Chapter 342: The Might of the Void Demon Dragon, One Move Hurts the Two Gods!!

Pang Gu looked at the twelve elders with a cold face, and then pressed down with a palm, and the terrifying coercion permeated, and suddenly suppressed these twelve elders to the ground!

He did not use the power beyond the ninth order, but he still made everyone unable to move at all.

It can be seen that its strength is terrifying, especially people of this level, entering the realm of true gods, living for ten thousand years, and the accumulation of these ten thousand years is not at all comparable to these people.

In 10,000 years, whether it is the perception of the avenue, or the mastery of magic, or the grasp of proportion when fighting with people, they have been mastered to the extreme!

This kind of existence is the most terrifying, almost reaching the extreme of the ninth order!

Even the heroic spirit can’t fight it!

The twelve elders did not dare to hide half a minute, and told the ambush before and Su Xiao’s appearance to retaliate.

For a while, Pang Gu’s face became more and more gloomy, looking at the Great Elder, the other party’s right arm exploded with a bang!

The Great Elder’s face was pale, and he endured the great pain caused by the loss of his right arm, so he did not dare to make a sound, and his body trembled gently.

“Remember your many years of hard work, do not kill you for the time being, and retreat for three hundred years after returning.”


The Great Elder’s face was ugly, and then he said slowly.

He only had less than two hundred years left in his lifespan, and it was almost impossible for him to break through the True God Realm in retreat!

But at the moment there is no one he refuses.

“Su Tian, this son is indeed a great calamity in my Valhalla!”

Pang Gu said coldly, his eyes cold and bloodthirsty.

On the other side of the void, a huge spaceship was circulating, it was Huaxia’s spaceship, a total of three, each loaded with the top Tianjiao of the ten top academies.

At this time, it was only tens of thousands of miles away from the Heavenly Void Realm, and the leader was a true god strong man in the military, named Chen Yan, who, like Pang Gu, had imprisoned his cultivation to the ninth level, at this time the void was extremely lonely, silent, Chen Yan looked around, with the information they obtained, the Void Demon Clan was likely to make a move against him.

Some small countries or first-class second-rate forces of the Terran race may not pay too much attention to each other, but the five strongest powers of the Terran race will definitely attract the attention of many void races!

【Alert! Alert! 】

[Detected that position void fluctuations have begun to appear, the void threshold is disordered, and it is currently impossible to perform void jumping! ] 】

[Spatial abnormality detected, a large number of void monsters are converging, the highest rank bloodline: emperor level! ] 】

“Emperor-level bloodline.”

Chen Yan’s face was a little solemn, he didn’t expect the Void Monster to be so big, but he didn’t know which vein of the top ten Void Emperor clans came this time.

Void monsters are also divided into different forces, of which they are mainly divided into three levels, one of which is the ten Void Emperor Families, these creatures have emperor-level bloodlines that are extremely terrifying.

The second is the Void Tribe at the middle level, and the Blood Demon Clan is at this level and is the backbone of all Void Monsters.

The third is the wandering void monsters with the lowest strength, some of these void monsters are unclear, have not given birth to wisdom, and of course, some are extremely terrifying and extremely powerful individuals.

Instead, each of the ten Void Emperors holds an incomparably terrifying cosmic realm, which is the apex of all Void Monsters.

Boom boom!!!

With a violent roar, I saw layers of void constantly squeezed, and the terrifying eroding power spread out.

Chen Yan shouted coldly: “After I smashed the Void Blockade, everyone rushed to the Heavenly Void Realm as fast as possible!” ”

When the words fell, he turned into a blazing light and rose into the air, and a flame world rose into the sky.

The kingdom of God he conceived is an endless flame, from which every creature is bred with an innate fire essence that burns endlessly.

Only the last trace of fire essence can be immortal!

Chen Yan’s figure soared into the sky, and layers of armor appeared on his body, like a flame god of war.

The spear in his hand is extremely sharp, and the flames flow upward, once it is contaminated, even the void will be directly melted!


With a long roar, the other party was like a dazzling star, released out, and the spear in his hand tore through the void, shattering the void barrier in an instant!

The next moment, he did not retreat in the slightest, standing behind the ship with his own strength, at this time the Dao Void Monster showed its posture, looking at each other with great jealousy.

With a long roar, suddenly slaughtered, and the boundless flames almost spread across the starry sky!

“Chen Yan, I’ll help you!”

With a roar, I saw a mighty figure turn into a sharp sword light and carry it down!


The sword was shrouded in light, the sword qi was cut for three thousand miles, and several void monsters fell under one sword!

“Who let you come!”

Chen Yan shouted angrily, looking at the sword-wielding figure beside him, his face was mixed with anger and helplessness.

“Why, you can’t be a hero alone? Don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking. ”

The sword-wielding man’s eyes were sharp, and he saw the other party’s intention to blow himself up.

The ten Void Emperor Clans are by no means good, and the power they possess is even more terrifying, and no one knows who they will face today.

At this moment, a dragon chant shook for three thousand miles, and all the planets within 100,000 miles were shaken!

A hideous dragon shadow above the void slowly manifested into a huge body that drove tens of thousands of miles, terrifying and abnormal!

“Void Demon Dragon Clan, now, we are going to be together.”

The man holding the sword showed a determined look, and the anger around his body burned wildly, and the terrifying momentum tore through the sky.

The strength of the Void Demon Dragon Clan is extremely terrifying, even among the ten Void Emperor Clan, it is at the forefront level.

Under one on-one, the same realm, what they represent is invincible!

“Human beings, withdraw from the heavenly void realm, but live.”

The cold voice resounded directly in the divine consciousness, making countless people overwhelmed.

“I can fight and die in the Void Barbarous Land, but I will not be a fearless person!”

The two roared angrily, and the figure rushed straight up!

Chen Yan held a spear, endless flames burned up, his eyes seemed to shine like two rounds of stars, and the momentum around his body climbed to the peak!

The man with the sword, his eyes were extremely sharp, the sword light was vertical, and he performed an extremely terrifying sword move, and in an instant, the space of thousands of miles was split in two!

These two are both true god levels, suppressing their own realms at the ninth level, and this blow is almost about to reach the extreme of the ninth level!

“Good to go.”

The cold voice was extremely violent, and I saw that the hideous dragon shadow turned into a pitch-black figure, and the next moment the other party’s hands turned into pitch black, and the five fingers turned into dragon claws, tearing down in an instant!

“Unfortunately, it’s too arrogant!”


The void exploded, a piercing white light swept through the entire field of vision, the two of them retreated in unison, the corners of their mouths were bleeding, and there was a hideous crack on each chest.

Deep visible bone!

Just one move can hurt two people, such strength can be described as terrifying!

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