Chapter 352: The Dragon Shaking the Sky, the fourth on the list of gods and demons, Ye Tianxuan!!

For a time, the surging momentum came out, causing countless people to retreat and dare not fight hard.

Such a domineering scene made countless people not only frown, but also knew that the people present were not fools, and naturally knew the other party’s scheme.

After all, the mystery of the nine-story tower is extraordinary, and anyone can see that there must be a supreme opportunity in it, and if you can take it for yourself, you will naturally have supreme benefits.

Because of this, they came out and did what they did to eliminate the weak races and collect the greatest resources to themselves!

“Such a face is really arrogant, I really think that I will be threatened by you later!?”

Someone said in a deep voice, the other party’s words are very ingenious, binding all the creatures with themselves, so if the other party is so tough, it is to make the heavenly creatures enemies!


The sound of concussion fell, and in an instant, the figure turned into a skeleton.

Lost life.

“What I have to do is to eliminate the weak, and only the existence whose strength is recognized by me and others can enter this tower!”

The leader’s voice was hideous, and for a while, the faces of countless small clans were extremely ugly, and among them, there were even few or no ninth-order existences.

“First of all, only those above the list of gods and demons can enter, in addition, but if there are disobedients, you can come and fight with me!”

Dozens of ninth-order peak breaths resounded out, causing countless people to change color.

The strength of the other party is too strong, so it is difficult to deal with.

At this time, the blood demon family also had a solemn face, and you must know that the only ones that the blood demon family can make the list are serum yuan and Zhou Deficiency, and the serum yuan has long entered it, and Zhou Xu is also close behind.

In this way, could it be that even they can’t enter it?

At this time, a figure looked at the blood demon clan below, looked at each other, and seemed to be talking.

“Do you want to let them in, the blood demon clan is not afraid, but that serum yuan is not easy to mess with, this son’s strength talent is too terrifying, how about not forming a good relationship with it?”


I saw a hideous figure above the void manifest, turning into a hideous giant beast, with a dragon head and an ox body, hairless and negative armor, and the flame burned, which was extremely terrifying.

“The Blood Demon Clan can enter it.”

Hearing this, the face of the blood demon clan changed slightly, and it was reasonable to say that they could not enter with their strength, but the other party did not block it or even deliberately spoke.

What can make the other party act like this is probably because of the existence of the demon son.

For a time, the entire blood demon clan kept shouting, ‘The demon son is mighty, the demon son is invincible.’

The prosperous world shook the sky, attracting countless onlookers, but even so, they were not afraid, but their faces were proud and honored.

All races also know that the strength of the blood demon family, among the entire void monsters, is only a medium level, and even a little lower, but a terrifying demon who is proud of the world has appeared on the other side.

Under such a blessing, it has made the Great Void Emperor Clan dare not despise it.

After all, the impact of Su Yang’s previous battle, only they will understand the meaning.

An existence ranked only twenty-three, in less than a month, suppressed two gods and demons, and was even able to compete with such existences as the Demon Grudge, the Void Demon Dragon, and the Heavenly Emperor Daughter.

It is already shocking, and it is even very likely that in the years to come, the other party is very likely to lead the entire blood demon clan to become the new ten emperor clan.

This possibility is small, but by no means zero.

“Such a great prestige, worthy of being the top ten Void Emperor Clan, one word will crush everyone, but I don’t know if I am enough for this qualification.”

The void shook endlessly, and a vast sound burst out, and the terrifying momentum tore through the layers of space.

Arousing the attention of countless people, such a terrifying power made everyone’s faces shocked.

Such a tone is very human!

The void reversed, a green-clothed figure slowly emerged, the other party carried his back with one hand, and held an immortal stele with the other hand, and the nine dragons were wrapped up to add endless majesty!


Countless people were in an uproar and recognized each other’s origins.

In the whole world, there are only two people who can reach this level of existence with the power of the human race, and only one person can have such power!

“Ye Tianxuan!”

“Fourth on the list of gods and demons, Ye Tianxuan!”

The Void Demon Clan couldn’t help but retreat slightly, knowing that the Terran creatures that they feared the most in the past few years were the other party.

Two years ago, the other party was alone, crossing the void, and the Canglong Divine Monument in his hand directly shocked and killed several ninth-level powerhouses, at that time, the opponent’s strength was only in the early stage of the eighth order.

At that time, it even shook a certain True God level existence, chased the other party in, barbaric land, and then disappeared.

Then there is news, that is, the other party has landed on the fourth place in the list of gods and demons.

It is said that the reason for landing in the fourth place is because for nearly a year, even the compilers of the list of gods and demons do not know where the other party has gone.

If you really want to comment, I am afraid that even the Void Demon Dragon will not be able to see the other party appear in a while, and dozens of ninth-order figures are all stepping on the void, and the power of destruction is brewed in it.

Obviously, the reason why they stay here to maximize their own interests is only one of them, and the other is probably to wait for the other party to come.

“Just human beings, speak wildly, and tear you to pieces here today!”

The existence of the dragon-headed bull body screamed angrily, spitting out 30 million li of thunderclouds in the mouth, and rushed up alone.

The power of destruction continued to brew, and such a terrifying attack made countless people turn pale.

Ye Tianxuan, standing above the void, quietly looked at the other party’s rushing figure, above the immortal stele in his hand, a vicious dragon manifested.

Spreading for tens of thousands of miles, the terrifying figure controlled the supreme divine power, and instantly tore down almost suddenly, the existence of the dragon-headed cow body was torn apart in the flesh, and it was crushed by the blue dragon.

Destroy the decay!

Crush thoroughly!

Ye Tianxuan, looking at the figure in front of him, stepped out, and a huge body suspended behind him, carving all kinds of vicious and fierce beasts above, and the aftermath emitted shook the sky.


A finger is pointed above the body, and the sound of humming penetrates the void of the heavens, the sound waves spread, and the space of the affected land is extinguished!

Several ninth-order peaks tried to block it, but unfortunately there was no half effect.

Accompanied by bursts of explosion screams, the figure turned into blood mist.

After doing this, countless people looked at the figure in Qingyi in shock, their faces were terrified to the extreme, and they didn’t dare to have any more obstruction, and they retreated one after another.

Retracting his body, Ye Tianxuan looked into the distance, as if he had found something.

“Oh my brother, I have to say that the speed of not seeing you for many days has become faster again, some apostrophic Mandarin slowly came, I saw a white man in a suit stepping into the air, smiling at the side, looking at Ye Tianxuan on one side, very familiar with an almost familiar face.”

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