Chapter 354: Searching for the Heavenly Machine, Peeping the Secret of the Gods and Demons!!

The young man, named Fang Yuan, has practiced Taoism since childhood.

Born in the immortal world, but already knew the cruelty of the immortal cultivation world, along the way, it was difficult to enter the side of the Dao ancestor and listen to the Dao ancestor’s sermon, but for some reason, whenever he was about to have an epiphany, he always felt a very strange idea breed in his heart, in his opinion, this was caused by his lack of experience, which is why he asked to go to Honghuang Daluo.

At this time, after the scene just happened on the immeasurable rooftop, everyone present was slightly stunned, obviously the other party was a little disdainful, and did not listen to the Dao ancestor’s sermon and actually wanted to go to the flood wilderness…

It’s really a matter of Sherburn.

Hongjun, who was located in the center, did not squint, did not care about the other party, and continued to explain the mystery of the immortal path, the rhythm of the avenue, and the law of the saints.

The immortals fell into an epiphany again, one by one.

“I wonder why my sister is here?”

In the land of Qiankun, Hou Tu looked at the Queen Mother of the West on one side and asked the question in his heart.

It has been several months since they met, and at the beginning, she was still relatively restrained because of the strength of the other party, after all, the battle in which the other party entered the primordial realm was known to the world.

Her combat strength is probably not inferior to Di Jun, who suppresses gods and demons, which is why she is cautious, but as she slowly gets along, she finds that although this person is cold, he is approachable and does not have any sense of alienation.

“It’s just that I want to see this flood and waste, and it is a bit boring to stay in Kunlun Mountain for a long time.”

Queen Mother Xi said softly, as for whether it is true or not, she herself does not know, millions of years of hard practice, may have long lost the feeling of boredom, everywhere.

The reason why she left Kunlun Mountain may be because of a whim, or because there is nothing else to care about.

“Hey, what about that Daoist…”

At this time, Hou Tu woke up like a dream, looking around to find Han Li’s figure, but it seemed that he was a little unclear.

“Here it is.”

The Queen Mother of the West waved her hand gently, a spatial prohibition slowly opened, Han Lishi walked out a little embarrassed, he had just changed his position space several times in a row, but he did not expect to be discovered by this one.

However, he didn’t care, but slowly looked at the back soil on the side and said slowly.

“I look at the Tu Niang Niang seems to have something on her mind, I don’t know what to worry about?”

Hearing this, the Queen Mother of the West also looked at each other, and after looking at the time together, she could naturally see that the other party seemed to have some kind of trouble.

Logically speaking, with the strength of the other party, even if it cannot be completed, his brothers should be able to do it, and the things that annoy her should not exist.

Then he said softly: “If there is something, you can say it, although this person is slippery, he has some skills.” ”

He said and pointed to Han Lishi on the side.

Han Li wanted to retreat, but here they were kind, even if they retreated, where could they retreat.

Pity him for his single-minded quest, but what he is looking for is the word avenue, why does he always have this kind of trouble.

But having said that, I have to say that he naturally has some interest in the heart of this Houtu Niangniang, not to mention that when he sent Su Ming into reincarnation, it can be regarded as accepting the cause and effect of the other party’s kindness.

Today, we can try to eliminate this cause and effect.

Hearing this, Hou Tu frowned slightly, and could only smile bitterly.

Looking at the Queen Mother of the West on one side, she recalled in her mind that the other party was surrounded by those eighteen figures, and her physical will was almost broken.

Even the other party is already like this, even if the other party knows at this moment, what is the use?

As for the person in front of him, there is no need to say, but a Ni Jing, although Ni Jing’s talisman technique is through the sky, but whether the true body strength can reach the Dao Fruit level is still unknown.

Moreover, she could not say that the power of the avenue blessed her body, bound by the heavenly machine and the destiny of heaven.

It is impossible to say that she is not a master, but the incarnation of a great road, not afraid of heavenly opportunities.

Seeing each other’s appearance, the Queen Mother of the West and Han Lishi on the side frowned slightly.

Both of them are people who have passed through the heavens and the earth, and naturally they can see that the other party does not want to say it, but seems to be limited by some kind.

And this restriction is extremely familiar to both the Han Li clan and the Western Queen Mother.

“The blessing of the heavenly machine is unspeakable.”

“Destiny is bound, and it is difficult to find a trace.”

The two said in unison, but the back soil on the side was wide-eyed, looking at the two in amazement, the Western Queen Mother had reached the primordial realm, and she could know that it might be because of her own realm detachment.

But this person is just a puppet!

How can you know so much about Tianji, even. Seems familiar!

At this moment, the Queen Mother of the West and the Han Lishi on the side were silent.

The personality of the Queen Mother of the West is to hold the power of heaven, the power of heaven, and the five punishments.

Although the same Heavenly Destiny is not a heavenly machine, it has the same magic.

This kind of power is naturally extremely familiar, and as for Han Lishi, the three doppelgangers he separated in the cave mansion have constantly deduced the years and laid traps.

For millions of years, such a long time, he didn’t know how many heavenly machines he spied on, and he was naturally extremely familiar with this breath.

However, at this moment, the Queen Mother of the West felt that the power of her personality was trembling slightly, and the power of heaven rose and fell like a shocking wave.

And Han Lishi was even more alert, one moment he realized that things were not good, and immediately cut off all connections between Ni Jing and himself, and then the three doppelgangers deduced with all their might, and the next moment the three doppelgangers shattered!

Such a scene even Han Lishi’s face was a little ugly.

Such a sign has never been encountered in millions of years, and I still remember that the first time he peeked into the future of the heavenly machine, it was when he first entered the Dao Fruit level, when the Buddha Sect had not yet attacked the human race, and the scene he spied on was Shi Hao’s entry into the Dao and advanced to the Dao Fruit Rank.

At that time, the power of cause and effect was only to make these three doppelgangers breathe, and this moment is completely different.

There is a big danger in this!

They were stunned at each other.

Both sides couldn’t help but look at the back soil on one side, their faces cloudy.

Such a huge danger, even the Queen Mother of the West felt that her personality was touched, and it was obvious that the causal power in it was a little unbearable even at her current state.

It is reasonable to say that after becoming a big Luo Daoguo, you can traverse the past, the future, deduce endless time and space, and countless worlds are born in a single thought.

The regurgitation of the force of cause and effect has long been immeasurable, but it is not without cause and effect, there is cause and effect.

And the only thing that can make her Primeval Realm so shaken is probably only one existence god and demon!

Gods and demons are the incarnation of the avenue, and can also be dissolved in the void of heaven and earth, and the pools represent the ultimate of heaven and earth.

At present, only the personality of the gods and demons is beyond her existence, but because the strength of the other party has declined, if you just spy on one or two statues, it will naturally not be so huge.

Can… What if there are more than one or two gods and demons in this future! Finish?

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