Chapter 288: A certain black hand Valhalla, single-handedly entered the quota!!

Huaxia high-rise.

“What do you say? All the ships are gone?! ”

The angry voice came out, shaking the entire conference room.

The person in charge of management turned pale at the moment, and cold sweat seeped out of his forehead: “For some reason, all the spaceships sent out have disappeared without a trace in the past few days. ”

“We have conducted a lot of investigations, but so far there is not the slightest clue, and the surrounding spaceways do not have the slightest energy to operate. It’s as if it disappeared out of thin air! ”

“Disappear out of thin air?!”

Hearing this, the other party was even more angry, and his forehead trembled even more, and for a while, his chest rose and fell violently and felt his qi and blood surge.

“You go down first.”

He suppressed the anger in his heart, pretended to be calm and said, and the other party hurriedly left as if he had been pardoned.

Above the first place, Lu Hongyu pressed his temple, and his eyes were bloodshot at the moment.

“Can you find out?”

He looked at the man on the side, it was he who personally sent Su Yang to the spaceship a few days ago, but he didn’t expect that all the spaceships would have no news in just a few days!

Such a change is not trivial!

“I have already conducted an investigation, and the spaceships everywhere are being hit by powerful forces in flight, and the coordinated space is completely swallowed together, and the people who shoot are extremely ruthless, and they would rather kill by mistake than let go.”

“The strength of the person who shot is beyond the ninth order, but it has not reached the level of the true god.”

“The true God has not been reached.”

Hearing this, Lu Hongyu’s eyes couldn’t help but narrow slightly, and his strength could go through the calamity if he reached the ninth order.

After crossing it, you can achieve the position of true god, and the life span can reach 10,000 years, and there is a god king after the true god, and the two levels of the god emperor are extremely strong.

As for those who cannot survive the excessive robbers, some have survived, but they have also surpassed the ninth order and are called the realm of false gods.

If it is according to the level mentioned by the other party, it is very likely that it is the work of a cultivator of the false god realm.

But all the false god levels, who live no more than five thousand years, have no chance to step into a higher level, and most of them are in a country as guest secretaries or advisors.

Small things can help at that time, but once it is related to the lives of the family, this group of people is completely unreliable.

Even if it is a spaceship that attacks Huaxia, this alone, even if the false gods of all mankind are combined, no one dares.

“In this way, there will only be three forces.”

Lu Hongyu said slowly.

The killing guards of the Heavenly Killing Pavilion, the Djinn Devourers of the Southern Desolation Secret Realm, and the Immortal Heroic Spirits of the Valhalla.

All three of these parties possess a kind of puppet-like guardian, and the killing guard is refined by the pavilion master of the Heavenly Killing Pavilion.

However, the other party belongs to the Huaxia forces and has been under their supervision, so it is impossible to have a chance to make a move.

Then there is the giant spirit of the Southern Desolation Secret Realm devouring, once the other party appears, the entire star field will be shaken and the planets will be directly swallowed by the other party.

Extremely flamboyant and the most recognizable one.

But this time, the striker was extremely fast, only killing all the spacecraft, and the surrounding planets and stars were not much annihilated.

Therefore, it can also be denied.

In this way…


Lu Hongyu’s eyes were solemn, the Valhalla has always regarded itself as a neutral force, and has never interfered in any affairs of other countries, to be honest, it is not difficult for the other party to even have a previous conviction.

However, it is thought that the Valhalla contacted Su Xiao before, so this possibility cannot be ruled out.

“The results of the investigation have appeared, the spaceship on which Suzhou was riding, all the members of the collective detachment on the way, Long Kun died, and his soul was annihilated.”

“In addition, we perceive in it that the divine breath remains, although it is weak, but the divine kingdom possessed by the one in charge of the investigation is the angelic divine kingdom, which should not be wrong.”

Listening to the reports of his subordinates, Lu Hongyu’s mind became heavier and heavier, until it was cold.

“Divine breath, in this case, it is really his Valhalla, immediately go to check the six-winged angel Valhalla, if this is true, this Battle Valhalla does not need to exist”


Bloodhers Family.

Above the family hall, there are figures one after another, separated at both ends, and the figure at the head sits quietly in it, although it is to show the slightest might, but it is like a round of sacred mountains that makes everyone can’t help but look sideways.

“Patriarch! This time the position of the Young Master of Blood Demons is a huge opportunity! If I can take its position, it will have endless benefits for my Blood Hades family! ”

“Not bad, my blood spirit immortal is strong, and his cultivation has reached the peak level of the seventh order, so he can take this responsibility!”

“My son, Blood River, talent is rampant, and before I single-handedly killed a void guard in the void space and won a spear, I will definitely be able to take the lead for my Blood Hades family!”

For a time, the strong people below spoke one after another, looking willing to work for the family’s liver and brain, but Blood Changkong knew that these people had their own ghosts.

People have one set in front and one behind another, but it’s a pity that if it weren’t for his son… How could they take advantage of this!

For a time, all parties could not argue, the noisy face was red and the neck was thick, and the terrifying momentum spread, causing the surrounding attendants to kneel on the ground.

One of the figures looked at the first blood long sky, and saw that the other party did not reply for a while, and couldn’t help but say coldly.

“The patriarch looks like this, isn’t there a candidate? It won’t be serogen! ”

As soon as these words came out, all the people who quarreled for a while slowly closed their mouths, and a mocking color appeared between their eyebrows.

“Serogen? The patriarch also slandered the people of the Blood Heaven Tribe a few months ago, and I still don’t know where to flee, and I want to get rid of this son personally for such a cowardly person! ”


The blood was long in the air, and suddenly glared angrily, and the terrifying coercion scattered in all directions, and instantly suppressed the other party to stand upright.

Seeing that the other party was angry, an old figure slowly walked out.

The terrifying coercion dissipated instantly, and the people who came here, even if the blood was long, couldn’t help but be slightly angry.

“Why does the Great Elder want to bully my son?”

“The second elder’s words are too aggressive, which is really wrong, but I also want to ask, who does this candidate patriarch plan to send?”

Although the other party’s words seemed to be reprimanding the second elder, they retreated and approached the point.

Obviously intending to let Blood Changkong make a decision directly!


Blood Changkong looked at several people, and for a time he only felt tired mentally and physically, and couldn’t help but slowly put down his palm, like an old man.

“I want this place.”

At this moment, a voice was directly transmitted, everyone looked sideways, and a blood-robed figure slowly stepped into it, and his appearance was even more handsome, and the other party walked slowly and came from a side of the temperament, and everyone who looked at it changed slightly.


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