Chapter 340 Curse the Demon and Kill the Valhalla!!

Three days later, on the Heavenly Spirit Boat, Su Yang and the Blood Demon Clan finally went to the depths of the Void Realm.

It is said that the void world opened up this time is unprecedentedly vast, which has led to the opening of only this one void realm.

This also means that the Tianjiao of the entire universe will gather together.

At this moment, Blood Qingyan suddenly found, and Su Yang brought a message.

“Kill the Terrans.”

Su Tian’s eyes looked at the other party without waves, and his tone was tasteful.

“Yes, the Terran is already weak, this time the Void Realm opens to destroy the Terran, not to mention that the blood of the other party will also have a great effect on me and others.”

Blood Qingyan said slowly, his words were extremely flat, as if he was telling an ordinary thing.

“Is this your own plan or…”

“It’s not me, except for my blood demon race, the Void Demon Dragon lineage, and most of the Void Race of the Demon Spirit Race basically plan to slaughter the human race firstSu Yang listened to the other party’s story, his eyes kept thinking.”

“Then my blood demon clan, which force is responsible.”

The Terran race is not weak in the entire universe race, especially the five major powers, and they have the strength to rival the race, and the strength is not strong.

But the only pity is that the Terrans are extremely xenophobic and do not have any goodwill towards the various Void races, so they continue to fight each other.

“We’re in charge.”

The blood pouring on the side was a little hesitant, but she didn’t know much.

Seeing this, Su Xiao shook his head, many Void Demon Clans besieged the Human Clan, this is not at all something his strength can stop, the only thing he can do is to try to avoid losses on the Huaxia side.

After all, that’s where he is.

“The Void Realm has changed, this time many Void Realms are hidden, it is very likely to change in it, at this time, it is best not to disperse strength.”

Although the blood Qingyan on the side frowned when he heard this, he also nodded slowly, after all, they are not very concerned about the killing of the human race, and the strength of the human race is not low, and the battle of demons needs to be foolproof.

It is enough to besiege the Terran with other Void Demon Clan, and they do not need to go to this troubled water, moreover, there are many top existences among the Terrans, each of which is a terrifying existence that shocks the universe.

They don’t dare to go too far.

After the blood poured back to the face, the dark moon came to the door, and the other party slowly handed over a jade Jane.

The information contained on this was an extremely secret matter that Su Yang had ordered her to investigate.

It concerns Valhalla’s spaceship.

And the other party also lived up to the trust to get the news, Su Yang took the news, probed and slowly extinguished the jade jian, and then said slowly to the dark moon.

“I need to go out, you guys go the original route for the time being.”

Although Hazuki had doubts, she did not ask, and she had completely surrendered to this person during this period of time.

There are some things that the other party can only know if she knows it, and if the other party does not say it, she cannot ask.

Cosmic Void, a huge spaceship enters the Void Ups and Downs mode, shuttling through space at faster than the speed of light.

This is the Valhalla Heroic Battleship, carrying all the Valhalla elite Tianjiao, and the strength is quite powerful, it can be said that the entire Valhalla Tianjiao generation is in this twelve elders are jointly discussing the specific plan about this void realm.

“Elder, this experience should be based on us, the Void Monster Race, it’s just a lowly race, but there is no need to care.”

At this moment, a young figure walked out slowly, showing pride between his eyebrows.

His name is Yokos Weir, and he is the seed of the True God secretly cultivated by the Valhalla, and he is a special attack on the True God, and even the God of War level existence.

However, in a hundred years, it has reached the ninth level, and his strength is difficult to meet in the entire Valhalla.

And the other party’s divine kingdom is also extremely powerful, originating from Northern Europe, and there are many gods, whether it is potential or its own strength, it is extremely fearful!

Seeing the other party coming, the faces of the elders were solemn, although this son was very talented, it was a pity that he rarely participated in the battle with the Void Monster.

Even the battle is only in the void scale, and most of the monsters in the void scale are imprisoned with part of their strength.

Truly speaking, the Terran race is weaker than the Void Demon Race in the same realm.

“Don’t be careless, the strength of the void monsters is strong, especially those top bloodline monsters are extremely strong, otherwise the known universe would not be so small.”

The other party said coldly, but Will on the side was full of nonchalance, with his strength, even in the Valhalla, he was the top group of people, naturally he had his own pride…

At the same time, the fleets of the various Terran countries have also been dispatched, and all those who are eligible to participate are the elite of the elite.

Finally, the ship stayed on a starry sky, and this time participating in the battle of demons Valhalla also found an ally and a death god pavilion.

The two sides have a lot of interests with each other, so this battle of demons is also a secret alliance to deal with strong enemies on all sides.

But after several hours, there was still no news from the other party, and it was only at this moment that the twelve elders were alert.

“Not good, something happened!”

As soon as the Great Elder’s voice fell, he saw a huge planet colliding head-on!

Almost the entire field of view is covered!

The ship’s siren suddenly sounded, the ship’s side defense system was activated, and an energy shield was extended, but even so, it was difficult to resist the force of this terrifying force!

The hull of the ship shook continuously, and the next moment a hideous figure slowly emerged from the void, and the other party’s extremely huge body was directly torn apart!

“Damn it!”

How did the Great Elder not know that he had fallen into the trap, and the figures of several people appeared on the hull of the ship, and the powerful power spread out!

Stopped that terrifying figure, at this moment a huge six-winged angel came out of the sky, three pairs of holy wings, stretched out, and a terrifying aura permeated the air.

The power of endless rules surged wildly, and the huge holy sword in his hand slashed down, and the huge figure was directly torn apart!

“It’s the heroic spirit!!”

Some Void Monsters cried out in amazement and fled one after another.

The twelve heroic spirits of the Valhalla are powerful existences even among the void creatures, and there are countless void monsters that have fallen in them.

You must know that this heroic spirit can be called one of the supreme beings under the true god With the appearance of the six-winged angel heroic spirit, hundreds of heroic spirit hall Tianjiao also killed together, and the situation was almost one-sided!

These Void Demon Clan originally thought that they were a relatively weak pair of Terrans, so they were ambushed here, who knew that they had encountered such a hard stubble, and they were all shocked and discolored for a while.

However, at this moment, the six-winged angel heroic spirit fell directly on a star like a meteorite, and a white-clothed figure slowly walked forward.

“Long time no see.”

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