Chapter 306: The Heavens Duel, Divide the Three Thousand Dao Lotuses, and Fight the God and Demon!!

The immeasurable years rolled wildly, and the fierce wolf in his hand slammed into the body of the death god and demon!

Rumble! The void shattered into a corner, and the force of the shock rippled everywhere.

The death god and demon’s face was indifferent, and a palm swing directly hit the god ding at zero time, and the sound of the zero time buzzing echoed the death god and demon above the heavenly firmament.

The sound wave spreads, and in an instant, it shakes the desolation out hundreds of thousands of miles, and the terrifying power spreads out in an instant!

The void within a radius of millions of miles exploded instantly!

The desolate face was extremely solemn,… The Invincible Avenue operates in the body, and the three-foot blue front exudes endless terrifying edge!

In the distance, Da Sun smashed away behind Di Jun, knocked Hongjun back, and then pressed one hand into the void!


Just listening to his loud roar, the whole heavens began to tremble!

The power of the Great Sun was released frantically, and for a while, there was an endless light that bred it, which caused many top powerhouses to squint slightly.

The next moment, Di Jun grabbed three thousand Dao lotuses with one hand!

But unfortunately, Hongjun on the side was not to be outdone, and the avenues of the two collided together, forming a special field.

Such a terrifying power comes from the beginning, even at the level of the Great Luo Daoguo, it is impossible to participate in it!

In the end, Dijun only achieved one-tenth, and so did Hongjun.

The death god and demon swept out endless death qi, and the power of annihilation spread instantly in the next moment.

In an instant, several strong people retreated one after another, even Hongjun and Dijun did not dare to have the slightest haste.

The death power of the death gods and demons is the rule of the avenue, and once it is contaminated, it will inevitably leave endless troubles, and even if they reach the initial level, they can feel the terrifying and dangerous aura.

Seeing the retreat of both sides, the Death God and Demon directly grabbed the three thousand Dao Lotus with one hand.

At this time, the three thousand Dao Lotus had lost two, his face was solemn, and in the next moment, a huge figure rose from behind him!

The divine peak is humming, and the power of endless rules is pouring down!

At the same time, he held the sword in both hands, and an uncontrollable vast sword intent instantly rose.

The death god and demon felt the momentum on the other party, secretly surprised, obviously did not expect that this human race could reach such a level.

The strength of the other party, even some creatures at the beginning of heaven and earth cannot be compared…

The breath of the two collided with the void, and in the end, death took away five tenths, leaving only thirty percent.

In the end, the remaining thirty percent were divided up by the human race and the witch tribe.

At the same time, all struggles stopped, and in an instant, even the battle between Hongjun and Dijun gradually stopped.

“Don’t let the death gods and demons carry the lotus of the avenue back, the gods and demons have already returned to the pool, once the pool is brought back, the Da Luo Honghuang will inevitably overturn in the future!”

“Yes, the unity of gods and demons represents disorder and chaos, and I must not let them recover!”

At this moment, even Hongjun and Dijun on the side spoke together, faintly blocking each other’s retreat.

How could anyone present not know that the intention behind the Death God and Demon was to seize it, even Hongjun might not dare to do anything to slaughter Cangsheng.

The gods and demons are different, they originate from endless chaos, only the same kind can make them see them as equal existences, the rest are like them born after the opening of the world, gods and demons will not care about their life and death.

After all, from the very beginning, the gods and demons have thought of destroying the flood and returning to chaos!

For a while, the figures surrounded each other, and the eyes of the Death God and Demon looked at Hongjun coldly as if they were smiling shamefully.

In the next moment, several figures slowly emerged behind him.

Demon Zu Luo throat, reincarnation gods and demons, destruction gods and demons.

For a while, everyone’s faces couldn’t help but change slightly.

Mozu Luo Throat, the incarnation of the Devil’s Avenue, his appearance was not surprising to everyone, but what made them feel the most weird was.

Samsara gods and demons!

Especially for the Wu Clan, Di Jiang’s eyes were extremely cold, but even so, he was still a little shocked.

“Why is that? Little sister has obviously helped you establish the six reincarnations, you don’t need to do this…”

For a time, the nine ancestors and witches were all trembling with anger, the Pangu Illusory Shadow became more and more solidified, and the terrifying power shook the entire heavenly firmament.

“The six reincarnations are indeed true, but I promise that I will not hurt half of the Wu Clan in the future, which I and the disciples have already made clear.”

Having said that, once the death gods and demons are allowed to retreat with the lotus of the avenue at this moment, I am afraid that it will not take ten thousand years, and when all the gods and demons return to the peak, even if the Wu Clan can be in a corner of peace, how long can it be?

One day, the gods and demons will destroy everything!

“Even so, don’t blame me for waiting.”

Di Jiang drank in a low voice, and instantly Pangu Illusory Shadow raised his palm, and endless mighty power operated in it.

With a wave of the big hand of the death god and demon, he instantly cooperated with the gods and demons behind him to attack and leave!

Death to Dijun, Hongjun to Luo Yu, and the remaining destruction in reincarnation will fight the famine and the Wu tribe together.

For a time, the earth was shaken, and the entire flood was shaking.

Countless creatures of the flood desolate bowed their heads and worshipped, such a power is too terrifying, today’s most terrifying supreme beings gathered together, such a terrifying sound of annihilation made the heavens and the earth change color!

“The power of the terrifying avenue, the flood will not be broken again in this way.”

Some creatures couldn’t help but recall the scene when Hongjun almost committed suicide, and wanted to bury the entire flood wilderness for him.

Today’s death gods and demons are even more terrifying, and there was a Pangu ancestor god who came out of nowhere to save this world.

But Pangu has promised not to interfere in all disputes in the flood and famine.

The terrifying power shook the heavens and the universe, the gods and demons of death sacrificed the Great Tribulation of Extinction, and the terrifying power covered everything!

Even Di Jun is constantly defending under the opponent’s attack and it is difficult to have the opportunity to attack.

In the distance, Hongjun and Luo Yu are inseparable, just as the so-called Dao Demon grows together, one side strengthens the other and the other is the same.

Endless life, cause and effect.

Although Hongjun broke through and his strength level was higher than Luo Yu, he could not easily defeat the other party due to the battle of Dao Demons, and was constantly pulled into the quagmire of protracted battles by the other party.

Desolation rose from the sky, and the invincible avenue was frantically condensed in the long sword, directly attacking the reincarnation gods and demons.

The Pangu Shadow of the Wu Clan is constantly fighting against the God of Destruction and Demon.

At this time, only the Wu Clan and Hongjun had the advantage.

The rest of the battles were in a stalemate, and Di Jun’s momentum continued to rise, even in the face of death gods and demons, he was not afraid.

Every collision between the two triggers endless years to crumble and wear out.

“You can’t stop me, just as you can’t stop the gods and demons from getting out of trouble.”

The Death God Demon said coldly, repelling Di Jun with one palm.

And Di Jun’s face did not change, and at this moment, a voice came ethereal and entered the ears of the God of Death.

“There is no need to stop the rest of the gods and demons, it is enough to stop you, right?”

The death god and demon instantly alerted, who wanted a yellow-robed figure to come alone, pressing it with one hand.

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