Chapter 365: Peerless Fanghua, Heavenly Fragrance National Color!!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Xiaodang withdrew even later, but even then he was still discovered by the other party.

“Hurt my apprentice, and do not spare you.”

The vast sound exploded, causing Su Tian’s qi and blood to tumble, and the hideous momentum tore through the world.

The huge palm print is pressed, and there is no way to avoid it.

But at the same time, a breath permeated Su Tian’s eyebrows,… The next moment the power of the sky regressed, as if time passed.

This palm was actually withdrawn from the other party’s hand.

Su Xiao also took advantage of this opportunity to get out of the control of the other party.

The Heavenly Pulse Saint Venerable’s eyes were not lacking in astonishment, looking at the other party’s figure, the force just now actually forced his power back to before it was issued.

He had not seen such methods for tens of thousands of years.

Then he scanned the group of extraterritorial demons below, but unfortunately only Wuma Tianqiong was suppressed by him, and the rest of the top powerhouses like Ye Tianxuan escaped into the ancient ding and burst out at ten times the speed of light and rushed out.

In addition, the lack of rainbow also disappeared, except for these three extraterritorial demons, the rest were all suppressed!

His eyes were solemn, he naturally knew the origin of these extraterritorial demons, he had also left the Heavenly Void Realm, but unfortunately the universe at that time was too terrifying, even he was seriously injured and had to return.

“Capture all extraterritorial blood demons!”

He said coldly, and all the strong people claimed to be.

Under the might of the Heavenly Vein Holy Venerable, the cultivators knew that they had no power to resist and surrendered one after another.

There are also those who would rather die than surrender, and the end is miserable.

This time the battle of demons is probably the most careless of all races in the universe, and there is such a terrifying existence hidden in it, and now they are afraid that they have no possibility of escaping for a long time.

“Master, don’t let him escape from the Heavenly Void Realm, otherwise the other party will leak the news…”

The Mountain Spirit Monarch on the side said slowly, there was a huge crack in his chest, and his momentum was extremely weak.

“Don’t worry at this time, I have closed the Void Barrier, no matter how strong the other party’s strength is, it is impossible to escape.”

The Heavenly Vein Saint Venerable said with conviction that the Void Realm barrier had been reinforced by the strongest of the previous Heavenly Void Realm, and it was already extremely strong, and if someone broke through with brute force, it would be destroyed along with the entire Heavenly Void Realm.

In this way, even if the supreme powerhouses in the outside world get the news, they will not dare to rashly move the Void Demon Clan’s Tianjiao here, unless the other party is willing to lose these Tianjiao, otherwise they will never have an accident here!

As for the rest, it is up to you to do it slowly.

“Tie these creatures to the pillar of punishment and imprison their spirits, flesh and blood.”

A trace of coldness flashed in the eyes of the Heavenly Pulse Saint Venerable, and the eyes of the Mountain Spirit Monarch on the side who heard the words also flashed a trace of gloom, this battle almost wiped out the entire void mountain and sea, and such hatred naturally could not be easily understood.

Ten days later, in a dense mountain forest.

Su Yang sat cross-kneeled, the momentum around him continued to solidify, and after ten days, he finally raised his momentum to the top.

Slowly raising his hand, the bronze ancient tower emerged.

The Heavenly Void Realm hides such a terrifying existence, but no one told it in advance, I don’t know if it was intentional, or it really wasn’t discovered, but I have to say that this time can be described as a great loss.

In addition to him, only Ye Tianxuan, Que Hong escaped, and in addition, whether it was the Void Demon Clan or the Human Clan, they were all captured by the other party.

The end was terrible.

Su Xiao naturally didn’t want to leave like this, not to mention that other than that, this world was already closed and there was no way to leave.

The divine soul surged into its own divine and demonic imprint, and this space was pitch black and invisible.

But Su Yang can easily perceive everything around him, and above him is the cultivation stone carvings of the Nine-Fold God and Demon Chaos Method, each of which is terrifying.

But he wasn’t here because of it.

It’s the other side.

An illusory figure below the stone carvings floated up, as if examining the nine-fold stone carvings.

“After staying with me for so long, don’t you have anything to say.”

Su Yang stepped out, endless divine energy gushed, the power of gods and demons surged through his body, and the whole person was like a heaven-shaking demon god.

“If you don’t speak, then it will hit you to speak!”

The Avenue of Destruction and the Avenue of Force brewed on Su Tian’s side, bombarding with a punch!

In an instant, a cool artistic conception spread, and the endless dark god and demon space suddenly became awe-inspiring.

A shadow seemed to be real and illusory, gradually staring at it, and turning into a shadow.

Extremely fragrant, jade bone is born, the face is extremely beautiful, like the thrilling beauty of the supreme bright moon, and the beauty is ashamed.

A pair of eyes were cold and sharp, like the majesty of a supreme female emperor, and his gaze came directly, and for a moment, the extreme chill enveloped Su Yang and made him unable to move at all

“Who the hell are you.”

Su Xiao stared at the other party’s perfect cheek and said word by word.

“You don’t need to know my origin, I don’t know the years since I woke up from sleep, but there are deficiencies in this heaven and earth, and you also have deficiencies.”

The other party’s voice is cold, unkind, and seems to be in line with the Dao of Heaven, and every word sounds give birth to a unique Dao rhyme…

Su Tian’s gaze was fixed on her, but the other party never looked at Su Tian, a pair of phoenix eyes that were weathered and seemed to see through everything in the world.

“But one thing surprised me a little, I didn’t think that this god and demon fragment would be here for you.”

The other party asked and answered himself, his body was surrounded by light, and there was no other clothes on his body, it seemed that he noticed Su Tian’s strange gaze, and his thoughts surged with a plain white gauze wrapped around his body, and a pair of jade legs were slender and straight not like mortal.

“For the sake of this god and demon fragment, what if you lend me this thing for enlightenment, and you can exchange it for a mobile phone.”

The other party said softly, his voice cold and extremely pleasant.

“Not enough, twice.”

Su Xiao said slowly: “Not only did I lend this thing to you, but you also hid in my space for such a long time, at least twice.” ”

Hearing this, the other party turned around, and the beautiful and exquisite face slowly approached, looking at Su Tian, and Su Yang was not afraid at all.

Without giving in, the two looked at each other for a long time.


Finally, the other party slowly spoke, the other party waved his hand gently, and the bronze ancient tower came to the other party’s finger.

“This tower has a long history, and although it has been wiped out with a lot of immortal substances, it is still useful.”

When the words fell, the jade finger clicked up, and the tower body hovered, and in an instant, Su Yang was collected, and when he recovered again, he already appeared in the ninth floor.

The other party’s figure floated in the void, step by step, one hand pressed on the emperor beast Tongtian bamboo, and this magic medicine did not dare to make the slightest movement.

Raising his hand, the two forces circled abruptly, and the emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo’s forehead trembled and dissipated by a hundred thousand zhang, turning into a drop of essence spiritual liquid.

With a flick of his finger, the spiritual liquid floated in front of Su Tian.

“The spiritual platform is clear, the mind is collected, and the absorption of this thing can break the ninth order.”

When the words fell, the figure had dissipated.

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