Chapter 303 The Great War Ended Since the Terran Race, the reincarnation of the gods and demons Li Changgeng!!

In the immortal battlefield, the whole heaven and earth were covered with haze.

At this time, the battle between the various parties had gradually fallen into the curtain, Su Ming’s eyes flickered, and the yin and yang qi around his body converged again.

His momentum continued to increase, but his physical body was tattered, and even so, the essence in his eyes could not be covered.

The stone stele on the avenue above his head, the yin and yang qi were all transported in it, and he saw the inscription shining out instantly.


As soon as he pointed out, the huge town ‘character mark fell off, and instantly headed towards the heavenly divine suppression.

In the blink of an eye, the power of heaven and earth converged frantically, and many divine faces fled frantically, which could not escape the suppressive power of this fearful cloth, and was instantly sunk into the ground.

At this time, in the immortal battlefield, the situation on all sides was ambiguous, and coupled with the three ancient murderers attacking together with the Heavenly Divine, it was difficult for all forces to resist.

Many strong people have already chosen to retreat.

Among them, the dragon clan took three divine leaves, which is already a big gain, but it is also an extremely rational one, and has achieved great benefits.

However, he did not participate in the competition for the inscription on the avenue, very restrained, and the meaning of which is unknown.

And the phoenix, phoenix, vermilion bird, Kunpeng and other veins were secretly calculated by the dragon clan before leaving, and at this moment they were fighting with the ancient fierce beasts.

The First Emperor blocked Jiang Ziya alone, and the black dragon behind him collided madly with the divine whip, and every time it was like a meteor attack, shaking the earth.

Bai Qi killed alone into the heavenly divine body, the strength was pure and terrifying, the battle flag in his hand flew between the heavens and the earth, and many divine people fled.

And he finally obtained this avenue inscription under the crazy obstruction of all parties, and to his surprise, he thought that this object was only used for enlightenment, but he never wanted to use his own qi power.

I can even stimulate it more!

Even make the words on the inscription on the avenue fall off and fight with him!


The roar shook the heavens and the earth,… A headless body runs through the layers of void, and the giant axe in his hand seems to be able to open up the world and fall straight down!

Punishment day!

Su Ming’s eyes were solemn, and he urged the avenue inscription again, and a huge character slowly flickered!


Almost instantly, the terrifying power bombarded the giant axe, which could not be stopped even with the power of the heavens.

The giant axe instantly took off and flew into the void, and the punishment sky also took hundreds of steps back, a hundred thousand miles away!

At this moment, the punishment day is also not comfortable, and the body is driven by scars, especially when the cracks on the chest are torn by gluttony, and the beating heart can be faintly seen!

He knew that in today’s battle, he was afraid that he would not be able to recapture the Dao Inscription, and even then there was no need to start a conquest again.

Huge body drive, a roar!


Countless people of the Jiuli tribe all looked solemn, although they were unwilling, but the punishment heaven made it clear that they could not refuse.

To a certain extent, the Jiuli tribe is far superior to the Great Qin pawn in addition to the prohibition of the order!

Immediately boasted of a roar and personally opened the way for the tribesmen, and the huge body drove to crush all the creatures that stood in the way!

Jing Tian looked at Su Ming, looked around vigilantly, and personally served the queen of the tribal hall.

Seeing this, Su Ming also stopped attacking, and other forces began to retreat one after another.

After all, the avenue inscription has fallen into the hands of the Terrans, and it may be very difficult to fight again.

In the end, the major races retreated, and the four ancient fierce beasts who were seriously injured gradually regained their sanity, knowing that there was a power to manipulate their bodies.

The heart is very jealous, so he gradually leaves.

At this point, everyone in the immortal world also knew that there was no way to make progress, even if they planned to retreat.

After all, all parties have already retreated, and Jiang Ziya knows that once Su Ming is freed, he may not be able to leave with the First Emperor and at that time.

For a time, all parties launched the immortal battlefield, and this battle was too dangerous and daunting.

Many Heavenly Saints were even more frightened, and in this battle, two half-step fruit level beings were defeated or even killed.

One of them was even suppressed by the corpse, and I am afraid that there will be no day of recovery in this life.

In the end, only the Terrans were left in the entire immortal battlefield, and those reincarnated gods and demons had not yet left.

The dragon clan, led by the dragon mastiff, Long Shi and the four-winged true dragon were lined up on both sides, and at this time they had already left the immortal battlefield, and there was joy between the eyebrows around them.

“In this battle, my dragon clan won a great victory and won three divine leaves, I have a hunch, in less than a hundred years, I will be able to participate in the secret of the Dao fruit!”

Long Xi said excitedly, the dragon clan is also extremely excited, I have to say that since this battle has not only shaped the prestige of the dragon clan, but also gained so much, it is really joyful!

“It’s thanks to the teacher!”

Long Shi walked out with a smile, and then said slowly, looking for the familiar figure among the dragon clans but never thinking…

“What about the teacher!?”

Hearing this, the dragon mastiff on the side also couldn’t help frowning, that Li Changgeng, really a heavenly man, calculated everything, if it were not for the other party’s strategy, their dragon family would never have achieved such an achievement.

Even such a person couldn’t help but want to dig into his brother’s corner.

In this way, the god is definitely the supreme military master of the dragon clan!

For a while, he hurriedly ordered to start searching.

At this time, in a space, the immortal gods and demons looked at the reincarnated gods and demons and told everything they knew.

At this time, many gods and demons have gradually awakened the stars, their eyes are like the sea, exuding all kinds of terrifying power.

“I have indeed recruited you here, I really have a plan, with the strength of my waiting, born from the endless chaos, why should I succumb to the hands of these acquired spirits!”

A group of gods and demons began to think about the pros and cons, many of them had solemn faces, and they were born into the human race, which naturally added a thorny sense of belonging, although this sense of belonging was insignificant for the gods and demons.

But to let them erase at the moment is some.

Among them, when Huang Jiu and Zhou Heng faced each other, the two of them were born in the most difficult years of the human race, and they also single-handedly opened up the magnificent human race today.

Their bond with the Terrans is extremely deep, far beyond these newly awakened gods and demons, but at this moment, they realized themselves, and gradually began to think.

Gods and demons… Oneself… Whether they are really not opposed to each other.


No matter how it was, the double pupils were slowly covered by the avenue, and the terrifying momentum slowly spread in an instant.

Avenue of Swords, Avenue of Chivalry!

Such a drastic change caused many Terrans to look sideways, and sure enough, such a terrifying Avenue Wen Yao, who can evolve except gods and demons?

At this time, a figure stood aside with a somewhat twitchy face, with these three points of helplessness, four points of separation and three points of embarrassment in their eyes.

It is Li Changgeng who is Han Lishi.

He knows himself very well, he is a Terran!

The real kind is still the first batch to be pinched out by Emperor Wa.

He has been behind enemy lines all his life, but he did not expect that he could actually break into the gods and demons today

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