Chapter 301 Fist Breaks Through the Ninth Order Shocking the World, and One Man’s Body is Matchless!!

The void hums, and the space trembles.

In the blink of an eye, Su Xiao wrapped one hand around the thin waist of the Nether Moon, and came to three hundred zhang away!

Suddenly, I saw a hideous momentum falling from the sky, the terrifying aura was revealed, and the car crushing was shattered almost instantly!

Only at this time, the dark moon on the side reacted, and a rare red light appeared on her white face.

A figure stepped into the sky, causing the heavens and the earth to be different in color, and it seemed that even the entire heaven and earth began to shake.

“Middle of the eighth order.”

Su Yang slowly said the strength of the other party, I thought that the person who came would be a ninth-order, but I didn’t expect it to be only an eighth-order.

The face of the Nether Moon on the side was frosty, and her eyes looked directly at the other party’s layers of divine power spreading out, but she was stopped by Su Xiao on the side.


“Let me give this first, it just so happens that I have some itchy hands.”

Su Xiao smiled faintly, and then stepped into the sky, and the two looked at each other in the air.

“Hmph, at a young age, you need to know how to be in awe, hand over the blood armor, but spare you from death!”

The other party hid his figure.

The momentum around the body is like the sea, and at first glance, there is a plan.

Su Xiao looked at him, the weeping blood battle armor stretched out on his body, and the powerful momentum seemed to be able to support a piece of heaven and earth.

Without the slightest wording, raising your hand is a punch bombardment.

Mountains and rivers are towering!

The powerful momentum rushed towards the face, containing endless terrifying power, as if it could cause the collapse of heaven and earth!

“So terrifying!”

The other party’s eyes tightened, and his heart condensed, when he attacked and went up!


The space shattered one after another, and the figure of the person was actually shaken out hundreds of feet away, and his legs left a large ravine in the earth.

His arms trembled lightly, and his eyes were even more frightened!

“How is it possible!”

“It’s just a seventh-order strength, how can it be so terrifying!”

He was horrified inside.

You know, even if the other party is so talented, this is too terrifying.

“What are you thinking?”

The voice of the misty sand was slowly transmitted from above, hearing the other party’s body tensed instantly, and the next moment, he only felt an uncontrollable terrifying force instantly penetrating his physical body!


Blood gushed out, and the man looked at his body in shock, and a huge blood hole shattered!


The flat voice hit, and Su Yang pressed his hand down.

The power of repression erupted.

With an earth-shattering roar, his body was instantly embedded in the ground, and he didn’t know whether he was alive or dead.

The eyes of the Nether Moon on one side were solemn, and he did not expect that the strength of the serum yuan would be so strong.

You must know that even if you make a move, you can’t defeat the other party so easily.


Since he has this strength, why did he abandon the car and flee just now?


“This disciple…”

But at this time, Su Yang did not have the slightest relaxation, but still looked solemnly at the top of the sky, and his own momentum ran through the heavens and the earth.

People watching from a short distance… One by one, they were so shocked that they were so powerful!?

You must know that the strength of the serum yuan is only at the mid-seventh order level, even if it has the blessing of the Weeping Blood Battle Armor, it directly crosses the first order and suppresses the mid-eighth order with two punches.

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

This son is too terrifying!

At this time, some families who had planned to make friends couldn’t help but beat their chests at this time, what a great opportunity just now!

If you stand up for yourself, you will definitely be able to make a good fate!

It’s a pity that the other party is too strong, and I am afraid it will take some time if they make a move.

“It’s coming, why don’t you come here to see you!”

Su Yang looked at the heavenly firmament, his momentum was undiminished, it seemed that even if the sky was in front, he could still fight!

“It is worthy of being a top Tianjiao who climbed the tower in four steps, and the power of such insight makes the old man quite admired, and he is ashamed of himself.”

A vicissitudes of voice carried down, magnificent and huge, setting off waves in the heavens and earth.

The eyes of the moon on the side were stunned, such a feeling!

“Ninth order.”

Su Tian’s eyes narrowed slightly, feeling this powerful momentum, and his face did not change.

He took the Heavenly Spirit Blood Pill of the Dry Blood God Venerable, and his own strength was directly raised to the sixth-order peak level, and he had previously struck a palm with the wet void, and it was not only the other party who had spare strength!

Even if the other party is of the ninth order, under the state of full strength, he may not be invincible!

The green-robed old man slowly stepped out of the sky, and a pair of cloudy and old eyes looked at Su Xiao very surprised.

The ninth step of his own hall descended, and the other party was only a seventh-level rank, and he was still not surprised!

With such a temperament, even he can’t help but raise the heart of love for talent, such a character, as long as he does not fall, will become a great weapon in the future!

But the more the other party is like this, the colder his heart becomes, and the stronger the killing intent in his heart becomes.

Such a character, today he took the other party’s greatest treasure, he will kill himself one day and take back the treasure!

In this way, don’t blame him for bullying the small!

In an instant, the sky changed color, and a terrifying giant claw covering the heavens and earth slowly leaked down!

“It’s the old ghost of the Blood Sea! Unexpectedly, even he shot! ”

“So shameless,… It is really a shame for my generation to bully juniors like this! ”

For a while, everyone glared angrily, but unfortunately, the ninth level was no longer the level they could interfere with.

Su Tian’s body was like a dragon, and the blood armor surrounded her like blood-red amber, showing her mighty and domineering.

He faced the bend of the sky, without fear, only listening to a long roar!

“Today, I will behead you to preach!”

Everyone got up in fear, hearing Su Tian’s words, they didn’t expect that the other party would have such a terrifying boldness!

Fight against the ninth order with the power of the seventh order!

You must know that if you change to an ordinary person, let alone fight, I am afraid that even the battle spirit will not be angry in the slightest!

Su Yang turned into a hideous blood-red blade and went straight through the sky!

The 800,000 heaven and earth rules inside the Blood Nether Fist in his hand were stimulated, and it seemed that there was infinite power gathered together!


The two terrifying forces collided in an instant, and countless eyes stared at each other, for fear of missing the slightest.

I saw that above the void, layers of space were shattered.

In the next moment, Su Tian’s figure appeared above the heavenly firmament, and the momentum around him was extremely pure, and there was no sign of weakness.

Actually resisted!

One blow at the ninth order!

If it is said that the previous four ascending the tower has shocked the reputation of the serum yuan, then at this moment, the reputation of the other party is afraid that it will spread throughout the blood demon family!

So terrifying!

But at this moment, someone’s eyes were solemn, looking at the huge paw print, and a trace of disbelief surged in his heart.

He actually felt that the momentum of that huge paw print was actually gathering and decreasing!

In other words…


A shattering sound filled the sky, and I saw the huge paw print attached to the hideous cracks one after another!

Then it turned into debris and shattered!

It really shattered the ninth-order blow with one punch!

Such strength, such talent, such grace.

It’s like no other.

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