Chapter 339: One Hundred Million Divine Stones! Weird cage, the plain of heaven!!

The old man looked at Su Yang, obviously recognizing the other party, rubbed his hands and smiled.

“I wonder what the demon son moved here to auction?”

“This thing.”

Su Yang looked at the other party, took out the blue bead in his hand, and placed it in front of the other party.

Instantly froze, looked at Su Yang with some shock, and slowed down for a long time before coming back to his senses, and couldn’t help but say respectfully.

“His Royal Highness the Demon Son, please wait a moment, this thing is old and immortal, please wait for one or two.”

Suzhou nodded slowly, seeing this, the other party left in a bit of a panic, regardless of the time for a while, another figure of the follower hurriedly walked over.

The leader was a middle-aged man, burly, wearing a gorgeous robe that was worth a lot, and when he saw him, he saluted Su Xiao slightly, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief and said solemnly.

“I don’t know how many god ~ stones Gongzi wants to sell?”

Su Xiao raised his eyebrows, looked at the other side, and the other party did not hide and said directly.

“Don’t hide it from Gongzi, I have a lot of use for this thing, I hope to be able to buy it directly, and the price will definitely satisfy Gongzi.”

The other party said sincerely, obviously very sincerely.

Su Xiao frowned slightly, this thing is expensive as a ten-million-level weapon, at least nine million divine stones, or even more, but he is not sure, so he just tentatively raised a finger.

Ten million divine stones, he wanted to see how sincere the other party was.

Seeing Su Yu bidding the other party pondering for a moment, he gritted his teeth.

“Yes, but there is one point, please remember that this bead falls into my hands and do not tell others.”

“Don’t worry, since it belongs to you, then you have nothing to do with Young Master Ben.”

Su Xiao said slowly, but he was slightly happy in his heart, 10 million divine stones, such a quantity is already the top price of ordinary tens of millions of combat weapons.

At first, looking at the appearance of the other party, he thought that the other party would give up, but he didn’t expect to actually win.

In this way, his divine stone will not be lacking, at least for a short time.

“Gongzi rest assured that after the auction is over, your auction house will be deducted from this sacred stone, and please take this item well.”

To say this is to hand over a golden jade Jane.

“This object is the supreme guest of my Xuantian Auction, with this object you can enjoy a seven-fold discount on all consumption here, and you can also arbitrarily call any auction in the entire universe, five million divine stones.”

The old man respectfully handed over the jade Jane, Su Xiao nodded slowly, feeling that something was wrong, this Jade Jane seemed to be a little big, you must know that the blue beads he took out were only ten million divine stones.

The value given by the other party to this jade simple is probably more than this blue bead.

Even so, why did the other party do this, could it be that there was another plan?

After pondering for a long time, I couldn’t get results, so I was too lazy to think about it, anyway, I got cheap and didn’t take advantage of it.

Back in the room, the two women on the side at this time had gradually woken up from it, with a happy face, and even the always cold-faced Hades couldn’t help but have a faint smile.

Apparently both sides have gained.

“This glass coffin will be handed over to the two of you for safekeeping.”

Anyway, after selling the Cang Blue Bead, ten million divine stones were enough for him.

At this time, the auction house is gradually coming to an end, and the last auction item is about to be released.

Only then did the top forces hidden and in the shadows begin to reveal their real terrifying wealth, and even most of them came here for this last piece of auction.

“I think you all have already heard something, so I won’t say much and put the last item on the auction.”

When the words fell, the gathering room and the aura of terror permeated.

I saw a hideous cage slowly emerge, and the cage was covered with dense runes, which was dazzling!

A figure sits in the depths of the cage, unable to see the man and woman clearly, but the other party’s breath is extremely low.

Whether it is the breath of life or anything else, it is languishing to the extreme.

However, it was such a creature that was almost extremely weak that attracted the people present, and his eyes were red, and even Su Yang could feel all kinds of greedy thoughts appearing.

“This last auction item is a creature of the Heavenly Void Realm, and it is also the Void Realm that is about to open, and this cage has existed since the time it is discovered.”

“The power contained in it is not easily contaminated even by a strong person at the True God level, but there is one thing I can tell you.”

“I wait to find the place where the other party is located, in the plain of heaven.”

As soon as this word came out, countless people changed color.

According to rumors, the Heavenly Origin is located in a strange place in the void in the depths of the universe, and even gives birth to all kinds of fearful powers, and there were once strong people at the level of the God Emperor, but there were no bones left when they stepped into it.

There are even rumors that there are bones and treasures of the Infinite God Emperor there, and only one of the three things needs to be obtained, which is to be able to establish a family that will not fall for ten thousand years, even enough to prosper for more than 100,000 years!

The benefits are enough to affect the world, the most important thing is that since the other party is imprisoned there, presumably the understanding of it is naturally extremely familiar, if you can pry open the other party’s mouth, just the information is enough to bring great wealth.

“As for the auction price,… It is three million divine stones, and each increase must not be less than 100,000 divine stones. ”

As the other party’s voice fell, the screams were heard in an instant!

“Three and a half million divine stones!”

“Four million divine stones!”

“Five million divine stones!”

These people participating in the competition are all big families or have a group behind them, and they have extremely strong financial resources!

For a time, this price climbed wildly but in a short time, it had risen to tens of millions of divine stones.

At this moment, even Su Yang was slightly stunned, not to mention the two women behind him, which was unimaginable.

In the end, it was photographed by a hidden figure for 80 million divine stones.

It can be regarded as letting Su Xiao see what it means to be rich and powerful.

The auction hall gradually dissipated, and finally an old man slowly walked into the photo room and presented ten spatial rings.

Such a scene made Su Yang a little stunned, even if it was ten million divine stones, it would not be used to hold it with ten spatial rings.

The old man respectfully saluted and then said slowly.

“Gongzi, this is the 100 million divine stones you obtained, and the total expenditure excluding the auction proceeds is 99.3 million divine stones.”



Su Xiao was slightly stunned, looked at each other, and his mind was buzzing.

Even until the other party left to look at the ten spatial rings in his hand and carefully investigate, it would really be almost 100 million divine stones.

For the first time, Su Yang felt that the weight of these ten divine stones was even a little unbearable for him, didn’t I only sell ten million divine stones, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, good fellow, fortunately he did not directly bid for it, otherwise…

Sure enough, poverty limited their imagination and the two women on one side were directly stunned on the spot, and even some doubted whether they had misheard, 100 million divine stones!

I don’t know what to say, you must know that even if it is the accumulation of tens of thousands of years of Qianyuan God Venerable, I am afraid that it will only be thousands.

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