Chapter 329 The years to come, Yan Huangxuan You Dao Fruit!!

The reincarnation god and demon pointed at the center of the eyebrows of the back soil.

In an instant, countless future scenes slowly appeared between the eyes.

Killing, endless killing.

The entire Honghuang Da Luo was torn apart by a sword, like a cut egg, countless creatures fell into a hideous blood mist, and the true spirits were not spared.

Above the bend, the thirty-three heavens were shredded, and Di Jun held the sky with both hands, triggering the mighty power of immeasurable years, and hundreds of gods and demons on his side attacked frantically!

At this time, the Heavenly Court behind him had already been shattered, and countless demon clans were killed and injured, even his body was broken.

The big sun behind him was no longer the glory of the past, and it became precarious, and finally under the long roar of the other party, a palm print penetrated his chest.

The God of Death Demon annihilated his physical body, taking all his intentions in the past and future~

Zhi suppressed down.

A generation of Demon Heavenly Emperors was suppressed and fell.

Donghuang Taiyi also rushed out, but unfortunately was suppressed by several gods and demons, and the true spirit was completely annihilated.

Scenes flashed, the Purple Snow Palace had long since collapsed, and all of Hongjun’s will was suppressed in the hands of the Immortal God and Demon.

Then he was completely refined and devoured by the other party.

Kunlun Mountain, eighteen golden light figures, alternating suppression, the Queen Mother of the West bathed in blood, her physical body almost collapsed, and her will gradually collapsed.

Dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns were kept in captivity by gods and demons and reduced to cattle before the car was crushed.

She had even seen the bodies of Zulong and Zu Feng imprisoned as livestock, they had long been dead, but they were enslaved.

In the central sea, three thousand vicious heavenly demon pillars suppressed down, dyeing the entire ocean with blood, and countless creatures struggled in it, not to seek death.

The Terrans are almost extinct, and blood stains the earth.

Two figures fought madly with hundreds of gods and demons, and one of them held a divine peak on his head, holding a long sword to shake the ancient world.

Another figure could not be seen clearly, but as more and more gods and demons besieged them, they also died of exhaustion.

Hou Tu couldn’t help but retreat just when she saw this, and even she didn’t dare to continue to look at such a scene, let alone see what happened to the Wu Clan.

The real Great Destruction, the end of the road ahead, is endless destruction.

Seeing Hou Tu like this, the reincarnation gods and demons on the side also sighed.

“This is the catastrophe of the entire flood and desolation, no one can avoid it, and no living creature can deal with it calmly.”

“But one thing, you can rest assured that this future is only the most serious part, and the road ahead is not exhausted.”


After hearing this, Tu hurriedly spoke up, wanting to tell the eldest brother and all the powers about this, but the next moment it seemed to be frozen, and he couldn’t speak.

She looked at the reincarnation god and demon in shock.

“This is the power of cause and effect, since the time you saw all this, the heavenly machine has closed you, me, and cannot be rumored to the outside.”

“Don’t blame Master, only by experiencing ruthlessness can you attain the great road, this is a point you must experience.”

The reincarnation god and demon said, the next moment, the true meaning of the six reincarnations flowed, and after Hou Tu woke up, he had returned to his position.

At this time, the brothers were drinking and eating meat, extremely happy.

At this time, she could not reveal the slightest, it seemed like a nightmare, a nightmare that kept urging.

“Brothers, I want to travel to the outside world first.”

Hou Tu said softly, with a little solemnity in his tone.

Hearing this, the group of ancestral witches stopped, and even the co-workers seemed to realize something, and the wine glass in their hands stopped at their mouths.

“Okay, if you want to go, just go, remember not to take too long, otherwise we will be worried.”

Di Jiang said with a gentle smile, did not refuse, in their opinion, can be full for a while but not for a long time, the other party will have to face it sooner or later.

Hou Tu nodded lightly, and then got up to leave.

“Big brother, little sister…”

“Xiaomei has been smart since she was a child, not to mention her relationship with reincarnation gods and demons, even if Chi helps gods and demons, the other party has never confronted us, right?”

Di Jiang said slowly, and then slowly got up and looked to the side.

“Are you going to get out?”

Hearing this, the ancestral witches got up and looked not far away, and a hideous avenue of soldiers hovered in the sky, and endless mighty power was nurtured in it.

A mighty figure slowly stepped out of the crumbling void, and the other party’s eyes looked not far away, and the burly body drove the Dao patterns on the road slowly appeared.

Bingzu Xuanyou!


One step, it seems that the heavens and the earth are shaking.

Liang You looked at his hands, feeling this terrifying surging power in his body, and for a while, he only felt that he was extremely comfortable.

“Xuan You has seen a few uncles.”

Seeing the twelve ancestral witches slowly walking out, Xuan You bowed and saluted, his eyes were extremely respectful for the supreme existence of these witches, since he could remember, they were taking care of themselves, they were not only their own uncles, but also their parents.

“Not bad, I have already advanced to the Dao Fruit level, but what are my plans?”

Di Jiang nodded in praise, and I have to say that Xuan You is really the most outstanding existence in the Wu Clan.

Hearing this, Xuan You couldn’t help but show a strong battle intent between his eyebrows.

“I wish to return to Jiuli and fight Yanhuang again!”

Hearing this, several ancestral witches couldn’t help but shake their heads gently, and Zhu Rong on the side walked slowly, slapped on Xuan You’s back, and the terrifying power even Xuan You couldn’t help but stagger a little.

“You kid is messy again, isn’t it?”

“During this time, the heavens and the earth have changed, you stay in the Wu tribe for the time being, you will give the affairs of the Jiuli tribe to the punishment heaven, I think that kid is more pleasant.”

“Eh… Be. ”

Looking at Zhurong on the side, Xuan You couldn’t help but slowly say, this uncle, who beat him from childhood to adulthood, is still a little afraid of this…

In the Terran Shrine, two figures sat side by side, the momentum around them was like an abyss, and countless terrifying forces gathered here.


The sound of heaven and earth resonated, and the two emperors of Yan and Huang slowly woke up.

The two looked at each other with joy between their eyebrows.

Now they have finally advanced to the Dao Fruit.

“Congratulations to the two Daoists for advancing to the Dao Fruit.”

On the side, Chao Clan slowly walked over and looked at the two with a smile.

In the void, a figure slowly condensed and formed, and Han Lishi tapped the void and looked at his own appearance.

Each of his Ni puppets, whether it is appearance or body, is random, but when he sees his own appearance again, he can’t help but be slightly stunned.

At this time, he was tall and handsome, which made people feel like a spring breeze, and the three-foot long sword at his waist added a unique charm to him.


No, you have to change it immediately, otherwise it’s too ostentatious!

When he was about to cast the spell again, the next moment a red-clothed figure slowly came to his side.

“What are Daoists doing here?”

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