Chapter 361 The first place in the list of gods and demons, lack of rainbow!!

“How is this possible!”

For a moment, countless people looked at the figure in amazement, only feeling that their bodies and minds were shaking, and some wiped their eyes again thinking that they had seen it wrong!

You must know that the arrow sent by Joseph Needham can be said to be extremely terrifying, and even an existence like the Void Demon Dragon has to suffer a layer of injuries if it resists hard!

Such a terrifying power was actually pinched in the hands of the other party with one hand!

Joseph Needham’s face was ugly, and he only felt trembling all around him when he looked at the yellow-clothed figure.

“Who are you!”

He looked up to the sky and asked, the momentum around his body spread wildly, and the will of his whole body was tense to the extreme like a demon.

And the yellow-clothed figure in the distance did not care about the other party at all, but looked at Su Xiao on the side, as well as Wuma Tianqiong and Ye Tianxuan.

In addition, even the Void Demon Dragon wanted him to pay even the slightest attention.

“My name, Lack of Rainbow.”

The indifferent voice sounded slowly, causing all the creatures in the audience to look at each other in shock.

The first place in the list of gods and demons, lack of rainbow!

It turned out to be really each other!

You must know that since the announcement of the list of gods and demons, this number one list has been talked about, and no one knows the name of the lack of rainbow, let alone who the other party is?

Some people even think that the existence of this person is fabricated.

But today’s appearance of the other party has already impressed the world.

Receiving an arrow from Needham with one hand without the slightest injury, lifting a heavy weight, such a character can naturally be called the first in the list of gods and demons!

Qiu Hong’s eyes looked at Su Tian, and her eyes were dull.

“I’m interested in how you found me.”

“I didn’t find out, just talk about it.”

Su Xiao said lightly.

Hearing this, Qihong on the side couldn’t help but stiffen his face, obviously not expecting this answer.

But who will believe that the other party is itself using him for fun.

“Very good, very good.”

Lack of rainbow, chuckle,… But the emanating intention did make everyone present look solemnly.

Lack of rainbow is not a human race, nor a family of void monsters, but a heaven and earth spiritual root, or a universe spiritual root.

The true body is an endless heavenly firmament, which can carry the heavens and the universe, connect heaven and earth, and nurture supreme divine light.

It is rumored that the Boundless Heavenly Firmament, rooted in the depths of the universe, is one of the five ultimate spiritual roots of heaven and earth, located in the extreme south, carrying a heavenly firmament.

Of course, the rumored boundless heavenly dome is inestimably tall, and it is rumored that just one leaf is 100,000 li huge, which is extremely shocking.

And Lack of Rainbow is another cosmic spiritual root selected by this boundless heavenly firmament.

After all, the existence of the boundless heavenly dome wood comes from the place of heaven and earth, and the gods and demons have risen from the era to this day, I don’t know how many years have passed.

Except for whom, the rest of the universe spiritual roots have long been worn out in the endless years, the lack of rainbow face is extremely handsome, the surrounding robes are plain and elegant, and his eyes look at the emperor beast Tongtianzhu not far away and slowly said: “This thing is of great use to me, I hope you will be convenient.” ”

When the words fell, he didn’t care about the strong people at all, flew to the direction of the emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo alone, waved his sleeves, and a huge branch spread out, emitting endless life force.

The surging momentum caused the emperor beast Tongtianzhu to tremble lightly, as if he was afraid.

After all, the other party is the inheritor of the boundless heavenly firmament, and the origin qi possessed is naturally far beyond the other party, and it is the top existence of all plant creatures, which can suppress everything.

At the same time, Wuma Heavenly Firmament, both hands raised and controlled, the supreme sword light converged, the rules of the kendo were like a torrent rolling in, his eyes burst out with an incomparably hot terrifying light, slashing down!

The sword light was fierce, causing a vision of heaven and earth, and countless sword cultivators only felt that the long sword at their waist could not contain the trembling of their foreheads, emitting a long roar, and immediately rushed straight to the sky!


Tens of thousands of long swords suspended above the void, the power emitted is terrifying, Wuma Heavenly Firmament is worthy of the supreme heavenly pride, the figure rushed straight up, carrying the sky full of long swords and a mighty body has reached the top!

Qihong felt the profound sword qi, her eyes flowed, and with a gentle wave of her hand, the light of heaven and earth spread, and countless leaves emerged, turning into a sea of leaves and spreading out!

The sword light collided with Ye Hai, like a golden go, vibrating endlessly, and the fire splashed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qihong pointed towards the void with one hand, and suddenly the whole heaven and earth seemed to stop for a moment.

Only a fingerprint tore the sky and poked out, the great posture seemed to suppress everything, and the terrifying momentum and the whole heaven and earth seemed to be one!

Then it smashed heavily towards the Wuma Heavenly Firmament, and the Wuma Heavenly Dome supported layers of heaven and earth, and countless defensive rays of light circled the side, but even so, it was constantly shattered under the pressure of fingerprints.

The tens of thousands of long swords hovering around turned into hot iron slurry and scattered in all directions.

Wu Ma Tianqiong retreated tens of thousands of miles behind him, and only then was he able to avoid this blow, and his face was extremely solemn.

This Qihong was really powerful and terrifying, and when facing the other party, he even felt even more terrifying than he was facing a true god.

Seeing this, Ye Tianxuan naturally would not allow the other party to obtain the Emperor Beast Tongtian Bamboo, and the ancient ding in his hand emerged, full of eight legs, and the layers of inscriptions vibrated and shone, bursting out with the brilliance of annihilation.

“Complete destruction-level weapon!!”

Countless people felt this terrifying power, and couldn’t help but look at Ye Tianxuan, only feeling their hearts trembling.

The other party actually mastered such a terrifying murderous object!

But how terrifying is the destruction-level weapon, it can even drain a true god, the other party really urged!

Ye Tianxuan slapped Gu Ding, and all kinds of gas machines vibrated upward, and Gu Ding burst out with a violent Xuan Light and crashed away!

Such a blow even the lack of rainbow in the distance couldn’t help but be slightly stunned, only felt as if the entire heavenly dome collided, and did not dare to be careless.

Hurriedly gave up the emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo behind him, held the void with both hands, and manifested an incomparably brilliant towering tree, spreading more than 100,000 feet, actually illuminating the entire star field.

It contains more brilliance than the stars!

Gu Ding collided with the giant tree, causing the void to collapse, and the layers of power vibrated out that people did not dare to despise.

Gu Ding shook endlessly into Ye Tianxuan’s hands, emitting a buzzing sound.

Even if he caught this ancient ding with his strength, he would shatter layers of void, which showed that this ding was extremely heavy.

Lack of Hong retracted his figure, raised his hand and charged up, and a mighty force was directly imprisoned on the emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo!


The void stirred, the emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo emitted dazzling brilliance, violently shook the space impact, it has existed for 300,000 years, even if it is not good at attacking, the other party’s physical body cannot be underestimated.

Even the lack of rainbow cannot be easily suppressed.

Su Tian’s figure appeared, and the broken star Chang Dai appeared in his hand, causing the blood-colored light of the sky, and the rules were completely stimulated, and a blood-colored angry dragon tore and bent up.

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