Chapter 307: Fuxi Suppresses the Gods and Demons with One Hand, and the Hong Desolation Sublimates!!


At the same time, countless creatures said in shock, and their eyes showed endless shock.

You must know that this person has not appeared in millions of years, and the only time it seems to have joined it at the beginning of the establishment of the Heavenly Court.

And the strength of the other party is also speculated by many people, some say that he has already preached the Daluo Daoguo, and even say that he has reached the primordial realm, all kinds of remarks are available but cannot be denied, and no creature dares to underestimate this person.

At this time, the appearance of Fuxi made everyone in Honghuang endlessly excited.

In an instant, heaven and earth turned into yin and yang, and a huge Taiji Bagua pattern appeared above the heavenly firmament, almost covering the entire thirty-four heavenly universes!

All the power emitted by the gods and demons of death was continuously dissolved by this force.

“It’s so weird, I didn’t expect that there would be such an existence as you in the flood waste.”

His eyes were cold, and his body drive was hit down heavily, directly penetrating several heavenly universes, and then the huge body drive instantly disappeared into nothingness.

He retreated!

Perhaps because of Fuxi’s sudden entry, he seems to feel that his current strength cannot fight against both sides alone.

In short, in this battle, the gods and demons retreated.

Seeing this, the remaining gods and demons also fled.

Hongjun knew that he couldn’t let Luo Yu be suppressed, and the two immortals and demons would be extremely opposed, so he simply found a way to release the other party, anyway, when the time came, he could prevaricate with the fact that he was not familiar with the beginning of the beginning.

Then he looked at Fuxi to the side.

The blow just now was not just an attack.

Fuxi knew that the rest of the people were aware of it, so he slowly stretched out his hand, and the lotus of the avenue slowly brewed in it.

Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help but have solemn eyes, so that in addition to obtaining forty percent of the gods and demons, the demon clan was twenty percent; Wu tribe, the human race is half a half; Hongjun Yicheng.

The demon clan has the most, and Hongjun has the least.

The former is not much different, after all, the strength of the other party is the strongest, but Hongjun is the least, how can the other party be willing?

“No matter what, I will get a total of sixty percent, and the gods and demons will get four, although I can’t avoid the rise of gods and demons, but at least I have reduced the strength of the other party to a minimum.”

Di Jun slowly spoke, and at this moment, the entire Honghuang Da Luo instantly began to tear!

The whole world seems to be a broken egg, crumbling.

But the creatures of the Hong Wilderness never showed fear, but were filled with indescribable joy.

Such a sea change…

Honghuang Da Luo is finally going to grow again!

Such a big event must not be launched into a battle, otherwise it is very likely to shake the foundation of the Great Luohong Wilderness, and it will inevitably be attacked by the masses at that time.

Whoever dares to vainly attempt to destroy the Great Luo Honghuang is against the Holy Spirit of the entire Honghuang.

Hongjun naturally understands this, it is a pity, it seems that he will not be able to take action against the Terran and the Wu Clan in a short time.

However, he didn’t care, at least after the flood famine was completely consolidated, he would personally find the door one by one, of course, the one in Kunlun Mountain had been a king ship for a long time.

When Honghuang completes the advancement, it will be the other party’s death period!

At the same time, countless strong people left, after all, the sublimation of the entire flood and desolation is a great opportunity for all living beings.

Especially at this time, the foundation of heaven and earth is reshaped, and countless mysteries of the avenue that could not be sought before will be revealed, and even all kinds of heaven and earth treasures will appear.

Just like the previous three thousand Dao lotuses, it is likely to be a harbinger of Da Luo’s promotion.

Thirty-three heavenly domes, Di Jun and Fuxi sat opposite each other, surrounded by Dao charm, giving birth to countless mysteries.

Fuxi slowly took out his Dao Lotus, but it was not Yicheng.

“One and a half.”

Di Jun looked at Fuxi’s face moved slightly, but he didn’t expect that the other party was still hiding half of it.

The two looked at each other and smiled, so that the gods and demons were only three and a half, and the future situation was relatively good.

After the Purple Snow Palace, after Hongjun returned, he entered the cultivation, not only that, he also had to take this opportunity to plan well, and the previous plan was completely collapsed due to the change of gods and demons.

Of course, the rest of the people are the same, I have to say that the gods and demons are really a headache.

In the demon world, Luo Yu sat in the Demon God Temple, feeling the experience of this battle with Hongjun, immortals and demons are of the same origin, he had merged with Hongjun, and his understanding of this was extremely deep.

The lotus pieces of the Demon Avenue that belonged to him at his side slowly hovered, which was promised by death.

After constantly evolving Hongjun’s Dao, Chi Ye finally touched that level.

In the land of the Wu Clan, the nine ancestors and witches had solemn faces and were stepping up their cultivation and understanding, and they knew that once the Honghuang advanced was completed, it was very likely to usher in Hongjun’s Kai ship, and the one and a half of the lotus of the avenue in their hands was also taken by each other.

Di Jiang looked at the Dao Lotus Slice in his hand, and then took out a flick of his finger.

Airplanes! The void trembled lightly, and a broken figure in the ruins was sitting cross-legged and cultivating.

It was Xuan You who fought with the Yan and Huang Emperors at the beginning, his battle almost damaged the foundation, and it was difficult to recover in tens of thousands of years, but this moment was different!

As a Dao Lotus Piece merged into the center of his eyebrows, the injuries on his body continued to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the bones gradually showed a golden light under the action of the lotus of the avenue, as if the avenue was reforged!



Like a drum bursting the sky, the sound of the hideous heartbeat is constantly rapid.

The ultimate life qi was conceived from Xuan You’s body.

This lotus leaf was specially given by Dijiang to the other party what he was best at, the Avenue of Soldiers.

In this way, Xuan You has not only greatly shortened the recovery time since then, but even his cultivation will be even higher!

His rise is also a big help for the Wu Clan!

The Terran Shrine slowly appeared, looking at the Chao Clan and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi on the side, and nodded gently.

This war clan only attacked him, and the identity of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was a little sensitive, so he simply did not go, and it was his idea that the Youchao clan did not go.

Although the Terrans continue to grow stronger, they still have to show their enemies to be weak, after all, after the Great Luo Hong Wilderness is pacified, the Terrans will inevitably usher in the liquidation of Hongjun, and the other party may not personally take action, but they will inevitably use doppelgangers.

Today’s move lies in this, otherwise the three Da Luo Daoguo plus the two emperors of Yan and Huang have only been known by the world.

With such a momentum, it is impossible for Hongjun to come in person!

“Give these two to Huang Jiu and Zhou Heng.”

Speaking of desolation, he took out two lotus pieces and handed them to the Youchao clan.


You Chao looked at these two incomparably pure Dao Lotus Pieces, suppressed the ripples in his heart, and then said slowly.

“How much did you get?”

“One and a half.”

Hearing this, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Youchao clan both frowned, not because there were too few, but because there were too many.

The avenue is three thousand, and one and a half is more than four hundred avenue lotus pieces.

Looking at each other explained why the absuration was the way it was.

“It’s really a wave of unsettled waves and winters.”

There are some feelings of Chao.

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