Chapter 338: The Battle of Pills, Change the Divine Stone!!

“This glass coffin contains a good technique, you can take this opportunity to feel it, and take it as collateral after the auction.”

Su Xiao said slowly and then put these three treasures into his storage space together.

The two women on the side showed different expressions, obviously a little incredulous, knowing that the technique contained in this glass coffin is not low in rank, and even weaker than the fierce beast method of the original blood long song.

Such a precious technique, the other party actually gave them like this?!

You must know that if this technique is taken out for auction, I am afraid that it will not be less than a million divine stones!

“Hurry up and cultivate, don’t blame me for not reminding the star when the time comes.”

Hearing this, the two women hurriedly sat cross-kneeled and began to comprehend the exquisite spells in the glass coffin.

Although the grade of this spell is not low, it is not too attractive to Su Tian, not to mention the supreme technique he comprehended from the Honghuang Daluo, just the Divine and Demon Chaos Method obtained before is enough to apply.

Each of his techniques is terrifyingly high, naturally there is no need to practice anything else, all he needs to do at this moment is to completely comprehend the Chaos God Magic.

The Divine and Demon Chaos Method is divided into nine heavens and earths, and each layer of heaven and earth will contain a terrifying technique, which is extremely mysterious and obscure.

You must know that at this moment, his cultivation of the Divine and Demon Chaos Method is only the first heaven and earth.

Its name, Chaos Origin Immortality.

After cultivating this realm, his physical body will be so powerful that no soldier under the heavenly grade can hurt his body.

However, the practice of this method is also extremely difficult, and it is necessary to collect the five extreme substances in the world to be able to melt and forge more.

They are: the source of Taishang gold, the essence of infinite fire, the creation of immortal wood, the immortal god spiritual soil, and the Qianyuan crystal heart water.

These five extreme substances are extremely difficult to find, each of them is of a priceless level, even if the entire blood demon clan cultivates resources on him, it is only worth ten kilograms of immortal god spiritual soil.

That’s the limit.

But it was already very good, Su Yang had long planned to get nothing, and it was already an unexpected joy to be able to get ten kilograms of Immortal God Spirit Soil.

At this moment, Su Yang seemed to notice something when he took out the golden bone body, and a fierce golden source power emanated from a finger, and even his fingers were lightly cut open.

“The source of Taishang Gold.”

Su Tian’s face was beaming, and he was a little shocked for a while, could it be that this bone body was all forged using the source of Taishang gold!?

If that’s the case, he’ll really make a lot of money!

Such a huge bone body, at least thousands of catties or even ten thousand catties!

The price of these five extreme substances is two for sale!

One or two is 100,000 divine stones, and it is the lowest!

Su Xiao hurriedly checked, a little pity, this bone body is not forged by the source of Taishang gold, only the outer layer is so.

Su Xiao didn’t have much hope, after all, being able to get this thing was already a big profit.

Although it is only one layer, there are hundreds of pounds, which is definitely enough for him.

If you want to cultivate the first layer, you must refine the five extreme substances into the body for ten catties, and at present, you have gathered two, and only the three ultimate substances of water, fire and wood are left.

Seeing the two women falling into practice, Suzhou did not bother but looked at the auction table to check if there were other treasures.

At the moment, the auction floor is hot.

What is about to be auctioned are ten holy pills, namely the Breaking Robbery Pill, the Broken Lock Pill, and the most crazy Dry Yuan Pill.

Among them, the Breaking Pill can increase the chance of a cultivator breaking through, and the Breaking Pill can break the thirty-six Heavenly Dao chains in the body of a seventh-order cultivator.

As for the dry yuan pill is the most special, it can be called a life-saving holy pill, obtaining this thing, even if the vitality in one’s own body is cut off, as long as there is still a trace of qi, it can be saved, and even even only the divine soul can continue to cultivate.

If you get one, you will get a life.

The Breaking Pill and the Broken Lock Pill did not have a great effect on Su Tian, and with his Three Thousand Dao Dao, it could be said that there was no obstacle to his own cultivation at all, even the seventy-two earth locks and the thirty-six heavenly locks could not bind him.

In comparison, it has a greater effect on him, that is, the dry yuan pill.

After all, there are too many unknowns in the Void Realm this time, even if he is confident in his strength, it is not difficult to guarantee that he will be injured.

Therefore, the effect of this object on him is not small.

“Thirty-eight thousand divine stones!”

“Four hundred thousand divine stones!”

“Four hundred and fifty thousand divine stones!”

One voice after another, the eyes of the figure were red, obviously had moved the real fire, and the gaze became more and more cold.

I’m afraid that if it weren’t for the rule that the auction house couldn’t do it, I was afraid that at this moment, several people would even punch out their brains.

Such a scene even Su Xiao couldn’t help but smack.

You must know that a divine stone can be hundreds of divine sources lower, and it can even support all the energy needs of an ordinary person from the first order to the fifth order!

With the identity of Su Yang Demon Son, it is only 100,000 divine stones a year, and the numbers that are burst out here are a little daunting even to him.

At this time, the price was approaching 480,000 divine stones, and many people had already withdrawn from the competition, after all, the interests were too involved.

Five of these ten holy pills are dry yuan pills, three are robbery pills, and two are broken lock pills.

The upper limit of their interests is 500,000 divine stones, which is already approaching at this moment, and it is inevitable that it is not cost-effective to make a move.

“Four hundred and eighty thousand divine stones! Does anyone else bid higher? ”

The enchantment said softly, everyone looked at each other and finally stopped raising their hands, and there was finally a soothing color between the eyebrows of the bidder, but the next moment a voice sounded again.

“Five hundred thousand divine stones.”

Half a million!

Everyone was slightly surprised, and this voice was a little familiar.

They all looked in the direction, and then they saw the third-class room of Tianzi behind!

Is he again!?

For a while, everyone couldn’t help but look strange, looking at each other, but they didn’t make a sound, only the person who was about to shoot just now looked ugly.

He clenched his teeth and almost hissed.

“Fifty-one thousand divine stones!”

“Six hundred thousand.”

The light fluttering voice fell, instantly suppressing the other party’s words back, 510,000 is already his limit, and he can’t take out more.

“Then congratulations to the ten Saint Danes taken by the third-class Tianzi room!”

Su Yang stood in the room, holding a azure bead in his hand.

Cang Lan Zhu, this thing is useless with him, and can be taken out and mortgaged together when the time comes.

This object is a ten-million-level heaven-level weapon, which must be able to shoot a lot of divine stones.

It just so happens that he can also be used to enrich a wave, after all, the divine stones on his body at this moment are only worth 100,000, which is really a bit rare.

The mind turned and stepped out of Su Yang to come outside the box, directly to the place of identification.

A black-robed old man was napping on the side, looking at Su Yang with a somewhat solemn expression.

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