Chapter 364: The Counterattack of the Heavenly Void Realm, Suppressing the Wuma Heavenly Firmament!!

There are no mountains and seas, and the longer the four-sided conquest continues.

Everyone gradually found that at the beginning, it was still a melee between all sides, and all kinds of forces stirred up and gradually appeared in a joint battle with the passage of time, and Wuma Tianqiong and Ye Tianxuan plus Lack of Rainbow on the side attacked Su Yang together, and the momentum shook the world.

Su Yang was not to be outdone, and the law heaven rose from the ground flat, like a shining and exploded star, dazzling and extraordinary!

“Too powerful, the strength of this seroyuan,… I’m afraid that he has already surpassed everyone, and this talent can be called a young god! ”

“Young God Venerable? Which of these people does not have the resources of God? In my opinion, I am afraid that the young god emperor is not as good as the other party. ”

Everyone talked to each other, but their eyes were always staring upwards, for fear of missing a scene.

At this time, in the endless abyss below, an incomparably huge hideous figure slowly levitated out, which was a huge Xuanwu.

The head is like a dragon, the tail is like a snake, and the tortoise shell is carried with layers of runes, giving birth to all kinds of mysterious qi.

As the opponent’s body continued to climb, the vicious momentum soared into the sky, and the powerful power surged out, and countless Void Demons could not dodge the body for a while and exploded!

“What is it!”

“Such a terrifying momentum, it is not inferior to the previous Void Demon Dragon!”

“Look at his mouth!”

Some people were shocked, and their faces were terrified to the extreme.

Countless people looked at it, only feeling that their bodies were trembling to the extreme, and this Xuanwu’s mouth was tearing and pulling a hideous dragon head, and this dragon head turned out to be the previous Void Demon Dragon!

The other party’s flesh has been eaten away, and the body is driven for 100,000 miles, and only the skeleton is constantly crushed in the other party’s mouth.

Such a scene made countless people’s hearts tremble, and they were terrified to the extreme!


Xuanwu roared, and the terrifying momentum came to the face, as if destroying and shattering the bodies of the Void Demon Clan into blood mist!

The same fluctuation at this time also made the four people fighting in the distance notice, and at this time, the four seemed to have a sense and hurriedly evacuated!

A flame mixed with the aura of endless destruction pierced through the void, burning the place where the four of them were before.


An earth-shattering hissing sound followed, and a huge figure of tens of thousands of feet, its wings shook the sky, crushing everything!

“Ancient fierce beast, Sky Swallowing Sparrow.”

Ye Tianxuan frowned slightly and said the origin of the other party.

The Sky Devouring Sparrow has long been extinct in the known universe, but I didn’t expect it to appear in this heavenly void realm.

Could it be that there is some secret hidden in this heavenly void realm?

Similarly, Xuanwu is also an ancient divine beast that has long been extinct, and it is too strange for two foreign beasts to appear here.

Ye Tianxuan stared, looking at the Heaven Swallowing Sparrow above, although the other party’s bloodline is not pure, but it still has the blood of the ancients, this thing is used for him, compared to the emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo in Su Tian’s hand, it is obviously easier for the other party.

When even one step spanned tens of thousands of miles, Gu Ding hovered behind him and rose into the air, directly crashing up!

The hideous qi tore through the bends, collided with each other, and large pieces of feathers fell off.

At this time, the Xuanwu below roared, the dragon head was terrifying, and the head of the underworld snake emitted the power of divine soul shock and penetrated upwards, directly hitting the Wuma Heavenly Firmament.

Wuma Tianqiong turned around and retreated, the long sword in his hand struck in the air, constantly slashing at the opponent’s body, Xuanwu’s body was extremely tough, in addition to the tortoise shell on his back, the body was also wrapped with layers of scales.

Sword Light Si Ming could only rub layers of fire on the opponent’s body, it was difficult to hurt it Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Yang lost the siege of the two, the pressure was greatly reduced, and immediately stepped out in one step, shattering the layers of void.

The power of the gods and demons surged, the five fingers pinched the fist, and the layers of power converged at one point, bombarding the chest of the lack of rainbow!

Layers of power are carried down, even the lack of rainbow is the flesh is constantly shaking, the divine pattern carved on the body drive is constantly shaking, another punch!

The other party was directly penetrated like a falling meteor!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Yang hurriedly mobilized the power of the surrounding avenue to suppress the constantly struggling emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo.

“Wait for extraterritorial demons, wait for death today!”

A roar soared into the sky, and the terrifying aura bloomed above the void, only to see a figure rushing straight towards me, and countless bandages on the body were frantically emitted, turning into a giant net to suppress it!

“Are there other creatures?”

Su Tian’s face changed slightly, the broken star halberd in his hand tore the sky bent, the blood dragon roared angrily, and the shadow of the true spirit appeared.

The angry dragon collided with the void, directly saying that the other party’s heaven and earth net was torn apart, Su Yang stepped out one step, and the sound of the dragon elephant on the palm of his hand tore the sky and the earth.

“So strong!”

Iwayama-kun’s face suddenly changed and he did not expect that the strength of the opponent would be so strong, in his opinion, even if he could not fight against it, he could at least fight Erji.

But who could know, just one touch would be seriously injured, Su Yang pressed on his shoulder with one hand, and the terrifying huge force blasted Yanshan-kun’s flesh and blood to pieces!

“Find death!”

Another figure rushed into the sky, so powerful that even heaven and earth were imprisoned for a moment!

This force… It’s the True God level!

Su Tian’s eyes were suddenly cold, holding up the law heaven and earth, and the figure of the great shore was no less than that of the Heaven Swallowing Sparrow and the Xuanwu below.

A spear bombarded the Dharma Heaven and Earth, knocking Su Tian back tens of thousands of li, and a large flame erupted from the eyes of the Mountain Spirit Monarch, and each wisp of flame could burn out the sky.

But this blow could not penetrate the protection of the Dharma Heavenly Elephant, Su Yang clasped his hands together, his fingers clenched, as if holding a piece of heavenly firmament in his palm.

Heaven and earth are lightless, the sun and the moon are turning, and the stars are stirring.

A punch bombarded the opponent’s body, knocking the other party back into vomiting blood, and after doing all this, Su Yang only felt a weakness in his body.

Such a long battle even he can’t eat, it is different from other strong people, their aura has accumulated for at least several years or even ten years and a hundred years, and he has just broken through the eighth level.

Even though there was a time ratio of one to one hundred in the Chaotic Nine Heavens Xuanhuang Pagoda, the time was still too short.

Every battle he fought was intense, basically a cross-level battle, just as Quehong said, his drawback was the spiritual energy in his body.

At this moment, a mighty figure appeared between heaven and earth, almost covering one side of the heavenly firmament, even if it was a heaven-swallowing sparrow, Xuanwu was only the size of the other party’s palm!

The terrifying coercion permeated, and dozens of top powerhouses rushed out, attacking a group of void monsters inside and out.

Ye Tianxuan and Wuma Tianqiong, who were fighting, saw that the situation was not good and left immediately!

“Wait for Hugh to go!”

Shen shouted and opened, like rolling divine thunder stirring the universe, the huge figure was, a palm directly pressed towards the Wuma Heavenly Firmament, let the other party use all means to be suppressed on the spot, terrifying abnormal!

Seeing this, Su Xiao was stunned in his heart, the strength of this phantom has far exceeded the limit of this world!

Not even the true gods can fight against Hiroshi!

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