Chapter 330 Coincidentally encounters the power of the flood and desolation, the battle of the demons begins!!

The sound was a little cold, but it was extremely pleasant.

Han Lishi’s face froze, feeling deeply unhappy, and then slowly turned to look at the other party and was about to salute, but he was instantly stunned on the spot.


“See… Seen… Daoyou. ”

Han Lishi’s face was solemn, and then he slowly replied with some calmness, but the corners of his mouth looked a little twitchy.

Although it seems that the waves are not alarming, but at this moment, his heart is already flooded with shocking waves.

Isn’t this the Lord of Kunlun Mountain?!

Queen Mother Xi looked at each other, her eyes flickered slightly, and then a smile rose at the corner of her mouth.

“Daoist friends are a good means.”

With her realm, she naturally saw that the other party’s body was a puppet, but even she would be a little difficult to find if she didn’t probe carefully.

She suddenly became interested, you know, she knows the power of the current Honghuang, but she does not have any impression of the other party, and it stands to reason that the number one person on the other party should not be nameless.

Or is it intentional?

If it was the latter, Hong Desolate Da Luo hid such a figure really thinking of this, she couldn’t help but look at Han Lishi, more and more intriguing, and suddenly at this moment, not far away, she seemed to sense something, and slowly looked forward.

I saw a figure slowly coming, it was Hou Tu Niangniang.

At this time, Han Lishi on the side was completely confused.

Didn’t I go out and read the yellow calendar?

These two flood powers, he met at the same time in one day, this luck is simply…


The twelve elders are discussing the nearest matters, and now that the once-in-10,000-year-old demonic chaos is about to begin, the universe of heaven and earth will inevitably produce layers of void realms, and various treasures in them will emerge one after another.

And they are bound to get a piece of the pie.

“Recently, the Great Elder has severely suppressed me and others, and the form has not improved, and dozens of branch halls have been destroyed.”

One of the figures said slowly, with a sad look between his eyebrows.

Since Su Tian’s incident, Huaxia has carried out an extremely heavy retaliation against them, and the other party is sure that they have dispatched the six-winged angel heroic spirit.

Their losses during this period of time are extremely huge, but even so, they still have no regrets, you must know that once Su Yang grows up, such a terrifying genius will even trigger a change in the pattern!

Their losses will only be more by then!

“Don’t care, as long as they don’t have absolute evidence, they are sure that the other party is slandering, and country M hasn’t made a move yet?”

The Great Elder replied in a deep voice, and then looked at the figure to one side.

“It’s useless, this group of guys, can only put their mouths on the side, really encountered things all withdrawn, only to provide us with resource support, but a drop in the bucket.”

The Third Elder couldn’t help pouting with disdain.

Everyone didn’t care, after all, this kind of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge was often done by the other party, and they didn’t have the luxury of asking the other party to do anything.

As long as the Chinese high-level failed to produce evidence, relying only on a mouthful of words, they could not convince the countries.

“Well, these matters can be put first, this battle of demons once in 10,000 years, the God of War specially ordered.

Ask me to take the younger generation of the LinkedIn Spirit Hall to the experience, and everything during my time will be decided by the Second Elder for the time being. ”

The Great War Elder said slowly, hearing that the other party was going to participate in the battle of demons, the elders showed envy one after another.

You must know that being able to participate in the battle of demons is undoubtedly a huge trust in him, and this great elder is afraid that he will become one of the nine war gods in the future.

For a time, the sound of compliments was incessant, and the Great Elder also smiled at the corners of his mouth, which was very useful.

“Great Elder, the six-winged angel heroic spirit did not find the other party’s figure in the process of chasing and killing Su Yang, is it possible that the other party is still alive?”

At this time, a voice sounded, and everyone looked solemn.

Although the six-winged angel killed all the personnel, he never found Su Tian’s figure, and the other party seemed to have completely disappeared, which was very strange.

“This is assured, in addition to the six-winged angel heroic spirit, there is also the elf king Yingling hovering around the space base, if the other party is still alive, he will inevitably go to the space base.”

“But so far, the elf king Yingling has not found half a trace of the other party, which shows that the other party has not returned to the space base at all.

What’s more, even if he lives, there is only one way to escape. ”

Everyone was righteous, and they seemed to think of something and couldn’t help but feel a chill down their spine.

“Blood Demon Clan.”

Someone whispered.

“Yes, how cruel and bloodthirsty the Blood Demon Clan is, if it falls into their hands, Su Xiao is afraid that it will already be devoured!”

The Great Elder was confident and confident, after all, how could the Terran survive in the territory of the Blood Demon Clan?

This is simply impossible!

While the elders continued to discuss matters related to the battle of demons, a terrifying aura enveloped them…


The twelve elders saluted in unison with great respect.

I saw a shadow slowly appear on the table, the other party glanced around, and the person who was scanned by his gaze only felt a chill in his heart.

They all bowed their heads silently, not daring to look at them at all.

“This battle of demons is extremely relevant, all elders will participate, and all disciples with god-level qualifications will also participate, and you must protect their safety.”

“This opportunity is not trivial, there will be no less than thirty Void Realms born, and you know the benefits and disadvantages, if someone hinders my Valhalla, kill!”

The cold voice recalled the main hall, and for a while, the twelve elders knelt on one knee, and their voices were loud.

“The god of war is destined for me!”

At this time, all top universities have been notified about the battle of demons, and countless graduates are gearing up, hoping to show their strength.

Isn’t what such a long time of cultivation has to do is to fight against the Void Monster and maintain the stability of the Star Domain?!

In addition, all parties are surging, and the countries above the blue star have dispatched top young powerhouses.

The battle of demons can only be participated in by creatures of the ninth rank and below the ninth rank, in addition, once there is a level above the ninth rank, it will inevitably be destroyed.

This is the prosperous age of all young Tianjiao, and the strongest Tianjiao of countless races in the entire universe gathers together.

The winner will receive the resource division for the next 10,000 years, and once the Terran wins, it will not be attacked by any void monsters for the next 10,000 years, which is particularly important for the Terran.

After all, looking at the entire universe, the human race is only one of thousands of races, it is already in decline, if it can get ten thousand years of calm, the growth of strength will inevitably usher in a blowout!

On the Demon Venerable Peak, Su Yang slowly got up, and just now he had received a message from the bloody face.

There are not many words just three short words.

Heavenly Spirit Boat.

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