it is difficult to thoroughly investigate the other party even with the current exploration methods of human beings.

In this barren universe, there are too many unknown existences, void monsters, unknown life forms, and the void shattered land.

Each place has the potential to easily kill seventh-order creatures.

In the barrenness, a stream of light flickered, and the speed exceeded the speed of light, and in an instant, it crossed countless universes and landed on a huge void plate.

Su Xiao glanced around and sensed that there was no dangerous aura behind him, so he changed his breath slightly, and then looked at this huge barren continent.

His position at the moment is extremely remote from the barren universe, but he has reached the territory of the Void Monster World, according to the information given before, this should be, the Blood Demon World.

Void monsters are divided into many kinds, some are terrifying, swallowing countless planets with their hands, and some are even able to transform themselves into human forms, and their strength is also the most terrifying.

There are also some who are no different from ordinary people, just like this blood demon world, all creatures live on blood, and even cultivation relies on endless blood to improve strength.

He walked too quickly, coupled with the lack of accurate navigation, he actually walked to the world of the Void Monster.

Su Yang looked around, and then the power of the avenue slowly hovered around him, and then his breath became violent and cold.

The aura of the Demon Dao hovered above the surrounding body, exuding a powerful aura.

“Serum! You will surely die today! ”

“You’re just a mid-level of the seventh order, and you dare to say that the tribe is simply looking for death!”

“After killing you, all your family members go back to accompany you! But my wife and children’s family can help you caress. ”

The sneer hit, and the three blood-red figures exuded terrifying energy fluctuations, and the scarlet bloody aura was disgusting.

At this moment, the three of them were chasing and killing another creature, the other party’s body was tattered, and his chest was directly pierced!

The blood on all of his body was completely drained, and the human being was afraid that he would have died long ago, but the other party still had the strength to flee in all directions.

“Blood Spirit Demon Clan.”

Su Yang looked at the breath they emitted and whispered.

The Blood Demon Spirit Clan is a creature of the Blood Demon World, feeding on blood, extremely brutal, and has launched many attacks on the human territory, causing countless wars.

Even at this moment, a series of frictions are generated from time to time.

According to rumors, the strength of the other party is also not to be underestimated, and there are many ninth-order existences within the clan, and there are countless ninth-order creatures.

But I think it is also, otherwise if the other party’s strength was weak, it would have been directly exterminated by humans long ago.

At this time, the three blood demon spirit clans that were pursuing them exerted their divine energy one after another, and instantly spread out one after another with a vicious momentum!


Huge flesh wings grew out from behind them, their bodies also increased by several feet, and sharp fangs seeped out, but after a while, they turned into a hideous monster!

This is their essence: then the Blood Spirit Demon Clan called the serum element also showed this posture, but he could not fight against the three with his own strength, not to mention that the strength of the other party was far better than him!

Finally, under several attacks, Qing Yuan’s body was directly shredded by them!

The whole person’s body was twisted into a twisted form, and every drop of blood was devoured by them.

Su Xiao looked at this scene lightly, his mind constantly running.

With his current identity, he is very sensitive, even if he escapes here, he may not be safe.

If that’s the case, maybe he can try to pretend to be a blood spirit demon clan, so it may be much better.

At this moment, those three Blood Spirit Demons completely swallowed the flesh of the Blood Spirit Yuan, and absorbing all the blood qi of a seventh-order creature was a big improvement for him.

Suddenly, the head monster seemed to notice something, and then his eyes turned into pitch black, and he looked forward deadly.

The two on the side of the simple dress also did not dare to rush at all.

At this time, a figure slowly walked out, looking at several figures on the side

“You’re from that clan! Sign up! ”

The other party looked at Su Yang with a fierce face, but after sensing the breath on the other party’s body, he was relieved a little.

The other party has a strong demonic qi, and it seems that it should be other void monsters.

Some of the Void monsters kill each other, and some are allied with each other.

At this time, the void monster evolved by Su Yang was an unknown breath, they did not know it, and they did not dare to act rashly for a while.

“Tribal. Which tribe are you from? ”

Suzhou looked at several people, the momentum around him dissipated, and the other party also relaxed his vigilance a little when he saw this.

“I’m the Blood Sky Tribe, and the Venerable is the Blood Sky War God, I don’t know which race you are?”

The other party said slowly, when talking about the Blood Sky God of War, his eyes were extremely reverent, and the other two were the same.

It seems that which Blood Sky God of War seems to be the leader of the other party.

“By the way, you haven’t said which clan you belong to.”

The other party looked at Su Yang suspiciously, but Su Yang smiled lightly and then said slowly: “Of course I killed your clan!” ”


The space shook, and Su Yang suddenly appeared in front of him, bombarding out with a punch!

The power of the fear cloth is crazy catharsis!

The other party’s body was directly torn apart, blood was scattered on the ground, and even the divine soul was completely annihilated under this blow!


The other two looked shocked and obviously did not expect Su Yang to come up with such a killer!

“Stop calling, let’s go with him.”

Su Yang clenched his fist with one hand, and in an instant, the sky shook, and it seemed that the entire Tianyu was held in his hand!

Under the terrified eyes of both sides, a fist mark sealed their retreat!

Like a flat thunder, the two remnants were thrown out, the body drive was torn apart by the beating, and the spirit was completely annihilated.

Then Su Yang completely erased their traces with the Devouring Avenue.

Then slowly came to the side of the long-dead serum yuan, the Avenue of Wisdom and the Avenue of Destiny were running.

However, after a while, he got some memories of the other party, but most of them were fragments and incomplete.

But in his opinion, it was enough.

Su Tian’s body shape changed, and he turned into the appearance of a seroyuan, whether it was eyebrows or expression.

Then he began to manipulate the Demon Avenue and transform his breath into theirs, and this was considered complete.

The Devil’s Avenue is the origin of all Demon Dao, whether it is the Blood Demon Clan, the so-called Void Monster or others, it can be evolved from the Demon Dao.

At this time, in the Great Luo Hong Wilderness, this shocking battle was finally coming to an end.

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