Chapter 341: Fighting the Six-Winged Angel Heroic Spirit Alone, Severely Damaging the Valhalla!!

The indifferent voice echoed through the heavens and the earth, shaking everyone’s body with time.

The scene just now made countless people brazenly dumbfounded, and the almost invincible six-winged angel heroic spirit was actually repelled by the other party’s move!

The surging momentum soared into the sky, and Su Yang walked slowly with the Broken Star Halberd in his hand, and the void around him violently vibrated with each step.

“Seventh-order pinnacle!?”

Countless people lost their faces, and the personnel of the Valhalla only felt a chill around them, as if they had seen something incredible.

You must know that although the six-winged angel heroic spirit is not known for its attack power, its speed is the fastest among all the heroic spirits, and it can shoot down the other party.

Even among ninth-order powerhouses, it is extremely rare, let alone a seventh-order one!

The earth roared, the six-winged angel heroic spirit broke free, the huge holy sword in his hand, containing endless divine aura, a sword swung out, layer by layer of space annihilated!

The sword light stretches for more than a thousand miles!

Su Tian’s face did not change, the broken star halberd in his hand moved, and the void around him began to shake in zero time.


The roar shook the sky,… A hideous dragon shadow surged out from the Shattered Star Halberd, and the blood qi filled three thousand miles!

The two terrifying forces collided together, causing a large area of the void to collapse and tear, and all the space within a radius of thousands of miles was wiped out.

Countless Celestial Hall Heavenly Pride and Void Monsters that could not be avoided have fallen.

The six-winged angel heroic spirit is extremely strong, and it is difficult for Su Yang to fight the opponent for nearly a hundred rounds.

But even so, the battle between the two had already made countless Valhalla personnel turn pale, and their hearts were even more frightened to the extreme.

At this moment, the twelve elders who were the leaders had just got out, and looking at the figure fighting with the six-winged angel heroic spirit became more and more familiar, but he couldn’t remember it for a while!


There was another collision, and Su Tian’s figure retreated dozens of miles, and the broken star halberd in his hand shook his forehead.

It is worthy of being able to kill the heroic spirit of the ninth-order existence, which is really tricky.

Su Xiao thought in his heart, it is not good that he did not plan to destroy the Valhalla in this battle, after all, the other party is also a big force, and it is basically impossible to kill with his current strength.

What’s more, in addition to these six-winged angelic heroic spirits, there are twelve elders whose strength is at least the eighth-order peak level, and once they are connected, they are still not small!


With a long roar, the heavens and the earth shook the universe, Su Yang single-handedly soared into the sky, boundless divine energy was injected into the broken star halberd, and tens of millions of heaven and earth rules shook.

The vision of heaven and earth caused by it, the angry dragon roared.

Above the body, the weeping blood armor wrapped up, like an immortal god of war, mighty and fierce!

A halberd struck out, this blow not only inspired all the rules of heaven and earth within it, but also contained the bonus of the Weeping Blood Battle Armor, and it was shaken under one halberd!


Three roars shook the void, and the six-winged angel heroic spirit was directly hit into the planetary core by this blow!

After the blow, Su Yang could turn around, looking at the twelve elders who were fighting in the distance, and the next moment a great figure stood between heaven and earth!

“Dharma heaven and earth!”

The twelve elders’ eyes were shocked, and they recognized the origin of this move.

For a time, it only felt creepy!

Until this moment, they finally recognized that figure as Su Tian!

He turned out to be alive!

Moreover, after only a year, the other party actually has the terrifying strength to fight against the ninth order, and this growth rate is simply terrifying to the extreme!

This is a technique that belongs specifically to Su Tian, and almost no one except him has learned it, naturally it can only be Su Tian!

The next moment, the figure of the great shore stepped out in one step, causing the void to shake endlessly!

For a while, he looked at the vast figure,… Countless Valhalla Tianjiao were stunned, such a terrifying figure was only a seventh-order strength, who dared to believe it!?

The twelve elders did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and drank in unison!


At the same time, a huge circular formation rose from the ground, wrapping all the Valhalla disciples together, and countless people were injected with divine energy, and for a while, the formation was extremely condensed and almost impossible to shake!

The Dharma Heaven and Earth contained an endless aura of destruction, and Su Yang was covered in weeping blood battle armor, pouring the sky and light around it.

The rules of the avenue of power converged between the palms, and with the slow clenching of fists, the sky seemed to collapse.


A punch oscillates upward, and the terrifying force of the ups and downs swings the formation from side to side.

The power was carried down, and all the disciples below the eighth rank all turned into blood mist and exploded!


The Great Elder’s eyes cracked and he roared, this punch almost wiped out dozens of geniuses!

If there was no explanation for such a huge casualty, his position as a great elder would basically come to an end.


The blazing light exploded, the planet in the distance collapsed and shattered, and a huge six-winged angel figure soared into the sky.

Three pairs of wings spread out Yuxuan, the huge body is full of thousands of feet, and the wings are more than enough!

Looking at the furious twelve elders below, Su Xiao was not in a hurry.

“The assassination before, this is just the beginning.”

The power of the avenue flowed, Su Tian’s figure slowly disappeared, and the twelve elders’ faces turned red and furious.

Before entering the Heavenly Void Realm, he almost lost a quarter, such a huge casualty, who would know that it was actually from the hands of someone who should have died a year ago?

The power of the six-winged angel has been completely stimulated, and with Su Yang’s current strength, at most, it can only be equal to the opponent in a complete state, and even slightly weaker.

Anyway, he has already sent an opening to the other party, and the rest of the matter is good to take it slowly, but if he wants to completely kill this six-winged angel heroic spirit, at least his strength must reach the eighth rank.

Similarly, the Divine Demon Chaos Method also needs to complete the first layer of cultivation.

Only this is a complete strategy, after all, even the heroic spirit will self-detonate, and under the self-detonation, with Su Yang’s current strength, there is no life or death.

The twelve elders looked at each other and only felt that their hearts were getting heavier, such a huge loss was simply…

“What’s going on?”

A cold voice sounded, indifferent and piercing chill.

Hearing this, they were slightly stunned, and then they looked at each other with a shocked face and couldn’t help but retreat.

“His Royal Highness the God of War.”

Everyone knelt down on one knee one after another, their faces panicked.

Especially the twelve elders were even more shocked and did not dare to say the slightest.

The battle of demons has level requirements that cannot be exceeded by the ninth level, but these strong people of the True God realm can suppress their strength at the ninth level through prohibition.

This method is naturally recognized, even not only Valhalla, almost all major void races will send these people.

Most of them are running out of time, and only then do they hope to enter the Void Realm in the hope of obtaining a magic medicine that can prolong their lives.

But even so, the other party also represents the highest combat power of the Valhalla at this moment.

And they just inflicted such huge losses to the dead!

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