Chapter 297: Stepping through the heavenly dome in one step, everyone was shocked and lost their minds!!

Hades Yueqiao’s face was cold, and she quickly made a move, but she underestimated Su Tian’s speed, and in an instant, the long sword above her waist fell into the opponent’s hands.

“Senior sister really still has good things.”

Su Xiao smiled slightly, slowly pulled out his long sword, and then frowned slightly.

500,000 rules of heaven and earth.

It turned out to be just the level of land products.

“Bring it!”

The sound of cold drinks came.

The dark moon slapped his palm forward, and in an instant, the terrifying power poured out, making Su Yang can’t help but move slightly.

Take back the long sword in your hand.

A hint of anger and shame appeared on Hazuki’s face, the other party had just entered her robe, but he was not honest at all.


Su Xiao also narrowed his eyes and looked at her.

Mid-eighth order, very strong!

However, there was one thing that surprised Su Xiao a little, he thought that the other party would take the opportunity to give himself a defective product, but after seeing the soldier, he was a little surprised.

Then it was time to put on the Blood Hades fist.

In an instant, a powerful momentum gripped his body.

With the continuous injection of divine power, the gloves became heavier and heavier, until the 800,000 rules were completely activated, and the space around the body was constantly shaking and buzzing.

At this moment, he only felt that his fists contained endless mighty power, and if this punch was swung out, even if it was an eighth rank, he would be able to fight with it!

Put the fist cover back into the storage space, and Su Yang will slowly leave.

In this comparison, the soldiers that the Blood Spirit Immortal and Blood River used at any time to fight against him were only at the level of earth products, containing only 300,000 rules of heaven and earth, so thinking about it, I am afraid that Hades Moon specially found a good one for him.

For a while, he couldn’t help but feel a trace of favor for this cold senior sister Su Tian.

Then he returned to the room arranged by the Blood God Venerable, and at this time, Blood Gentle had been waiting on the side for a long time.

Seeing Su Yang returning, he immediately greeted him.

“Qingyuan, it’s not a big deal.”

She asked with concern, a pair of beautiful eyes constantly looked at the other party’s body, since Su Yang sheltered her at the gate of the villa, the other party’s indomitable figure was completely imprinted in her impression, lingering.

“Nothing, follow me to Heavenly Blood Lake in three days.”

Sky Blood Lake.

Heavenly Blood Lake, located in the middle of the imperial city, the entire imperial city covers an area of 30 million li, and Tianblood Lake occupies 3 million li alone!

Occupying one-tenth of the entire imperial city, it is extremely spectacular, surrounded by carved pavilions, which are extremely luxurious.

The whole lake is blood-red, but there is not the slightest bloody breath, but it has a variety of refreshing fragrances, which is pleasant, just a breath, it is much more than a day of cultivation in the outside world!

According to legend, this heavenly blood lake is a big man who the blood demon family thinks is thorough to the sky, and a major means to capture it across endless time and space, with this thing, even if there is no blood, it can be for the blood demon family, multiplying for millions of years.

Above the lake is a huge pavilion, all made of holy jade, containing endless divine energy and extremely prosperous luxury.

Above the pavilion, there are enough powerful momentum to be displayed, which makes people afraid that Su Yang and his party came to the riverside, their eyes jumped to the heart of the lake, and they knew that many people who participated in the battle for the devil at this moment were among them.

And just then a sneer came, and the blood on Su Tian’s side glared softly and angrily.

The momentum around the body burst out instantly.

“Tsk, it’s still a vigorous one, it just so happens that Xiaoye has not played this kind of yet.”

In the distance, a man dressed in a luxurious robe walked slowly, and his eyes looked around unabashedly on the soft body of blood, very lewd.

“Find death!”

The blood was soft and coquettish, and the strength of the late seventh order burst out, and with the help of Su Tian, she had broken free of more than half of her seventy-two chains, and her strength had improved greatly!

“Heh, just this little power, dare to come out?”

The man sneered and pointed out.

Suddenly, he saw that the blood qi was filled, and a pair of huge palms appeared out of thin air.

However, just as he wanted to take the next step, a powerful fist mark came towards him!


He flew out directly, and his chest was directly penetrated, and he smashed into the lake.

For a while, the surrounding people all looked shocked, obviously did not expect that this fist mark was so terrifying, and even the flesh was completely shattered when it fell with a blow!

Everyone left one after another, for fear of being affected.

“Such a little strength also learns to rob people’s daughters?”

Su Yang looked at each other coldly, and his tone was not shocked.

“You’re too reckless.”

At this moment, a familiar cold voice came again.

Su Xiao was not surprised, and looked at the dark moon on one side.

“My people are bullied, at least I can’t go unmoved.”

Hazuki’s face was cold, and then he said slowly.

“Don’t forget why you’re here, there are many big people watching here today.”

Su Yang nodded, then looked at the heart of the lake, and then ordered the blood on the side to wait softly on the side, and he stepped out in one step, directly to the lake.

Seeing this, Hazuki frowned slightly, but did not make a sound.

“Look! Someone wants to cross the Heavenly Blood Lake! ”

There was a seventh-order powerhouse who couldn’t help but speak, and when he heard this, many creatures were all pale and hurriedly looked at it.

You must know that the Heavenly Blood Lake is not an ordinary lakeside, and the closer it is to the center of the lake, it will withstand the extremely terrifying suppression of heaven and earth!

Moreover, once it exceeds thirty steps, it will be suppressed by hundreds of times space, and gravity can almost squeeze the flesh of an eighth-order powerhouse into the size of a grain of rice!

It can be said that there are only two kinds of people who dare to cross the Heavenly Blood Lake, the first is absolute confidence in their own strength; The second is a person who is extremely arrogant and does not know whether to live or die.

I just don’t know what kind of person this person who wants to cross the Heavenly Blood Lake is?

I saw Su Tian’s figure come to the surface of the lake, step out in one step, and in an instant, the figure was 100,000 miles away!


Like a shocking thunder explosion in the sky, countless creatures looked at the scene in front of them in shock, and they didn’t know what to do.

The first step is to cross 100,000 miles!


Definitely a demon!

“Such a powerful courage, I don’t know which family’s young master has such strength!”

You must know that every step out will bear ten times the pressure of superimposed fear cloth!

But this is nothing to Su Tian.

Step 2!


The void shook, and the entire center of the lake began to collapse, setting off a wave of blood!

The horror actually shook out, and countless people looked at this scene in shock, only feeling cardiac arrest.

“Five hundred thousand li!”

The voice of the forehead trembling was extremely vicious, and for a while, everyone looked at the figure like a wooden man.

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