Chapter 296 Engraves the Rules of Heaven and Earth, the whole world is amazed, refining supreme soldiers!!

The sound of deep shouts echoed, mixed with the breathtaking spiritual will!

It is like countless Da Lu Hongbells reverberating through the heavens and the earth, seemingly containing endless majesty!

Su Tian’s eyes were calm and unfazed, looking directly at the figure, his tone was not humble or arrogant.

“What a dare! Dare to meet the honor and do not worship! ”

The surrounding disciples couldn’t help but shout angrily when they saw this, but the Dry Blood God Venerable on the side waved his hand to stop it.

“No problem, this seat really appreciates your proud bones.”

Su Xiao became unfazed and then slowly handed the space storage bracelet in his hand to the attendant on the side.

“This is something given to the seniors by the Blood Hades family, and I hope the seniors will accept it.”

The other party slowly presented it, and the Dry Blood God Venerable looked at the storage bracelet in front of him, and after a simple sweep of his divine sense, he couldn’t help but have a look of satisfaction.

This contains a lot of resources, which shows that the Blood Hades family is extremely attentive this time, and it can be regarded as a major hemorrhage.

Then he looked at Su Yang on the side again.

“I didn’t expect Brother Changkong to be so eager, so I accepted it.”

Then the Dry Blood God Venerable looked at the blood softly on the side, and then said coldly.

“You and retreat, Qingyuan you and step forward.”

The blood on the side gently retreated, and such a frightened appearance was simply two extremes compared to Su Tian.

Su Yang slowly walked to the other party’s side and bowed down.

The Blood God Venerable on the side looked at Su Yang with admiration, so not humble or arrogant, but he did not expect that the Blood Hades family would produce such a genius today.

His eyes thought for a moment, and then he slowly reached out his palm.

Su Yang looked at the other party’s palm, and saw a blood-red pill condensed out.

“God… This is…”

“This thing is called the Heavenly Spirit Blood Pill, if the main seat is not mistaken, your strength has reached the middle of the seventh order, and you can break through the peak as soon as possible by taking it.”

The Dry Blood God Venerable looked at Su Xiao and said slowly.

“So, thank you senior.”

Su Xiao took the pill, but did not test it and took it directly, in his opinion, if the other party has bad intentions for him, why should he be so troublesome.

Seeing Su Xiao so painfully obeyed, the smile on the face of the Dry Blood God Venerable became even greater, and the color of appreciation became more and more intense.

“Remembering that you and Honza were once in the same family, how about Honza wanting to accept you as a disciple?”

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding guards couldn’t help but be stunned, especially the one on the other side’s side looked even more incredulous.

You must know that they may not be able to be accepted as disciples by the gods for decades or even a hundred years after worshipping the Qianblood Mountain Villa, and they will be so easy to do with Gang.

But to everyone’s side, Su Yang did not have the slightest joy.

“Senior, I have already worshipped the teacher in the next place, and I will not worship the teacher again until my cultivation has not exceeded the master.”

He even dared to refuse!

Everyone was even more shocked when they heard this, knowing that this status is a giant even in the Imperial City, it is a great honor to accept such a strong person!

And the other side turned out to be so.

The Dry Blood God Venerable did not have the slightest irritation, but took a serious look at Su Tian, and then laughed repeatedly.

“Very good, very good! The moon will take her to get a soldier, and in three days you can go to the Blood Sky Lake, where many demon contenders are among them, so you can test it. ”

It can be seen that the other party is very happy, and after saying this, it is convenient to signal everyone to retreat.

The attendants on the side slowly saluted, and Su Yang also saluted when he saw this, and then followed the moon and left.

All of Su Tian’s actions were taken into the eyes of the Dry Blood God Venerable, and he was very satisfied.

Pampering is not alarming, and not being chaotic in danger is definitely a good seedling, he is not mistaken!

He had already received the news that the serum yuan defeated two seventh-order peaks with one blow on his own, although it was only the ants in the remote area, but there were still many merits.

It can be regarded as a good genius, since this is the case, naturally he wants to take it for his own use, but I never thought that the other party was so proud and unwilling to be unwilling to others.

Then he looked to the side, seemed to notice that the person on the side was slightly unconvinced, and then said slowly,

“Why not convinced?”

“Disciples don’t dare.”

The other party hurriedly answered.

“Hmph, the eyes are high, naturally I don’t know the mystery of this son, the main seat recognizes ten thousand years, it is a dragon or a worm can be known at a glance.”

The next sentence, loud and sounding, contained supreme majesty, and everyone on the side of the person who heard it knelt down and said yes, no longer daring to have the slightest unwillingness.

Looking around at the Blood God Venerable, he slowly turned around and left, in fact, there was another sentence he did not mention, the more this son was so, the more satisfied he was.

Su Yang looked at the dark moon on the side, thinking that the other party was just a simple attendant, and never thought that the other party seemed to have a great origin.

At least the squires are not qualified to enter the treasure house to select soldiers.

“What kind of weapon do you use?”

The cold voice was transmitted, and Su Xiao carefully turned to the other party.

The other party was dressed in a thick blood robe, wrapping the whole person’s body extremely tightly, but his face was cold and extraordinary, seemingly not turning into an iceberg, which was daunting.

“Take care of your eyes, or mind taking them off for you.”

It seemed that he noticed Su Tian’s gaze, and the temperament around the dark moon became more and more cold, and a chill appeared on his cold face.

“Don’t dare, don’t dare.”

Su Yang hurriedly and slowly withdrew to salute, seeing this, the other party snorted coldly, and then entered the treasure house, but after a while, he took a pair of fists out.

Throw it to Su Yang casually and say coldly.

“This thing is, the Blood Underworld Fist Set, is a heavenly soldier, containing 800,000 heaven and earth rules, which can weigh 80 million jin after thorough stimulation, and will be handed over to your use of the world’s soldiers, divided into three columns: heaven, earth, and people, with the highest heavenly quality and the lowest character.”

All soldiers are engraved with the rules of heaven and earth, which can greatly increase the compatibility with the rules of heaven and earth, and make the attacks they urge more powerful and fierce.

Su Yang took the fist sleeve thrown by the other party and carefully perceived it.

The Heavenly Soldier is still carefully divided, which is divided into millions, tens of millions, and the highest destruction level.

The rules of heaven and earth inside this boxing set reached 800,000, which was barely a million-level level, and it was probably the lowest level among the heavenly products.

“Senior sister, is this thing too low…”

Su Yang couldn’t help but say, among the Heavenly Grade Soldiers, this thing is afraid that it will not enter the flow at all, it should be a waste product when refining Heavenly Grade Soldiers.

“Hmph, don’t know your friends, how rare are the Tianpin soldiers? It’s good not to give you a land product. ”

Hazuki said coldly, seemingly a little displeased.

But Su Xiao did not eat a set, but looked at the other party’s body, and a curve appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Could it be that Senior Sister took the good things privately, but she threw this rag to me?”

When the words fell, Su Tian’s figure surged in an instant, directly pressing one hand to the other party’s shoulder, extremely fast!

Such a shock, even the Nether Moon on the side couldn’t help but be slightly startled, and only felt a cold wind hitting his body!

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