Chapter 300,000 Li Angry Sea Raging, One Proud Emperor!!

Yan Qing’s face is extremely beautiful, even in the Blood Demon Tribe, he is a rare beauty.

Such a beauty beside Su Yang shushing and asking warmth, caused many people to be jealous, but they also knew what this place was, so naturally they would not upset people.

What’s more, at this time, the serum yuan has attracted the attention of countless people, plus Yan Qingyan’s actions at this moment even a fool can see that the other party is recruiting the two serum yuan, although they are not strong, but behind Yan Qingyan is the Blood Sky Tribe!

The Blood Demon Clan, one of the nine major families, even in the Imperial City, has great rights!

Even the lineage of the nine great families has the privilege of seeing the emperor and not kneeling!

As for that emperor, he is naturally the Blood God Emperor in the Imperial City!

Except for Xu Qingtian, who was blue in the face on the side, the rest of the people were kind to him and were willing to befriend him, except for one of them, of course.

“I’ve seen it, Brother Minxu.”

Su Yang looked at the blue-robed man in front of him, arched his hands slightly, but did not bend his figure.

“Big brother of the wet void, the strength has already reached the peak level of the eighth order, although it is not as good as you climbing the tower in four steps, but it has also set a shocking move of climbing the tower in five steps, I think if you want to participate in the competition for the devil, this is a big opponent.”

Yan Qingyan did not forget to introduce on the side, and smiled playfully, which was very hooking.

“The talent is good, and it is possible to catch up with me in time.”

Wet said lightly, his tone was tepid, and he didn’t even glance at Su Tian.

Hearing this, Su Yang also slowly got up and looked at each other.

“In time, I don’t need it, I’m better at directly crossing the ranks.”


The other party became interested, and his eyes gradually became cold when he looked at Su Tian.

Su Yang looked at the other party without fear, and the momentum was not as good as a bit!

As if sensing that the atmosphere was a little bad, Yan Qingyan hurriedly rounded the scene, and then spoke to Su Tian.

“This person is extremely strong, and he has even killed a ninth-order powerhouse, so you must not be an enemy of him.”

However, Su Yang did not care about the other party’s words, in his opinion, this is not that he wants to be an enemy, but the other party directly comes to the door.

Seeing this, the people around felt that the situation was not good, and retreated slightly.

Yan Qingyan on the side couldn’t help frowning, although the serum yuan talent is strong, but it is too sharp, and he is even more proud, this kind of person is often too rigid and easy to break.

Maybe she needs to rethink and cooperate with the other party, after all, a genius who does not know the height of the sky, even if he is talented, it will be difficult to become a strong person.

Suddenly, the two of them struck each other at the same time!

Mildew time terrifying waves tumbling away!

Everyone was forced to squint by this terrifying momentum.

Looking at it from a distance, I saw that with the entire attic as the center, all the blood waves within a radius of 100,000 miles were all rolling wildly!

The faces of the people watching by the lake were extremely surprised, they did not expect that there would be waves again, could it be that there were people inside the pavilion who could not fight?

Many families inquired around when they heard the wind, and finally learned some news, and couldn’t help but look solemn.

“What? Serogen actually fought with Wet Void? ”

“What?! Serum Yuan threatened to kill Wet Void!? ”

“Clams?! Serum Yuan slashes love, and dialect to kill Min Xu?! ”

For a time, all kinds of news and rumors flew into the sky, and countless people rushed to tell each other.

Hades couldn’t help frowning slightly, she had heard no less than a dozen rumored versions alone, and the one that made her feel a little convinced was probably the one about the horizontal knife taking love.

After all, the impression that Seroyuan gave her was that of an extremely arrogant disciple of the Dengzi, and with his arrogant personality, I am afraid that this is really possible!

For a while, she was also particularly worried, of course, her worry was not emotional, but that the master wanted her to protect the other party secretly, if the other party was beaten half to death or even abolished, I am afraid that she would be unable to escape!

With this in mind, it is an instant to cross away!

She has also crossed this Blood Heaven Lake, although it is not as good as the other party’s four steps to the sky, but within thirteen steps is enough.

The moon was in a remarkable position, but she had already arrived at the pavilion in half-incense time, but to her surprise, there was no battle here.

Serum Yuan was drinking and having fun on the side, and when he saw her, he couldn’t help but raise his glass and walk slowly.

“Drink one?”

It wasn’t until the frost on the other side’s face that Su Yang slowly took the wine glass away and asked with a smile.

“But worried about me?”

Listening to Su Tian’s teasing, at this moment, Hazuki even wanted to teach the other party a lesson.

Then pulled the other party’s wrist and said coldly.

“Master has an order, tell you to return immediately.”

Hearing this, Su Tian’s eyes narrowed, although he had expected this for a long time, he did not expect that the Blood God Venerable would be so anxious…

Of course, he doesn’t think that the other party is really thinking about him, I’m afraid that letting himself go back this time is related to this bloody armor on his body.

You must know that before investigating the rules of heaven and earth, there are countless densely packed and innumerable, and they have long exceeded the tens of millions level, and even the destruction level may not be comparable.

Such a supreme treasure is afraid that it has already exceeded the level of heavenly grades.

He also knew that he could not disobey the orders of the other party, not to mention such a treasure, even if the people who carried the Kai ship on his body were only afraid that there were not a few.

There are even ninth-order existences who make a move against themselves, the hidden dangers are too great, and it is not too bad to be taken by the other party, at least they can exchange more treasures and resources with this thing.

Then the two walked out of the attic together, leaving everyone to watch.

“That person seems to be Hades Moon, one of the disciples under the Dry Blood God Venerable Seat.”

The corners of Yan’s mouth chuckled, drawing a charming arc, not knowing what he was thinking.

However, she did not expect that this serum element would have this layer of back mountain.

“Heh, it seems that the weeping blood battle armor is about to fall into the hands of the Dry Blood God Venerable, some people can’t help but gloat, and Xu Qingtian on the side has a very poisonous gaze, today’s humiliation, he will pay it back a hundred times in the future!”

The other party is just able to stabilize him with the blood armor, and even if the other party is strong without this thing, he does not believe that the other party can defeat him with the strength of the middle seventh and seventh orders!

And the wetness on one side is a dangerous look in the eyes, sitting on one side, slowly raising his palm, the blow just now, evenly divided.

Although he did not use his full strength, he still used fifty percent of his strength, and he was able to catch this palm, and I have to say that the other party is indeed very strong.

It is absolutely impossible to achieve it only with the help of the blood armor, if anyone thinks that the other party is equal to himself with the power of the war armor, then it is the real fool Su Yang and the moon at this time in the same car and grind, pushing off all the people who want to see and break through the air.

However, halfway through, Su Yang pressed one hand on the shoulder of the Underworld, and the weeping blood battle armor manifested, instantly suppressing the other party!


Hades exclaimed, I didn’t expect to be so bold with all parties to dare at such a time…


Su Tian’s eyes were solemn, and he suddenly moved out with the other party!

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