Chapter 362 Ancient and Modern, Supreme Body Shocks the World!!

The qi of heaven and earth shook non-stop, and Su Yang stepped on the void, stepping on the blood-colored angry dragon, crushing away like a supreme divine residence.

Everywhere you pass, whether it is the void or the heavens and the earth, it is torn apart!

The angry dragon looks up to the sky, and the power destroys the heavens and the earth!

Such a violent blow was not weaker than Ye Tianxuan’s previous blow, causing Que Hong’s complexion to fuse.

It’s a pity that he was suppressing the emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo, and it was difficult to get rid of it for a while, and the angry dragon was monstrous, directly hitting the opponent’s body, repelling the other party by tens of thousands of zhang.

At the same time, Su Tian’s eyebrows and the divine and demon mark shone, and the qi of the avenue continued to rotate, directly intertwining with the emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo, directly uprooting the other party.

The moment the emperor beast was pulled up above the heavenly bamboo, the nine-story tower trembled, and the gold paint withered, turning into a bronze iron tower covered in rust.

The tower transformed, turning into the size of a fingernail and floating above the void.

Su Yang naturally would not let go of this opportunity, such a powerful tower, how could it fall into the hands of others.

When even the power of the avenue is urged to absorb the other party.


The heavenly dome shook, a huge ancient divine monument was suppressed, and the nine blue dragons above looked up to the sky and roared holes, giving birth to endless divine power!

Ye Tianxuan ran through the layers of space, and one hand pointed above the void to compete with him for this small tower.

The momentum and will of the two clashed endlessly, forming an almost static realm between the time swords, and Su Xiao held the halberd in one hand, directly smashing into the bombarded Nine Dragons Divine Monument!

When the two sides came into contact, the power of terrifying suppression made his body tremble slightly, and the void under his feet slowly tore apart.

“Since you have obtained the magic medicine, you don’t need to get this little tower anymore, it’s not good to be too greedy.”

Ye Tianxuan looked at Su Yang and took advantage of this opportunity to close the distance between the small tower and him.

“It’s too early for you to be happy.”

Su Xiao smiled indifferently, and a vast qi and blood power appeared on his body.

Suddenly, Ye Tianxuan’s pupils trembled lightly, and he saw a blood-colored armor attached to Su Tian’s body, blessed with supreme qi and blood!

“Also a complete destruction-level armor”

Ye Tianxuan couldn’t help but freeze.


Su Yang looked up to the sky and roared, the momentum around him soared into the sky, and the suppressed Nine Dragons Divine Monument above continued to tremble, and with a roar, it was finally shocked and flew out.

Su Tian, who was blessed by the Weeping Blood Battle Armor, was like a supreme god of war, and the roar shook and opened.

A huge figure stands tall in the universe, running through the sun and the moon.

Dharma heaven and earth!

Ye Tianxuan’s eyes were solemn, and he felt a great pressure, and the ancient ding in front of him was shocked, emitting the sound of annihilation!


The two terrifying breaths collided fiercely, as if a supreme divine power pressed down with extreme force, crushing the entire space into a plane.

Countless forces are all extinguished at this moment!

Ye Tianxuan’s figure retreated, and Gu Ding kept hovering behind him.

Su Tian’s figure did not move, and the blood armor on his body shone brightly.

Unexpectedly, he repelled Ye Tianxuan and Que Hong one after another!

Countless people looked at this scene in shock, unable to calm down for a long time, such a terrifying strength, what level has this serum yuan reached!

The other party you must know has not even reached the ninth rank at this moment!

At this moment, even the blood demon clan on one side is difficult to calm the shock and excitement in their hearts, is such a terrifying momentum really their devil!?

Not far away, a violent dragon chant reverberated out, and the Void Demon Dragon drove 100,000 li and crashed, and every scale was as heavy as a mountain.

The Star Broken Halberd in Su Tian’s hand was urged to the extreme, and the two figures were like tearing lightning that constantly collided, causing the void to shatter!

The long halberd in Su Tian’s hand waved, and the weeping blood battle armor gave birth to endless light, directly suppressing it!

This blow divides the sun and the moon, pours yin and yang, seizes creation, and reverses the situation!

It seems that even the whole heaven and earth are dark, under the fearful and dull gazes of countless people.

The 100,000-mile spread of the vicious dragon was covered in blood, not a single piece of scale armor was intact, and the hideous dragon head was no longer as rampant and arrogant as before.

The head hangs down, accompanied by a huge body drive, slowly falling!


Such a divine might, even if the true God comes, I am afraid it will not be comparable!

“Come to fight!”

With a light drink, Su Tian’s battle intent soared into the heavens and the earth, his long hair flew, and the supreme power above his body emitted, standing at the apex and proud of all the heroes in the world.

Like an immortal god emperor, suppressing the eternal years.


Ye Tianxuan snorted coldly,… The Nine Dragons Divine Monument in his hand shattered and turned into nine angry sky dragons, each figure was a hundred thousand zhang, and the nine dragons roared between heaven and earth, giving birth to endless destruction.

Lack of rainbow stepped into the void, and each step would leave a different rhyme.

“Genfa True Spirit Silence!”

With a light drink, his hands turned into branches and leaves, and the fallen leaves poured down from the sky, no less than 100,000 huge, and the momentum soared into the sky, but the sun and the moon were the same.

Countless people looked at the scene in front of them in amazement, only feeling that their souls were all in their foreheads, their qi and blood were surging, and their blood was boiling.

At this moment, the two strongest people of the God and Demon List joined forces to deal with the serum yuan, how shocking such a scene!

What’s more, even the existence of the number one in the list of gods and demons is among them!

Countless people are surging, and they can’t wait to be the serum element, and they will fight with it for three hundred rounds alone!

Su Yang looked at the universe proudly, a smile raised at the corner of his mouth, when even with his hands supporting the sky, the law behind him was like a giant.

The power of countless avenues blessed upward, and a hideous sky-opening giant axe converged.

Above the body, the weeping blood battle armor was extremely solid, and a blood-colored figure appeared behind him!

It seems that the sky has fallen, and the sun and the moon have separated.

The space storm swept out, the aura of destruction raged wildly 100,000 miles away, and countless people who realized this battle instantly exploded their pupils and turned their flesh into nothingness.

A group of strong people were shocked and fled frantically, not daring to stop at all.

It’s too terrifying, the battle between these three people is terrifying to the extreme, I’m afraid that if it weren’t for the fact that only a huge Heavenly Void Realm was opened this time, I was afraid that other Void Realms would have already been destroyed by these three people!

“It’s terrifying, obviously they haven’t reached the True God level yet, why do I feel that their strength has far surpassed my master. Welcome”

“This will be the pinnacle showdown in the entire known universe, so let’s witness this scene.”

After a thousand years, these three people will surely become the top level powerhouses of the universe, a giant of heaven and earth, born in the same era with them, and you must continue to forge ahead with this goal. ”

On the Huaxia battleship, Chen Yan and several others displayed the void projection and said slowly to the group of Terran Tianjiao.

Looking at the figure that single-handedly resisted Ye Tianxuan and Lack of Hong, even he couldn’t help but feel shocked.

Is this power really within human reach?

For some reason, the figure that saved him came to his mind, and the other party’s original strength was only a mere seven levels, and he could kill the ninth rank

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