Chapter 344: Supreme Talent, Fighting for 100,000 Li!!

Su Yang looked at the pitch-black figure, his eyes were solemn.

This is the Void Demon Dragon, just one move is to almost disintegrate his Dharma Heaven and Earth, such a terrifying power, worthy of the third in the list of gods and demons.

“Seventh-order pinnacle.”

The Void Demon Dragon looked at Su Tian, his eyes were icy ~ cold and tyrannical.

“You are very good, but I only used less than fifty percent of the strength of the sword just now, guess how many percent I will use next time?”

The other party spat out a vast sound, and each note contained a deterrent power that wanted to suppress Su Xiao psychologically.

Su Yang has cultivated all the way to this point, He Zeng bowed his head, even if he is invincible, he is not afraid at all, on the contrary, he even has a fighting spirit!

Feeling that Su Tian’s battle intent was constantly rising, the eyes of the Void Demon Dragon were also becoming more and more dangerous.


The other party’s eyes burst into pitch-black lightning, and suddenly it was already approaching Su Tian’s body, and countless layers of void were annihilated, but the electric light only approached the Dao one foot and two feet and stopped.

Subsequent annihilation.


The Void Demon Dragon exclaimed in surprise, his eyes looked at the location where Su Yang was, and the other party’s momentum became more and more restrained at this moment, and an aura that he could not perceive gradually permeated out.

Chen Yan and the man with the sword woke up from serious injuries, and Su Xiao was slightly stunned in front of them.

Obviously, I didn’t expect that I was actually rescued.

“Are you…”

The housekeeper on the side looked at Su Tian’s figure and felt a little familiar, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.

“I’ll delay time for you, you go first.”

Su Yang said out loud, at this moment, his eyes had gradually turned scarlet, and a vicious divine and demonic power slowly brewed out.


Chen Yan on the side wanted to make a sound, but he was grabbed by the sword-wielding man on the side, and the other party slowly shook his head at him.

Staying here with their strength at this time will only distract the other party, and even in this situation, they can’t even blow themselves up, they only do what the other party says.

“That’s right”

Su Xiao stopped the two, “Say hello to Elder Liu and Director Meng on my behalf.” ”

The words fell and the power of the boundless avenue ran layer by layer, and Su Xiao let out a long roar and supported the layers of Tianyu with both hands!

The entire void was actually blocked by him alone!

Until this moment, the two finally recalled each other’s identities, but at this time, they couldn’t help but say it, and they could only retreat with all their might!

“Today I will rely on personally weighing what level the so-called Void Demon Clan is!”

Su Tian’s eyes were scarlet, and the power of the avenue around him was running wildly, causing layers of heaven and earth visions behind him!

The Dharma Heaven and Earth have condensed again!

And even more terrifying!

“Stop them! Kill them all! ”

A roar broke through the sky, and dozens of hideous shadows shattered the layers of void and attacked towards Su Tian!

Su Yang extended his indifference, soared into the sky with one hand, and the law heaven and earth skyrocketed to 100,000 zhang, and the power of stepping out of the void to extinguish the ups and downs spread out in one step!

This aftermath alone caused several Void Monsters to fall on the spot!

I saw a giant snake sneak attack, and the next moment it was Su Xiao holding it in his hand, his fist bombarding up, and the power of each punch was crazy superimposed!


With the final punch, the giant snake was already dead and could no longer die, its flesh was tattered, and there was not an inch of intact.

“He actually directly hammered and killed the Hades King Serpent!”

The faces of the Void Monsters were extremely shocked, and their hearts were terrified.

You must know that the Hades Blood King Serpent is a strong existence ranked thirty-third on the list of gods and demons, and who would even have the qualifications to prove that the other party would be hammered to death alive today!

It’s so murderous!


Su Tian’s battle spirit was pervasive, and he who stimulated the power of gods and demons, his strength had risen to an incomparably terrifying point, whether it was his perception of the avenue or his own strength grasp, he had reached the point of incomparably terrifying!

At the same time, layers of power spread out, and in an instant, there was another miserable scream, and a broken body fell down, showing his terrifying strength.

“Second Statue”

The Void Monster was shocked, and at this time, they already looked at Su Yang with fear.

However, at this time, Su Tian’s appearance is not very good, and under the use of the power of gods and demons, the consumption of his own divine energy is intense.

Moreover, the attacks of dozens of Void Monsters, coupled with the Void Demon Dragon watching from the sidelines, even if he had earth-shattering means, he was seriously injured at this moment.

He fought and retreated all the way, fighting fiercely for hundreds of thousands of miles.

The white clothes had long been soaked in blood, and if it weren’t for his strong will, I am afraid he would have fainted long ago.

But even so, the existence that ranked above the list of gods and demons among the void monsters was also killed by him, and they did not dare to get close to the slightest and only dare to consume in the distance.

On his left chest, a hideous paw print dented his chest.

This is an injury caused by the Void Demon Dragon.

However, the other party was afraid of him blowing himself up and did not dare to attack further.

Fighting hundreds of thousands of miles like this, Su Tian’s blood was almost exhausted, if it weren’t for the five dry yuan pills auctioned before, even he would not be able to support it.

He knew that he couldn’t continue like this, otherwise he would definitely be consumed here by the other party.

At this time, the Void Demon Clan also knew that Su Yang was already at the end of the strong drive, pressing step by step, and the Void Demon Dragon knew that he had severely damaged the other party.

I didn’t need to stay here, and I went directly to the Heavenly Void Realm, where it was said that there had been a big change.

In this way, in the end, only the strong people above the four gods and demons chased and killed Su Tian.

After all, Suzhou’s strength is too terrifying, just the seventh-order strength is to almost kill the six void monsters above the god and demon list with their own strength, you must know that their strength is in the ninth level!

This stop caused the Void Demon Clan to suffer heavy losses, and it became more and more determined about Su Tian’s killing intent.

But this battle is not unknown to anyone, a huge spaceship suspended in the void, the side of the spacecraft, densely bought formations are constantly running, it is because of these formations that they have not been discovered by the other party.

“Fight dozens of Void Monsters by yourself, plus the Void Demon Dragon, which ranks third on the list of gods and demons.”

An officer couldn’t help but gasp, only feeling that the consternation in his heart was a little difficult to calm down.

Unfortunately, the other party is not from his country, otherwise they can help.

Such talent is really rare, if you let the other party grow, you dare not imagine.

Especially the other party is still the existence of Huaxia’s side, over the years, Huaxia’s strength has continued to improve, which has faintly endangered their status among the human race, if such a top Tianjiao grows up, they can no longer contain the other party, so the other party must fall.

They will not allow a strong person with such talent to appear in Huaxia again!

The original Ye Tianxuan was already an example, and there must be no second child

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