Chapter 309 Suppressing the Dao Ancestor, Beheading 30,000, Peerless Grace!!

Queen Mother Xi looked at the young Taoist boy on Hongjun’s side, and the other party’s face instantly turned pale, and his body trembled.

The next moment, the other party knelt down weakly, and the true spirit was tortured!

Hongjun snorted coldly, almost scrapping his boy in front of him, which suddenly made him feel that his old face was dull.

In the next moment, the figures of the two sides directly attacked and left, and the figures disappeared into the immeasurable years, causing the sky to shake.

At the top of the thirty-three heavens, Di Jun’s face was helpless, to be honest, he also wanted to get rid of Hongjun, and he was a little moved by Fuxi’s proposal, but I have to say that the nature of the Queen Mother of the West is too strong, and even not weaker than him.

I don’t want anyone to participate at all, and it seems that the other party seems to be very sure of leaving Hongjun behind, or killing the other party.

However, the possibility of both is not too great, after reaching the Primeval Realm, neither physical body nor True Spirit level damage can hurt its foundation.

Even if all the other party’s divine thoughts are slashed together with the past and future, it can only severely damage the other party and cannot be killed.

Immortal and imperishable.

This is the horror of the Primeval Realm.

It cannot be eliminated unless the other party can be suppressed forever and break ~ the other party’s Dao.

Only then can it be possible to really kill and wear out the other party.

But how long such a time is, I am afraid it will take up to a thousand years.

At this time, the Queen Mother of the West and Hongjun fought against the immeasurable years, fighting from now to the past, and fighting to the future, causing endless time and space chaos, but after continuous fighting, Hongjun has been gradually suppressed, and the five punishments of the sky are worthy of the most terrifying killing force.

Beat Hongjun to defeat and retreat, and the terrifying power almost shattered Hongjun’s physical body again and again!

For a time, this same scene played out in countless times and spaces, whether in the past or in the future…

It’s all the appearance of Hongjun’s flesh being beaten to pieces!


This kind of scene will never fade in the past and future, and all living beings must see it at least several times as long as they are born and grow up.

All of them are Hongjun’s miserable appearance and the peerless grace of the woman in red.

This is the greatest revenge, although it is only a small wound for Hongjun, who has long been preaching.

But the impact is terrifying, it’s a pity to imagine.

When the Immortal Realm cultivators were not afraid of danger and would rather die than give in, you directly took out this scene to say that this direct Dao heart was shattered when they were powerful and pretentious, and wanted to dominate the heavens and the earth!

And it will also make countless immortal cultivators question themselves, and a powerful existence like Dao Ancestor is so embarrassed to talk about them even more…

The Way of Immortals, the Way of the Saints… And what good will it be?

It is conceivable that the impact of the next 100,000 years, millions of years, tens of millions of years cannot be eliminated.


It’s great!

It simply broke the foundation of the Immortal Dao, and also broke the Dao of the Saints!

At this moment, even Su Yang couldn’t help but smack his lips, Hongjun provoked who is not good, he has to provoke this.

It seems that he also felt too humiliated, and in the endless years, Hongjun, whose body shattered again, looked up to the sky and roared, and the next moment a terrifying light brewed out!



The power of terror swept through everything, and the endless years were completely wiped out, and many of the images in it were also wiped out, which was regarded as minimizing the loss.

The Queen Mother of the West looked cold, although the other party blew himself up to avoid being humiliated again, but things have happened, and endless years will stage the scene of his defeat.

Since then, she has won.


In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun’s eyes were cold and gloomy, he had never been so furious for a moment!

The flesh has been directly shattered more than 30,000 times in the immeasurable years!

This is no longer something that the word shame can say!

The Queen Mother of the West is about to break his path!

If he does not make a change, I am afraid that the path of immortals will be zero, and the path of saints will be zero from now on.

The more he thought of this, the more he couldn’t contain the fury in his heart and damage his foundation, and this matter was not over!

At this time, two figures came to visit.

“The disciple has seen the teacher.”

Zhunti, led the two to worship from afar, their faces were extremely respectful, they have been in the Purple Snow Palace for ten thousand years.

Since the last time the Buddhist Sect lost to the Terrans, they had only been resting and recuperating for 10,000 years, and at this time, they were naturally unaware of what was happening in the outside world.

“Teacher, the disciple has already realized something, and I came to say goodbye to the teacher.”

The guide said slowly.

At this time, Hongjun was angry, looked coldly at the two people next to him, and waved his hand directly.

Seeing that his master seemed to have a bad face, the two looked at each other, and did not dare to say anything so they had to retreat secretly.

But in my heart, I am constantly underestimating, what is this?

Why is Shizun’s face so dark? Even if you make a mistake in planning, you shouldn’t have such a big temper…

These two brothers obviously didn’t know that their master had just been beaten from the past to the future, and they originally wanted to take this opportunity to ask the teacher for a few treasures, but seeing the teacher’s anger, forget it…

The brothers secretly returned to Buddhism slowly.

At this moment, Hongjun, who was extremely furious, suddenly sensed that in the corner of the future years, the Buddhist gate that should have withered and went downhill from now on was extremely prosperous and extremely strange.

You must know that since the defeat of the Buddhist Sect, not only has the vitality been greatly damaged, but also the loss of luck, and the prosperity of countless worlds has also been wiped out.

Even he had worn it out with his own hands.

But why…

Hongjun pondered for a while, and then slowly stretched out his palm, and a ‘word mark’ exuded the majesty of the supreme Buddha light.

This is the Avenue of Buddha, and it is one of the ones he won the Lotus of the Avenue of Yicheng.

Or maybe all these changes have something to do with him.

Among the gods and demons of the heavens, basically all gods and demons have been revealed, but the three have not revealed a trace of information.

Destiny, cause and effect, the Buddhist path.

These three gods and demons seemed to be hidden so deeply that even he couldn’t guess the meaning until this moment.

The first two, with their own causal power to evade, the power of fate to cover, only the Buddha’s avenue, seems to be hidden in it.

No, maybe this time it can be driven for him.

The smile spread at the corner of Hongjun’s mouth, and he flexed his fingers randomly.

Suddenly, the lotus piece of the Buddha flew out of the Purple Snow Palace and did not enter the body of the two of them!

The Buddha was full of meaning, and suddenly the two hurriedly turned around and bowed three times in the direction of the Purple Snow Palace.

After getting up, both sides looked at each other, and they both felt the stunned and surprised look in each other’s eyes!


The path of the Buddha is pure and complete!

Even for the first time, they felt such a terrifying Dao rhyme and origin look at each other, and the already dull Buddha heart slowly appeared in waves, obviously they had begun to brew something.

And in the Purple Snow Palace, Hongjun once again sensed the corner of the future.

I saw eighteen golden bodies soaring into the sky, laying down a large array of heaven and earth, and in the big array, the will of the Queen Mother of the West almost collapsed.

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