Chapter 337: The Secret of the Bronze Divine Coffin, Dumping Weather and Luck on One Person!!

It turned out to be nine barbarian spirits!

How heavy is this bronze coffin, it actually has to be pulled by nine barbarian spirits!

You must know that the barbarian spirit, as the name implies, is a creature catalyzed by the barbarous qi of the universe, and the other party does not contain the kingdom of God in his body, but the most well-known thing is the terrifying power of the other party.

According to rumors, a barbarian spirit at the level of a true god even pulled thousands of stars, which was not the use of divine power, but the simple physical power.

The power of just one star weighs hundreds of millions of catties, let alone thousands!

This kind of power is even enough to wrestle with the gods!

You must know that here are nine barbarian spirits, even if their strength is difficult to reach the true god level, but they also have extremely terrifying power, nine superimposed figures, even the god and demon species can not compete with it.

But even so, they still had great difficulty lifting this bronze coffin.

This can’t help but make people think about what a terrifying existence is contained in this bronze coffin.

For a while, countless people couldn’t help but look at the bronze coffin.

Seeing this, the Demon Palace Master said softly.

“This bronze divine coffin was obtained thousands of years ago from a strange place, containing a variety of terrifying powers, we have investigated for a long time, we can’t see the flaws in it, but one thing is certain, there must be earth-shattering characters here.”

“If you open this thing, who may obtain the inheritance of a certain supreme power, and even soldiers have a lot of possibilities.”

“Therefore, the price is 300,000 divine stones.”

300,000 Divine Stones!

For a while, countless people couldn’t help but smack their lips in shock, 300,000 divine stones can be compared to an incredible heaven-level soldier.

What’s more, if this bronze coffin is really as the other party said, why don’t they open it themselves?

I don’t think there are huge drawbacks, and I dare not start it lightly.

For a time, no one shouted for sale, and the audience seemed extremely silent.

After all, if you can come here, your basic vision will not be bad, and the interests and disadvantages will naturally be known, so how can you commit this risk?

Seeing the cold scene, the demon on the side also shook his head helplessly, for this item, even they did not have much hope of selling.

The reason for the bid of 300,000 is only because the cost of obtaining this thing alone is no less than this amount, and even many people are buried in that temple, and most of these sacred stones are used for comfort.

300,000 is already the lowest price.

Just when she was almost about to give up, suddenly a voice slowly came out

“Three hundred thousand divine stones.”

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and for a while, countless people looked sideways and looked at the place where the sound came from.

Tianzi third class room.

Countless people couldn’t help but be stunned, but they didn’t expect that there was really such a big head, and they couldn’t help shaking their heads for a while.

However, some people have solemn eyes, and there are really people bidding, if there is really something good in this thing, wouldn’t it be to let the other party pick up the leak, but even so, the risk is still very large, 300,000 divine stones can be considered a lot, and after thinking about it, no one spoke.

“Three hundred thousand divine stones once!”

The demon looked around and saw that no one made a sound, and he must have been a little disappointed, but it was already good to be able to get 300,000 divine stones.

“Then congratulations, the third class guest of the Tianzi won the auction, and the second treasure is below…”

At this time, in the third-class room of Tianzi, Su Yang sat on a bench, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand and savoring it.

This tea name day: Meditation.

It can make the practitioner calm and restrained, which has a great bonus effect on cultivation.

Only the Tianzi Room can enjoy it, and it is still limited.

The two women on one side looked at Su Xiao and wanted to stop talking, in their opinion, this bronze coffin was too risky, and the income was not proportional to the risk at all.

However, seeing Su Tian’s appearance, the two finally did not make a sound.


The door opened, and an old man in Xuan clothes had white hair, walked out slowly, and looked at Su Xiao and bowed slightly.

“Old Immortal has seen the Mako, this item is your auction proceeds, and after the auction, someone will come to collect the divine stone.”

The old man was respectful, and then he slowly presented a storage jade box, and Su Yang opened the jade box.

In an instant, a vicious momentum spread out, and the space squeezed by the terrifying force was constantly collapsing.

Su Xiao slowly closed it and then nodded, and seeing this, the old man slowly left.

“What is the mystery of this thing Gongzi?”

Seeing the other party’s blood gentle on the side, he couldn’t help but ask.

And Su Yang just smiled, then opened the jade box, slowly placed his hand on the bronze pipe, and then the power of the three thousand avenues operated.

From the first time he saw this bronze coffin, Su Yang, like the surrounding auctioneers, knew that the risk was too great.

But at the moment when he was about to return to his senses, the mark on the center of his eyebrows emitted a strange force, and under the influence of this force, he found that this coffin did not seem to be as bad as expected.

“You two back off.”

Su Xiao said slowly, and then the power of his eyebrows surged, urging the Divine and Demon Chaos Method, and in an instant, the entire bronze coffin began to tremble violently.

In the next moment, layers of rust continued to fall, and this bronze coffin began to reveal its true appearance!


An incomparably fierce aura expanded, and the terrifying aura made the moon and blood on the side suddenly appear.

That bronze color turned out to be just a layer of confinement!

At this time, the coffin is about three feet long and one foot and two feet wide, carved with all kinds of strange texts, in addition to this hideous divine beast, each of which is lifelike, as if to break free from the coffin!

The two women were shocked by the terrifying aura emanating from the pipe and did not dare to do anything.

Su Yang pressed up with one hand, and the Divine and Demon Chaos Law was launched, and in an instant, a tyrannical, ferocious, and murderous aura was crazy for the mayor.

Returning to chaos between the beards, the coffin slowly opened, and I saw a golden bone body contained in it, not only that, but there were also two treasures on the other side.

One of them is a blue bead that exudes various charms, and the other is a red fruit, surrounded by the shadow of a dragon elephant, shaking the sky and giving birth to supreme power.

“This is…”

The Nether Moon on one side suddenly widened her eyes when she saw such a scene, and she was extremely shocked.

“Supreme golden body, blue beads, dragon elephant god heavenly fruit!”

Looking at Su Yang on the side, he couldn’t hide the shock in his heart, what a soaring force of luck was able to open these three treasures!

You must know that any of these three treasures will attract countless forces to rob the fox!

“Look here.”

At this moment, the rust dissipated, and the original bronze coffin turned into a glass color, and a wen yao flashed in it, which seemed to contain an extremely profound technique.

Even the coffin contains such a mystery!

The two women were already shocked and speechless, and it was even more difficult to calm the inner horror when they saw Su Yang’s calm as always.

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