Chapter 308 Hongjun is a matchmaker to ascend Kunlun, and the Queen Mother of the West breaks the pass and steps into the beginning!!

This flood and sublimation lasted for a hundred years.

During this period, countless heavenly and earth treasures were born, all of which were none of them, causing all forces to compete.

However, those top forces rarely appeared, and the eve of the storm was much calmer.

Finally, the Honghuang Heaven and Earth were completely consolidated, and there were already some divine beings who could not completely explore the area of Honghuang Daluo.

If it continues in the future, I am afraid that one day, Honghuang Da Luo will grow to an unimaginable point, and for a time, countless heavenly gods will recall the time when Pangu preached.

Is this the real Da Luo.

It is no longer a simple increase in the level of strength, but from the sublimation of the origin!

For a time, countless creatures in the flood and desolation all felt it, and their hearts felt more and more shocked.

Just when everyone was enjoying the joy of sublimating in the Great Luo Hong Desolation, they saw that above the bend in the distance, Hongmeng purple qi spread for millions of miles!

An incomparably terrifying aura was fleeting, overwhelming countless desolate creatures to bow their heads.

Their faces were terrified.

“It’s him!”

There was a divine whisper, but the next moment, the other party’s body drove away in an instant, but it was completely wiped out in an instant.

This scene terrified countless creatures in the wilderness, and they did not expect that even a code name would become taboo, and countless creatures knelt down for a while.

“I’ll wait to send Dao Ancestor.”

It wasn’t until this terrifying aura dissipated for a long time that they got up majestically and turned pale one by one.

And the direction in which the one went Kunlun Mountain.

Finally, the reckoning begins.


Layers of heavenly dome collapsed and shattered, on the top of Kunlun Mountain, Hongjun stepped on layers of auspicious clouds, and Hongmeng purple qi covered the entire heavenly dome behind him, which had the tendency to overwhelm the sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

He walked step by step, and the magnificent Dao sound echoed throughout the heavenly firmament, cleansing the ten thousand realms.

“I have a child, with wonderful understanding, and I want to supplement the Queen Mother of the West and tie the knot.”

For a moment, countless creatures in the flood wilderness only felt that their scalps were numb, and their hands and feet were extremely cold!


What a humiliation!

I never expected that the Dao Ancestor would plan to marry a Daoist boy under him with the Lord of Kunlun Mountain…

This is simply more humiliating than defeating the Queen Mother of the West!

This is to completely break the will of the Queen Mother of the West and make her submit!


“Do you want to call yourself an ancestor, humiliate my sister so much, and want to start a war!”

A roar reverberated in Kunlun Mountain, and suddenly a huge figure of the Emperor Wa appeared between heaven and earth, and the terrifying meritorious power overwhelming the world, which was daunting!

Nuwa has been on the top of Kunlun Mountain, although she has long guessed that Hongjun Laoer will come to declare war, but she did not expect that the other party would humiliate her sister so much, how can she endure it?

You must know that in addition to her brother, the Queen Mother of the West has been with her for the longest time, as if she is another kiss besides her brother!

Hongjun’s face was indifferent, looking at Nuwa, unmoved.

“This seat is only here to make a good deed, and please don’t stop it.”

He is naturally not jealous of Nuwa, but the brother behind the other party.

At the beginning, the battle of three thousand Daolian finally ended because of Fuxi’s move, and he already sensed at that time that Fuxi had reached the realm of the beginning!

And it seems to be no less than Dijun.

Of course, this does not mean that he is afraid of the other party, the same is the Taichu Realm is a big deal, but he just doesn’t want to cause trouble.

“Emperor Wa, this matter is a matter between the main seat and the Queen Mother of the West, please don’t interfere like your brother, isn’t it bad.”

Hongjun’s voice did not speak, and he suddenly noticed something looking at Nuwa’s side.

“Like me?”

A light and elegant voice sounded slowly, and I saw a yellow-robed man slowly emerge, his face as gentle and elegant as crown jade, even at this time, he still looked warm and gentle as jade.


Countless heavenly gods sensed this scene and changed color one after another, and after only a long time of calm, two top figures directly appeared!


Nuwa looked to the side and couldn’t help but say.

“Nothing, there is a brother.”

Fuxi gently stroked Nuwa’s head for comfort.

“Fuxi, you want to block me?!”

Hongjun’s face was cold, and his momentum was terrifying like the sea, causing the stars to be counted.

“My sister said it all, and I don’t think I need to repeat it again.”

“It’s still too late to go.”

Even if it was a threat, Fuxi was still plain and easygoing, as if he was not at loggerheads with Hongjun at the moment, but two old friends talking about things.

At this moment, a delicate energy slowly flowed out from Kunlun Mountain.

Aware of this force,… Hongjun on the side changed color slightly, looking at Fuxi.

“Are you stalling for time and waiting for her to advance to the beginning?”

“No way, I actually really want to intervene, but unfortunately…”

Before Fuxi’s voice fell, I saw five punishments and five fierce forces above the endless sky!

“Just because I want to kill you with my own hands.”

The voice of the cold example slowly fell into the rock, and a beautiful red dress walked slowly, as if stepping on the long river of time, and seemed to be between the past and the future.

The immeasurable years are like her three thousand green silks, depending on her.

Finally, her figure gradually solidified, peerless, just a figure made countless divine people fall for it.

There is no momentum above her body, but where she stands makes all beings feel awe.

It’s as if your every move is in the hands of the other party.

The power of the palm of the sky, the five punishments, can replace the heavens, or she herself is the sky!

“The power of heaven, five punishments…”

Hongjun’s face was solemn, feeling the terrifying suppressive force above the bend, and even his Hongmeng purple qi was faintly jealous.

“It’s not bad.”

The beautiful gaze of the Queen Mother of the West scanned Fuxi on the side.


She said softly, if it weren’t for the other party delaying time, Nuwa would definitely not be able to stop Hongjun, and she might not be able to break through safely.

Fuxi shook his head lightly, but smiled a little helplessly.

In fact, he originally wanted to directly suppress Hongjun, he was sixty percent sure, not to mention, which of the thirty-three heavens already knew, and he would also strike when necessary.

Even if Hongjun has all kinds of means, he can only drink hatred.

Unfortunately, the Queen Mother of the West is too strong, and the beauty is not inferior to the previous communication, only let herself delay one or two, and the subsequent matters only need to be handed over to herself.

Fuxi looked at Nuwa on the side, and a touch of tenderness appeared in his eyes.

“Let’s go, my brother just has time to accompany you during this time, let’s walk in the flood wilderness together.”

“But sister.”

Nuwa still seems to be a little worried, after all, Hongjun has been precipitated for a hundred years, and her sister has just stepped into the beginning.

“Don’t worry, don’t forget, your sister’s authority, but the most terrifying force between heaven and earth, punishing on behalf of heaven, to some extent, her authority can fight against death.”

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