Chapter 353: The Feeling of the First Qilin, the Flood of Endless Destruction!!

“Joseph Needham.”

Ye Tianxuan looked at the figure on his side, did not care too much, the words fell, and the figure had already entered the nine-story tower.

It’s really eager.

Looking at Ye Tianxuan who stepped into it, Joseph Needham shook his head gently, and then looked around at the figures, his hands slowly clenched into fists.

Suddenly, the muffled thunder roared into the void, layers of power were bred out, a huge destruction magic array hovered up, and the next moment countless forbidden magic was released together!

“Stop it!”

A kind of Void Demon Clan’s complexion fused, but I didn’t expect another one to come!

And the other party’s means are so spicy, raising your hand is a killing move.

The power of heaven and earth was mobilized to form a huge barrier, and even so, this terrifying bombardment lasted for a long time before gradually dissipating.

At this time, the void was all shattered and shattered, and the two figures above the void had long dissipated, and it was impossible to speculate.

Dozens of ninth-order peak powerhouses were attacked by both sides in turn, and Ye Tianxuan alone was seriously injured by nearly half of the number, and the rest was consumed by Joseph Needham.

There is no longer the powerful power before, and the scene just now also made the demon clans can’t help but smack their lips.

Such tactics are too fierce.

In the Chaotic Nine Heavens Xuanhuang Pagoda, Su Yang had already reached the fifth floor at this time.

The prohibition of these four layers did not have any blocking effect on him, and as soon as he stepped into the fifth layer, he felt a strange aura.

This fifth layer is different from the first four floors, and the whole space is chaotic and silent, making people feel dark.

The first four layers can also be said to be condensed heaven and earth space, and this fifth layer, for some reason, seems out of place, as if it is a ruined big world, losing all vitality and vitality, full of destruction, death, and bleakness of all kinds of weirdness.

Su Tianxian walked slowly, he didn’t know how long he walked, and he didn’t seem to have time here, there was nothing but darkness.


The alarm was suddenly born, Su Yang took a step back, the angry dragon barbarian elephant in his hand was conceived, and he bombarded away with a palm!

The terrifying forces collided with each other, and the power of the other party was very strong, and they could face Su Tian’s palm without retreating in the slightest.

This kind of power has completely surpassed the Divine Demon Seed Mang Mountain.

It even made him feel an extremely familiar breath.

It was the power of the dragon elephant that he had just exerted!

Su Yang did not believe in evil, the three thousand avenues were in operation, and a dazzling light erupted all around, illuminating the darkness, and the next moment a similar light appeared one after another.

A figure exactly like him walked slowly, the aura of moves was no different from him, and layers of power were extended.

The same avenue atmosphere!

“So it is.”

Su Yang had already realized the test of this layer in the next moment, and a punch collided with the other party.

The two fists converged, and the power of infinite destruction set off layers of waves, sweeping in all directions.

At this time, in the midst of the flood and desolation, Shi Haoshi stood in the immeasurable years, the supreme god, constantly impacting in the immeasurable years.

A figure sat cross-legged in the body, and countless pure avenue powers continued to converge.

The man was dressed in a black Xuan robe, and a golden dragon was entangled in his clothes to give birth to endless majesty.

The Imperial Avenue is frantically gathering and running, and this person is the First Emperor who won the government.

Since the end of the Immortal Battlefield, the pair of convenience was brought into the immeasurable years by Shi Hao, and used supreme means to help the other party condense the Dao Fruit, and at this time, it had been seven seven forty-nine days.

The other party’s Dao Fruit is also constantly consolidating, and it must not take more than a year to enter the level of the Dao Dao Fruit.

After doing all this, Shi Haoshi stood alone in the immeasurable years, his eyes looked into the depths of the years, the invincible avenue around him was constantly running, Dijun, Hongjun, Fuxi, and the Queen Mother of the West had all reached the realm of the beginning.

He also had to speed up, for some reason, after a long period of immeasurable years, he always had a sense of crisis, as if constantly telling him to hurry, to hurry up.

What seems to be happening in the future is unspeakable, but worrisome.

At this time, in the Terran Temple, several Da Luo Daoguo had already left, and only the Chao Clan was still sitting cross-legged in the Terran Temple, surrounded by an aura and gentle and elegant.

However, the next moment, he slowly opened his eyes and looked into the depths of the temple.

An incomparably vicissitudes aura gradually awakened, and he sensed the other party, and couldn’t help but think of what he had warned him before the Flintstone’s sacrifice.

The Terran Temple has one of the Terran’s biggest cards and allies, and you will know when he wakes up.

Could it be that this one is the achievement?

You Chao’s heart was touched, and then he looked into the depths, only to see footsteps passing through, and a burly figure slowly appearing.

There was an indescribable astonishment on Chao’s face, and he couldn’t help but be stunned on the spot.

“Beginning… The First Qilin! ”

For a moment, he only felt that his brain was constantly buzzing, knowing that this was the original heaven and earth creature, which was enough to compare with the existence of the ancestral dragon and the phoenix ancestor!

Even the three parties of Di Jun, Hongjun, and the Queen Mother of the West are far less than the other party’s long battle between dragons and phoenixes, and Shi Qilin alone took the beast tribe of the world to retreat to the flood wilderness, and never thought that it would be in the human race!

“Where is the Flintstone… I have something to say to him, or the Terran leader can do it. ”

Shi Qilin slowly spoke, his tone a little impatient, even panicked.

“The Flintstones have already sacrificed. Now that I am a human race, I am a human being, one, my predecessors have everything to say to me”

You Chao said slowly, looking at each other.

“In this way, the flood will change greatly, in less than ten thousand years, all spirits will be silent, and I feel the power of the incomparably terrifying cloth roaring and unable to resist.”

Shi Qilin said in a deep voice, his voice was solemn, and even his words were full of fear.

The first unicorn tends to auspicious and avoids evil, can sense the changes of heaven and earth, condense the luck of one side, and maintain longevity and prosperity.

In the face of such a scene, even if there is a Chao clan, they can’t help but be slightly stunned, they didn’t expect the other party to be so colorless, and even if there is a Chao clan, their faces can’t help but become solemn for a while.

To make such creatures so fearful, you can imagine what a terrifying future is bred in it.

“Is there a way to deal with it?”

Yuchao asked in a deep voice.


Shi Qilin’s voice was low, if it weren’t for the slightest possibility of reversal, how could he be so gaffe.

“Calamity is coming, when all spirits will be silent, and there will be death and no life.”

Immeasurable Tiantai Mountain, Hongjun is located at the top of the center, preaching, countless immortals below listened to it mesmerized, only a figure woke up like a dream, slowly returning to their senses.

He got up and looked at the majestic and vast figure, and slowly saluted.

“Dao ancestor, I have an epiphany in Xia, and I hope to go to Honghuang Enlightenment Dao to practice.”

The young man’s face was calm and elegant, and the next moment the reverse flow behind him, forming a vortex space to connect Honghuang Daluo.

“Thank you Dao Zu for being perfect.”

After the young man bowed again, he turned back and left.

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