Chapter 299: A Magnificent Move, Supreme Treasure, Divine Martial Majesty!!

The terrifying momentum converged on Su Tian’s legs, and the whole heaven and earth boiled at this moment!

The next moment Su Yang lifted his legs and went up!

Boom boom!!!

Mildew time, countless strong people looked away, only to see the sky bent open, blood-colored thunder appeared!

The deep Blood Sky Lake below set off 100,000 waves, and even the bottom of the lake was displayed!

“What a terrifying might! Such an imposing momentum, it can be called invincible! ”

“This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a vision, and even the vision displayed by the wet void is afraid that it is not enough!”

Su Tian’s eyes were silent, and his whole body was full of energy, even if the entire heavenly dome collapsed on his shoulders, he could still take this step!


The void collapsed, and suddenly a figure appeared at the top of the building ~ pavilion!

Boom boom!!!

In an instant, countless people’s blood rushed up, almost frantically watching this scene!

Did it!

Four steps to climb the tower, such a terrifying record, can be called the first in history!

The corners of Hazuki’s mouth couldn’t help but tremble, and you can imagine how shocked she was in her heart at the moment.

Immediately reacted, that is, you can pass the book Blood God Venerable!

At this moment, everyone outside the center of the lake is almost crazy, and the reputation of the serum yuan spreads instantly!

From an unknown person, he became one of the hottest people in the entire imperial city almost instantly!

“It actually did.”

Inside the pavilion, a group of Tianjiao looked at the figure not far away, and they were all a little shocked and speechless for a while.

Yan poured a pair of beautiful eyes ripples, lightly moved the lotus step, and walked straight to Su Tian’s side, but at this moment, suddenly the entire lake began to boil!

Such an abnormality had never been seen even if she was one of the nine major families!

Not only her, but the rest of the people also frowned, and the case was guarded around.

Only the wet fingers lightly foreheaded, the jade cup in his hand has long been turned into powder, but at this moment he is just using divine power to maintain the original state.

As far as he knew, this heavenly blood lake was pulled by a mighty power from the endless void, and according to legend, it also contained a supreme treasure, which could shine in the heavens!

Originally, he didn’t believe it, after all, his five-step climb was already shocking, and it didn’t resonate with foreign treasures.

So I didn’t care anymore, but who would have thought at this moment that the other party would take four steps upstairs!

I saw the angry waves, and the next moment a blood-red battle armor like glass gushed out from the center of the lake!

Instantly exuded endless divine power, shocking countless people.

“This thing…”

Yan Qingyan is not a person who does not know the goods, and he instantly found the origin of this battle armor in his mind.

Weeping Blood God Armor!

According to rumors, there was a blood demon war god, whose strength was earth-shattering, when the opponent’s strength was extremely strong, and the defeated imperial city was invincible, and finally wanted to move the entire Blood Sky Lake.

However, in the end, he tried his best to still not touch the slightest, and even caused his battle armor to be knocked down here, and he has not appeared since.

You must know that the Blood Demon God of War back then was one of the strongest of an era!

The strength has long exceeded the ninth level!

How simple is what he has left behind!

At this time, countless strong people had greed in their eyes, and then they were racing to make a move.

It’s a pity that no matter how they exert their spirits, the battle armor is still majestic, and some even plan to directly grab it by brute force, but they were shot down by the war armor in the lake!

“So fierce.”

Hundreds of strong people could not collect each other, such a scene was extremely shocking, even Su Yang couldn’t help but smack his lips.

However, no one expected that in the next moment, the weeping blood armor turned into a red light and instantly disappeared into Su Tian’s body!

Immediately weeping blood armor wrapped the whole body, tightly seamed, between the whiskers, Su Yang is the incarnation of an immortal war god, mighty and extraordinary!

It looks like the God of War is here, just the momentum it exudes is heart-shaking!

“It’s a treasure.”

Su Xiao said softly, I have to say that to stimulate the battle armor, he felt that his strength had more than doubled, but the energy consumed was also extremely terrifying.

Just excitation is to consume almost one-percent of his divine energy, if it is used by ordinary seventh-order use, I am afraid that just excitation will drain the whole body artifact.

Not to mention fighting.

The battle armor slowly disappeared into the body, Su Yang slowly turned his head, Yan Qingyan smiled touchingly, and then gently gave a salute.

“Heavenly Blood Tribe, Yan Qingyan has seen Gongzi, and he will give Gongzi an answer from the previous matter.”

The other party whispered, and the fragrant wind hit, which made people can’t help but be intoxicated.

What she said was before, the dialect after the serum yuan wine, but at this time, it didn’t matter who was right and who was wrong, the important thing was that there was only the possibility of chatting between her and the other party.

What’s more, the price that needs to be paid is only the descent of a Heavenly Blood Tribe, and the loss of these geniuses who befriended a Heavenly Son is simply not too cost-effective for the Blood Heavenly Tribe.

Su Tian’s eyes narrowed, knowing that the other party was here to show favor, and then said.

“It’s just nonsense after drinking, but the original thing was a lot in Xia Meng Lang.”

“Oh yes, Young Master Xu still wanted to have a discussion with you just now, where is Young Master Xu.”

Yan Qingyan seemed to suddenly remember, and then a pair of beautiful eyes looked to the side, but after a while, he saw Xu Qingtian with an embarrassed face in the corner.

“Oh yes?”

Su Xiao followed the other party’s gaze and saw a figure in green clothes.

“I haven’t met with Young Master Xu, so why do you have to discuss something?”

Although it was an inquiry, the red light flashed and the blood armor manifested again, and the terrifying momentum was instantly released.

In the face of Su Tian’s kind inquiry, Xu Qingtian on the side looked extremely embarrassed, and cold sweat continued to seep out of his forehead.

His strength has reached the early stage of the eighth rank, and he thinks that even if he can’t defeat it, he can fight the other party no less.

But as soon as the other party’s bloody battle armor opened, the distance between the two was not more than ten zhang, and he felt an extreme terror, and he couldn’t fight at all!

Seeing this, he could only laugh embarrassedly.

“Blood Gongzi Tianzi is arrogant, he is actually a young talent, and he is just a praise of his tongue, naturally he is not as good as Gongzi.”

“Oh, but I heard that you want to avenge your brother, and it seems that you also want to maintain the prestige of the family.”


Pierced by Yan Qingyan, Xu Qingtian’s face at this time was more ugly and ugly, but he did not dare to make a move, after all, he could not win the battle at all, so he could only do it now

“The foolish brother is not strictly disciplined, and if he clashes with the blood brother, he will strictly discipline him in the future, and he hopes that the blood prince will forgive his sins.”

“No problem, I didn’t expect that such an unbearable person was the younger brother of Young Master Qingtian, it’s really tsk.”

Su Xiao didn’t say much, but everyone knew the meaning of his language.

For a time, many people hid their faces and laughed, but Xu Qingtian was embarrassed and smiled at this kind of person, he naturally did not have the slightest good feeling, if it were not for his operation, I was afraid that he would have to fight with the other party, although he did not care, but after all, it was trouble.

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