Chapter 287: Suppressing the Might of the God and Demon Emperor Jun, the position of the Young Lord of Blood Demon!!

Over the immeasurable years, Di Jun alone imprisoned the gods and demons of time and space.

The power of the great sun is extremely domineering, and the chains it turns into are extremely terrifying, even the existence of gods and demons still cannot break free!

Di Jun clasped his hands together, endless power surged up, and in an instant, the figure of the great sun slowly rose into the air, and the terrifying power began to contract!

The gods and demons of time and space were slowly suppressed into the depths of the great sun, and no matter how they exerted the power of the avenue, it was difficult to compete with Dijun!

In the end, the big sun buzzed, and they were completely imprisoned in it.

The two gods and demons of destruction and killing in the distance, seeing that the situation was not good, also fled one after another.

“Hugh go!”

The five Da Luo Daoguo made a move, and in an instant, the huge formation slowly condensed up, trying to leave the other party behind.

But it was almost impossible to leave a god and demon who only wanted to escape, and the layers of formations were directly destroyed!

Di Jun looked coldly at the killing gods and demons on the side, and leaned out his giant hand.


The hideous giant hand above heaven and earth pressed down!

No matter how much the killing gods and demons struggled, they were still suppressed!

The giant hand turned into a huge flame divine mountain and suppressed it!

In a moldy time, the large underground within a radius of millions of miles sank thousands of meters, and a majestic flame sacred mountain continued to burn down.

Countless creatures looked at this scene, and only felt that their hearts were terrified to the extreme!

A whole four gods and demons, three were suppressed, and one fled!

“Heavenly Emperor Immortal!”

“Heavenly Emperor Immortal!”

“Heavenly Emperor Immortal!”

For a time, all the demon clans who witnessed this scene all looked up to the sky and roared, shaking the heavens and the earth, and such a momentum can be said to make Dijun’s power reach the extreme!

Countless demon clans raised their heads with their chests and honors.

This is the Lord of the Heavens!

Di Jun silently looked at it, the strength of the gods and demons of destruction was extremely strong, and if he wanted to escape and couldn’t keep the other party, he simply didn’t care.

What’s more, for the current strength of the other party, coupled with being injured by himself, there is no million years to recover.

And millions of years later, he has long been proud of the universe, even if the gods and demons can be killed in his eyes!

In the depths of the immeasurable years, a great figure can see this battle in full view.

He sat in the depths of the years, the avenue of strength around him was constantly running, and he had already made plans to make a move, but unfortunately the other party did not make a move.

At the top of the Purple Snow Palace, the battle between the two powerful statues is also gradually over.

This battle almost tore the entire Purple Snow Palace to pieces, and the heavens and the earth were completely wiped out in a gray and white color, and it would take at least tens of thousands of years to recover.

Hongjun stood above the void, his face was cold and gloomy, and this plan turned out to be a loss again.

It is a pity that the death gods and demons did not participate, otherwise even Di Jun would have been seriously injured, and it was impossible to suppress a few gods and demons so easily.

Thinking of this, even his eyes couldn’t help but flash a trace of longing.

At the beginning level, he had already stepped into half a step, and he thought that only Dijun was beyond his expectations, but he didn’t expect that even the Queen Mother of the West had already reached such a level!

At present, his plan is only an immortal battlefield.

At the top of Kunlun Mountain, the Queen Mother of the West is proud of the heavens and the earth in red clothes, but her eyebrows can’t help frowning.


Nuwa was very worried when she knew that she had gone to the Purple Snow Palace to fight with Hongjun.

The Queen Mother of the West stretched out her hand to stop the other party’s action of supporting herself, and her voice could be a little cold

“He stepped into the half-step Taichu, and he can reach the level of Dijun in less than ten thousand years, and I am a little worse than him after all.”

“Sister, you’re hurt!”

Nuwa walked forward and wanted to heal her injuries, but was still stopped by the Queen Mother of the West.

“I can resolve it myself, Hongjun is very weird, with your current strength, you can’t be contaminated.”

Seeing that the other party insisted, Nuwa also gave up the plan just now.

Watching the Queen Mother of the West slowly retreat, Nuwa couldn’t help but clench her palms.

“Didn’t make a move. It’s really calm. ”

Luo Yu looked at the immeasurable years, as if he was mocking the cowardice of the other party, and randomly fell silent again.

This battle is even a little touching to him, at least in ten thousand years, he will not shoot again, and he must speed up.

Today’s flood famine is really a great change in the world.

Even if it is as strong as the gods and demons, it will be suppressed, although it is impossible to kill them with Dijun’s power at this time, but this is undoubtedly a huge shame for the gods and demons.

We will one day break free, and no one knows what horrors will happen.

On the immortal battlefield, under the inscription of the avenue, one figure after another sat below and carefully observed all this.

Among the dragon clan, ‘Li Changgeng’ slowly looked around, it seems that the creatures here are not yet aware of the changes in the outside world.

Then he slowly looked into the distance, a breath slowly transmitted, and his eyes flickered.

At this time, he had already done most of the things, at least if the gods and demons were really divided, the luck of the human race would not be weakened in the slightest.

And this immortal battlefield is about to end, and he has a hunch that the real battle is finally coming.

Not only him, the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan, the Immortal and Demon Realms, and the Human Clan all had a premonition.

During this period of time, the five of them occupied this avenue and cultivated it for thousands of miles, which had already aroused the divine eyes of the heavens.

Their greed is also getting more and more exuberant, the big war will not be far away, not only their battle with the divine, who is willing to really deliver the back to each other?

The battle is getting more and more confusing.

Blood Sky Tribe.

Su Yang turned into a serum yuan and finally came here, and after this period of inquiring, he already had some general understanding of this place.

At this time, many blood demon spirit clans saw his figure, pointing one by one, as if pointing.

Su Xiao didn’t care, according to the memory of the serum yuan, the reason why the other party was hunted down and killed was only because he said something that shouldn’t be said after drinking, which angered a strong man in the other clan.

The other party did not say anything, but his subordinates naturally would not let go of this opportunity to curry favor, and this was the other party’s calamity.

Serum Yuan is a bloodline branch of the Blood Heaven Tribe, with a strength in the middle of the seventh order, and has a territory of tens of thousands of li, which is considered a medium level among the Blood Heaven Tribe.

However, his family recently encountered a major event that could not be decided, and he was sent to participate in the blood sacrifice ceremony to compete for the status of the young master of blood demons.

You must know that the strength of all the participants is extremely strong, with the strength of the serum element, there is death or life, and behind this matter is which strong person is making trouble.

He couldn’t help but say a few more words for a while, which led to the calamity of killing.

Back at this time, returning to the family compound, Su Yang already had some determination in his heart.

“Maybe the status of the Blood Demon Young Master can be tried by yourself.”

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