Chapter 294: Pangu is reborn, Hongjun is furious, three thousand Dao Lotus!!

Luo Yu looked at the fairy god and demon as if he wanted to know the reason for all this.

With his understanding of the fairy gods and demons, the other party will indeed do this, but there is one thing that the fairy gods and demons will not do.

That is, with his current strength, once he comes out of the immortal battlefield, he must be the first to be suppressed, in this case, there must be other beings behind the other party, and it is very likely to be a god and demon!

As for Hongjun, it is simply impossible!

Hongjun is just a wisp of obsession in the pool, which is the root of all immortals, although it cannot be shown at this time, but there will be disputes about the immortal path in the later stage!

At that time, the inheritors of the world will believe in Hongjun who opens up the immortal path, or believe in the origin of all immortals!

This is a contested question!

There must be no solution!

However, just as Luo Yu was thinking about who was manipulating everything behind his back, it was only suddenly, an extremely terrifying aura slowly penetrated out.

“So it’s you.”

The corners of Luo’s throat slowly cracked, if it weren’t for the other party personally looking for the door, I’m afraid even he would be a little unbelievable.

It turned out that he was planning everything, which was both reasonable and unexpected.

The rolling demon flame rose, and the heaven and earth turned into black and white, and together they all began to wither, disappear, and disappear.

It seems to follow the end of everything.

Return to the ruin is also death!

The death god and demon came to his side, sat in front of each other, and looked at each other, each with his own thoughts.

“Speaking of which, this is our first communication, and I had plans to communicate with you in the chaos, but unfortunately you did not come forward at that time.”

The Death God and Demon looked at Luo Yu, as if he was talking about the old days with his old friend Xu, looking casual.

“Oh, at that time, how do I remember that it seems that you can’t check Pangu so you came to find me.”

Luo Yu said with a faint smile, there was no demonic aura around him, and the two were like the weakest mortals, talking to each other about the past.

Whether it is death or Luo Yu, they all know that there is not the slightest conflict of interest between them, and there are even many common merits. The two were silent for a long time, and finally Luo throat spoke.

“So, you mean, let me shoot?”

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Luo Yu looked at the god of death and demon with a playful face, as if asking, why?

After all, everything in the pool is done at will, this is the pool, the abyss of the demon path, Luo Yu.

If it can be predicted, it is not.

“I didn’t say I wanted you to make a move, but think about what it would be like if one day all the gods and demons appeared in this world?”

The death god and demon did not explain but asked rhetorically, and then the figure slowly dissipated into the void.

Everything returns to nothingness, to ruins.

Mosuo in his hand, Luo Yu drank the wine, and his eyes once again released the charm of the chaos demon king in the chaos.

“So, maybe it will be interesting.”


Hongjun roared, shaking the heavens and the universe, the Purple Sky Palace was shocked, and the newly healed heavenly dome above the heavenly bend was torn apart again in an instant!

At this moment, he didn’t know that he was completely put on a side!

Not because of Dijun, nor because of the Queen Mother of the West!

Not even more Luo throat!

It is because of the death of this long-term ally that he has always regarded as a long-time ally!

From his understanding, he has promised to give the other party huge benefits, turning the future flood into ruins, such a huge sacrifice, the other party cannot refuse!

But why.

Why so!

And what does this gain for him!?

Immeasurable years, Wild stood in it, and at this time, he stood side by side with the Eastern Emperor, standing on the other side of the years together.

“The demon clan will change greatly.”

Ara said slowly, looking at the Eastern Emperor on the side.

“I know that I will be alone and will not put the Terrans in danger again.”

Although the Terran race has gradually become stronger at this time, such a huge change, even the demon race will have the worry of overturning, let alone the human race.

Ara looked at each other.

“Did you realize something was wrong?” I mean, I’ll help you then. ”


The Eastern Emperor looked at the other party, but he did not expect that the other party would make such a decision!

“The Terran can’t help you, just because it’s beyond my power, I can’t decide the entire Terran, and I can’t decide, but I’m desolate, but I will never let my friends go alone!”

The sound was loud, stirring up ripples in time and space.

“What’s more, it is said that the power of gods and demons passes through the heavens and the earth, I want to touch it, is it really invincible to gods and demons!”


Pangu slowly opened his eyes, his eyes looked at the position of Da Luo Honghuang, and then looked at the vast and endless nothingness.

Finally, everything is about to start again, and the recovery of gods and demons may be his handiwork.

All this also seems too weird.

Gods and demons are alive, three thousand Dao lotuses, and… That touch of white.

If this is the case, I am afraid that another great calamity will rise again, different from the previous calamity, this time is the real catastrophe of gods and demons, and even this catastrophe is far more than the original battle in the chaos.

Su Yang looked at his big Luo Honghuang with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yes, that’s it, rising in chaos and breaking through the cage in the midst of desolation is the only way to melt into the greatest Da Luo, he has a hunch that after the real god and demon calamity, it will cause endless qualitative changes!

This is not in vain that he reshaped the power of the sixth order into the three thousand Dao Lotus! Don’t let him manipulate everything behind his back, this world will be more gorgeous!

His divine consciousness slowly returned, and then returned to the essence.

“Young master, you have arrived in the Imperial City.”

A fragrant breeze hit.

A soft voice came, and a coquettish figure slowly walked into the car and whispered in Su Tian’s ear.

Su Yang frowned slightly, and the next moment he got up, pinched the white jade neck of the opposite gang with one hand, pressed the other party in a corner, and his eyes were cold.

“I’ll say again, next time you come in, just send the sound directly.”

The other party was strangled by the neck, the flower face was discolored, and the body was constantly shaking.

In her perception, it seemed like an iron tong, pinched above her neck, as if it would be twisted in the next moment.

“Know. Got it. ”

When she returned to Yan Yin, she only felt that her hands and feet were cold, and she did not dare to look at the other party again.

Obviously, he was originally indulging in lust, and even Kai Ship’s own body more than once, but why did he send the other party so much?

Without waiting for her to think, she glimpsed Su Tian’s cold eyes, and couldn’t help but give a cold forehead, and then bowed her head.

“Young master, the patriarch has said before that we need to pay a visit to the Dry Blood God Venerable, but I don’t know that the so-called Dry Blood God Venerable is the Taishang Elder of the Blood Hades family, and it is said that the other party’s strength has already surpassed the ninth order and reached the True God level.”

“Naturally you want to go, let’s go.”

Su Xiao glanced at the other party, although the other party was extremely beautiful, it was a pity that he did not have any interest, and he was naturally insightful about the other party’s careful thinking.

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