Chapter 343 Sailing out to sea for three thousand miles, facing the Void Demon Dragon!!

A figure above the ship looked at the two people who were constantly repelled with a solemn expression.

This time, Huaxia sent a total of three ships, and each ship had a true god-level existence on it to cultivate itself into confinement.

He also wanted to fight side by side with the two, but if even he went, these Hua Xia Jiao would definitely be destroyed here.

Their casualties are small, and China’s future is great.

This trip to the Heavenly Void Realm brought almost all the geniuses of hundreds of years of China here, just to make them reborn and seek opportunities.

Seeing that the two figures were constantly being repelled, no matter how he struggled in his heart, he could only highlight one word coldly.


“But the two seniors are still there.”

Some people couldn’t bear to speak out, and they were very unwilling to give up those two Huaxia powerhouses.

“I said, go!”

He glared angrily, and the terrifying momentum swept in, and suddenly the figures couldn’t help but bow their heads, and could only operate the ship to enter the void migration state.

Wang Heng closed his eyes and did not dare to look at the figures of those two comrades-in-arms again, but it was a pity that the three spaceships they sent this time did not have top trainees.

They were delayed because of certain things, and they could only come to the Heavenly Void Realm a little later, otherwise, they could fight against one!

But these cadets are not, once the war starts, the casualties will be unstoppable!

Chen Yan and the man with the sword looked at the spaceship in the distance breaking through the space and suddenly relaxed a lot.

When he looked at the black-clothed figure above the void with cold eyes, his eyes were fierce and decisive.

“I don’t believe it, the so-called Void Demon Dragon clan is really invincible!”

The man with the sword, his eyes are sharp, adjusting the rules of the Heavenly Sword Dao, and the endless sword sound within the body drive swarms!

Chen Yan’s body also began to burst out with an even hotter light, like an extreme flame light burning out!

In an instant, both of them burned their spirits in exchange for even more terrifying power.

Faced with this scene, the Void Demon Dragon on one side looked at him coldly, only to see him slowly stretch out his hand, and instantly the bones on his arm spread out, turning into a hideous and terrifying bone sword.

The endless terrifying power is contained in it, and this sword is forged using the backbone of a god, and the grade has reached the level of tens of millions of heaven-level combat weapons!

With their status and status, it is not that they cannot be better, but only soldiers at this level can exert their most powerful power.

The level is too high, such as the existence of the destruction level, and the soldiers of that level are difficult to see even at the true god level.

Whether it is in the Void Demon Clan or the Human Clan, every destruction-level weapon is enough to be called a weapon of the Town Clan!

The destruction level is too rare to fully urge even if you have the strength of the True God level!

It was a god-level weapon, and its power could be called the destruction of heaven and earth.

Compared with the Void Demon Dragon, Chen Yan and the man with the sword are much simpler, and their combat weapons are only worthy of a million-level level, just the beginning of the heavenly grade.

The Void Demon Dragon swung his long sword and slashed down, causing the space to shake endlessly.

The layers of void were torn apart and the two struggled to resist, but they still vomited blood, and their bodies couldn’t stop falling!

Directly smash through a round of planets, causing space to collapse and shatter.

The Void Demon Dragon ranks third on the list of demon gods, and its strength is far stronger than that of the Demon Resentment.

It can be said that there are only two Terrans on the entire Demon God list.

One of them, named Ye Tianxuan, is the most terrifying existence in Huaxia in the past 10,000 years, and the other party’s divine kingdom is extremely terrifying, climbing madly from the original fantasy plane.

Finally, it evolved into the Nine Dragons to pull the coffin, proud of the heavens and the world.

The second is a top figure of country M, the other party’s evolved kingdom of God is particularly weird, it has evolved all the Nordics, Greece, and even the old rulers, and the kingdom of God contains too many terrifying and hideous things.

These two are invincible existences of the same realm, and they also represent the most peak realm and combat power of the human race.

But even so, the strength of the other party is only ranked fourth and sixth.

The Void Demon Dragon pulled up with one hand, wanting to completely annihilate these two, but the next moment he squinted slightly.

He stopped his movements and looked not far away.

I saw a white-clothed figure moving across countless spaces, holding a three-foot blue front and slowly walking.

“It’s Terrans! There are even people who don’t know whether to live or die! ”

A void beast roared, dragging its huge body and directly rushing away The terrifying aura spread, causing the heavens and stars to move.


At the same time, several Void Monsters roared up, they were all monsters who followed the Void Demon Dragon, and the strength of each one was not to be underestimated.

The same realm is difficult to find an opponent!

Su Yang stood with a sword, a robe without wind, the avenue of swords was conceived in it, and the evolution of the three-foot blue front.

Because the identity of the serum element is still useful to him, he can also expose the existence of the Shattered Star Halberd and the Weeping Blood Battle Armor.

The oncoming void monster is like a white jade god elephant, and the hideous scales on the body are extremely strange, just looking at it is creepy!

What’s even more weird is that the other party’s head has three eyes.

Scarlet and eerie, mixed with some kind of depraved power!

Su Xiao came to the other party in one step, the endless killing power in his hand was running, a sword pierced out, and the vicious sword light instantly spread for thousands of miles!

“This power…”

The other party only felt creepy, the sweat hairs all over the body were standing up, and the crisis of death was crazy around.

For a while, he couldn’t escape, and the sword light directly slashed at his body!

The huge white jade body was torn apart, and blood gushed out, splashing in the void of the universe.

One sword!

Just one sword is to cut through the opponent’s defenses and tear the opponent’s soul!

Looking at the white jade demon elephant that gradually lost its life, the group of void monsters were extremely stunned in their hearts, and then they were extremely angry.

An even more crazy roar came, and in an instant, the sky was full of light, and the breath of fear filled the air.

Su Yang single-handedly soared into the sky, and the next moment the law manifested in heaven and earth, and thousands of illusory shadows rose up in the sky.

The terrifying aura roared between Kong Heaven and Earth, and in the face of the attack that came, Su Yang was fearless.

I saw him clenching his fist with one hand, the avenue of strength, and the rules of fist did converged.

A vicious fist mark that spread for thousands of miles shook the void, and the next moment it was pushed sideways!

Such a terrifying force was almost devastating, and countless void monsters retreated with serious injuries, and those who could not avoid it were even beaten into a blood mist.

Seeing this scene, the Void Demon Dragon roared angrily, and the boundless might soared into the sky, and the bone sword in his hand pierced straight at him!

The alarm was suddenly born, Su Yang supported a piece of heaven and earth, and the power of layers of avenues surrounded him!


The sky shook for three thousand miles, and the law heaven and earth retreated thousands of miles, and only then did he stabilize his figure.

Even the terrifying defense of the heavens and the earth was beaten for a while.

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