Chapter 304: Three Thousand Dao Lotus, Three Thousand Gods and Demons, Pangu True Body Shocking the Heavenly Firmament!!

Are you kidding!

The corners of Li Changgeng’s mouth twitched, but he concealed it very well, and did not make any drastic moves.

At this moment, a figure slowly touched its shoulder, and the tone of words was intriguing.

“Fate, it should ~ be you.”

Han Lishi: “?! ”

Ah, yes, yes.

“You are devouring…”

Li Changgeng slowly turned around, only to see that the other party’s eyes seemed to be able to swallow everything, such a terrifying devouring avenue, there was no concealment of meaning, naturally could not escape his eyes.

It’s just that I never thought that I would one day be mistaken for a god and demon of fate, how, could it be because I added a little protection to my destiny?

Arwen is also devouring gods and demons, looking at Li Changgeng, this breath pool will not guess wrong.

All the gods and demons here release their own avenue charm, but the breath of one body converges to the extreme.

This feeling is simply carved out of the same mold as the original fate, and it is extremely cautious.


Li Changgeng adheres to the principle of saying more and making more mistakes, and his questions are concise and to the point.

“As he said, how much do you think is true?”

Devouring pointed at the immortal god and demon, and his tone was somewhat intriguing.

Apparently not fully believing the other side.

After all, there is not much trust between gods and demons, the only thing to say is the hatred for Pangu at the beginning, the other party cut them off from sleep, and the hatred for Pangu is definitely the most recognized point among the gods and demons of the heavens.

“Although the other party’s words are somewhat hidden, but the other party said well, if it is taken away by other creatures, how will I be willing to live under other spirits with the pride of my waiting?”

Li Changgeng followed his thoughts, and then looked at each other.

“Do you have any plans?”

“Of course there is.”

The other party seemed to be in control, very sure, but this look made Li Changgeng slightly stunned.

Random is asked.

“What plan?”

“Follow you.”

Li Changgeng is a little confused, good fellow, follow me?!

I have so many secrets, I change my vest once in a thousand years, I have changed it tens of thousands of times in total, I am cautious in the face of Taiyi Golden Immortal, but now there is a god and demon who wants to follow me?

For a while, Li Changgeng looked at each other solemnly, and various countermeasures flashed in his mind, the most of which was how his strength could die without being exposed, or suppress a god and demon.

But thinking about it, it is still quite difficult, and the only reference object is Dijun.

However, Di Jundu has already stepped into the Taichu realm, and he is now only the peak of the Daluo Daoguo, so the victory rate is about seventy.

If you can’t even reach ninety to eight, isn’t this sending you to death?!

“If you have any realization, follow me, death has promised me, and swear with a Taoist heart that it will bring me back to the top.”


For a time, the gods and demons who gradually woke up couldn’t help but narrow their eyes, some were surprised, some were indifferent, and some were solemn.

The status of the gods and demons of death among the gods and demons is extremely powerful, even second only to Pangu.

This is not only because of the terrifying strength of the other party, but also because of the original battle, death and they fought together in Pangu, although they lost, but the other party’s words are naturally credible!

Not to mention swearing with the heart of Taoism.

For the gods and demons, the avenue oath is not in the flow, because each of them represents a side of the avenue.

Just like Luo Yu, who swears by himself?

The word untrustworthy came out because of the pool!

So for gods and demons, the Taoist heart is everything.

Only the Taoist heart is closest to the essence.

“In addition, there is one more thing, I think you Daoists should be interested.”

Speaking of this, the immortal god and demon smiled faintly, and said randomly.

“If you feel it, you should have noticed something.”

Seeing that Chi was pretending to be mysterious, although the gods and demons had slight doubts, they still felt it.

The next moment, everyone’s eyes widened.

“Three thousand Dao Lotus!”

Many gods and demons roared lowly, and shock and ecstasy appeared in their eyes!

These three thousand Dao Lotus contain three thousand avenues, or in other words, the power of three thousand gods and demons!

If you can get more, the strength of the pools will definitely be able to recover to the peak in the shortest time!

It only takes less than 10,000 years to be able to dominate this world again!

“Death will seize this thing for me and others, if you want to be equal to me, you can take it together, if you have other plans, then ask your fellow Taoist to take care of yourself.”

The Immortal God and Demon said slowly, and then did not forget to remind.

“By the way, the three thousand Dao Lotus should still have three days to mature, you should feel this.”

“At that time, all the creatures in this world will rise up and fight in groups, and it should be clear whether you can win your own lotus piece with the strength of your alone.”

For a time, all the gods and demons were speechless.

“I’ll go with you.”

A pitch-black figure slowly walked out, and the killing avenue was bred in it.

Then a group of gods and demons came out one after another, dark, silent, poisonous, tyrannical Most of them belong to the same camp of death gods and demons, naturally will not give up, and then many gods and demons are also deeply touched.

Just as the immortal gods and demons said, with their strength at this time, they are not enough to compete for the three thousand Dao Lotus.

On top of the desire for strength, gods and demons are far beyond the heavenly beings, just because they are the purest and most essential avenue.

The heart of a child is inherently conducive to cultivation, not to mention that there is always only one point in the Dao heart of gods and demons, that is, the pursuit of the ultimate of their own Dao!

However, after a while, most of the gods and demons have already entered it one after another.

At this time, only a few figures remained and acted.

Huang Jiu, Zhou Heng, Li Changgeng, and the devouring gods and demons on the side.

Huang Jiu and Zhou Heng made such a choice, the immortal gods and demons were not surprised, although the sleeves were gods and demons, they were too deeply entangled with the human race.

Even if they are willing to die, they may not be honest.

After all, death in the future will inevitably do something to the human race and even the heavens and all races, and these two will never stand idly by.

At that time, he was surprised by the other two, Li Changgeng he did not know, and the identity of Chi was also the most difficult one to backtest.

Among all the reincarnated gods and demons, everything on the other side is covered, especially the traces of fate that even he is somewhat unable to crack.

Even Chi was a little suspicious, the other party was not asleep at all.

But to say that the most surprising thing is to devour gods and demons, this guy is an extremely forbidden spirit in the chaos.

Such a great temptation could not shake the other party, such a scene even he felt very strange.

“Devour, you really don’t wait with me?”

He asked nonchalantly.

“No, I have my own conclusion.”

Devouring the corners of his mouth chuckled, Li Changgeng, who looked at the side, blinked lightly.

Li Changgeng on the side, the corners of his mouth twitched, killing the other party’s heart more and more hot.

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