Chapter 295: Divine Kingdom Race, Extremely Beautiful Girl, God Venerable Arrival!!

The other party’s name is Blood Gentle, and his body is completely natural, and he is also the third genius after the Blood Spirit Immortal and the Blood River in the entire Blood Hades family.

This time he followed him to participate in the competition for the demon son, which was specially arranged by Blood Changkong by his side.

Of course, the other party is the father of the seroyuan after all, and it is unlikely that he will be monitored, but he has the intention of winning over the family forces.

After all, his strong return is endlessly variable for the entire Blood Hades family.

Especially when he defeated the Blood Spirit Immortal and the Blood River in public, the prestige he created was almost invincible, and it can be said that the position of the lord of this family will definitely not fall to his family in the future.

Of course, Su Yang did not dislike the other party too much, but because when he was practicing, he might have flaws, although such flaws were subtle.

Looking at the frightened gaze on the side, he slowly waved his hand to signal the other party to come over.

Although the blood on the side was scared when he saw this, he still came over, and he could even feel the other party’s delicate drive trembling lightly.

Putting his hand on the other person’s shoulder, the other party’s body suddenly tensed and extremely nervous.

But in the next moment, the blood was gentle and felt an extremely thick divine power pouring into the body!

There was a crackling sound among the limbs, and the slight pain was followed by an indescribable comfort.

As Su Yang slowly let go of his palm, the other party seemed to be a little unfinished, and the eyes looking at Su Yang also improved a lot.

At least not as fearful as before.

“Operate your divine power through the meridians of your limbs.”

Su Yang said coldly.

The other party immediately began to operate according to what Su Yang said, obedient like a fledgling.

Immediately, the blood gently discovered something different, and his heaven and earth chains actually began to loosen more than once!

After the strength reaches the seventh order, it will be imprisoned by the chains of heaven and earth, and it is divided into seventy-two earthly calamities, which lock the flesh body; Then there are many humanoid races among the Tiangang Thirty-Six Heavenly Lock Divine Kingdom Void Monsters, which are also like blood demons, and also have the Kingdom of God, but the other party’s God Kingdom is different from the Human Race, it is a world without any living beings.

Their ascension is only to enhance the world, and it does not need to be the birth of creatures in the world.

As for the other demon races, most of them have no divine kingdom and are extremely strange races.

However, a race with a divine kingdom like the Blood Demon Clan is still relatively rare among all the Void Monsters.

And at this moment, feeling the gentle blood of his seventy-two chains loosening, an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

You know, she only broke free of thirty chains in total, divided for nearly a hundred years, and the remaining forty-two chains could not touch the slightest at all!

Even she thought that she would not be able to break free within a hundred years, but she did not expect that Su Xiao would be so easy to directly touch the chains that she could not shake!

If this is the case, then for all cultivators, Su Yang is the object of friendship from all sides!

It is conceivable that the other party will inevitably become a top powerhouse in the future!

Thinking of this, even she couldn’t help but feel beautiful ripples, if she could turn the other party into her own man…


At this time, the car had already reached its destination, Su Xiao frowned and glanced at the blood on the side, and then turned to leave.

Only then did the other party react and hurriedly follow behind Su Tian.

She has confidence in her body, her appearance is also one of a million, and she is known as the first beauty of the Blood Hades family, she must grasp Su Yang well, otherwise the women that the other party will contact in the future will inevitably be in high positions, and she will have no advantage.

“Qianyuan Mountain Villa.”

Su Yang looked at the huge plaque and couldn’t help but make a sound.

It is said to be a mountain villa, but it covers an area of hundreds of thousands of miles, and the entire mountain villa has thirty-two peaks, each of which is as high as ten thousand zhang!

There is not the slightest smell of blood stain here, or even the opposite, all around are carved of gold and jade, all showing wealth and magnificence.

Moreover, the degree of heaven and earth divine aura here is far from comparable to other places, and it is dozens of times stronger than the divine aura of the Blood Hades family!

Moreover, Su Yang could also feel that there were still many formations around, most of which were from the hands of everyone in the formation, and there were thirty-two formations!

Every mountain exists!

What a big deal!

You must know that this is only the other party’s manor, not a real mansion, but even then even the Demon Capital Academy is only barely on par with it.

In this way, you can imagine how terrifying this void monster is, but fortunately, there are many contradictions in different races of void monsters, otherwise if the other party is united, the human race will have no future at all!

At this time, the two figures slowly stepped forward, wearing blood-colored robes, showing pride between their eyebrows, and their eyes looked at Su Xiao and the blood gentle who came over, extremely disdainful.

“Heh, it’s really a cat and a dog that dare to come here.”

“Also, the barbarian who came from nowhere, just smelled a rude breath and sneered, and the blood on the side couldn’t help frowning slightly when he heard the words, and his face was a little cold.”

Su Yang glanced at each other, and the next moment two forces instantly bombarded their faces!

The sound of bones shattering sounded, and the other party smashed on the ground like a straw, his face was covered with blood, and his jaw was completely shattered.

The two looked at Su Yang in horror, but they didn’t expect the strength of the other party to be so terrifying, and they didn’t dare to fight back for a while.

Ganggang Gang’s blow could not be dodged at all, and it directly acted on their faces, without hurting the foundation, but the pain of skin and flesh was unavoidable, and it would even be difficult to heal for a while!


Su Yang said coldly, and then glanced at the blood softly on the side.

“Let’s go.”

Blood Gentle slowly followed, and until this moment, her heart was still trembling, for fear that Su Xiao’s doing this would cause the dissatisfaction of the Dry Blood God Venerable.

“It’s really okay for us to do this. After all, this is someone else’s territory, she said majestically that if she said that she had her own arrogance and reservedness in the Blood Hades family, but at the moment, under the fence, she could never be as casual as Su Yang. ”

“So what, you have to let others deceive you?”

Su Xiao said slowly, in fact, there was another point he didn’t say, just now he felt another hidden breath.

I am afraid that the two of them are deliberately tempted by the Dry Blood God Venerable.

It’s a test, but it’s just his inference, and the answer will be to be given in a moment.

After hearing Su Tian’s words, the blood couldn’t help but feel a little steady, for some reason, it seemed that as long as it was on the other party’s side, even if the sky fell, the other party could resist it with all his might.

The two followed the guidance of the next person and came to a large hall, and at this moment, an incomparably cold sense of stuffiness surged in!

“Such a mighty style, even my people here dare to move casually, you are very bold!”

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