Chapter 367: Heading to the Future and Blocking Fate! Han Li into the gods and demons!!

Su Yang looked at the thing in front of him, his gaze couldn’t help but converge slightly, and a whole magic medicine was condensed into a drop of essence, so it felt incredible just thinking about it.

Moreover, in the process of refining, this emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo actually did not have the slightest power to resist, so it seems that the strength of the other party is really not low.

For now, it is still necessary to break through the ninth order as soon as possible, and the longer it is delayed, the more serious the consequences will be, and the more far-reaching the impact will be.

Although Su Xiao didn’t have much affection for the Void Monsters and even the Blood Demon Clan, he didn’t feel the slightest bit about getting along during this time, and besides, the Huaxia side was also taken captive, how could he stand by and watch?

Su Yang held the essence of the magic medicine, and the momentum around his body continued to stir around, and then poured it into his mouth.

The Divine Medicine Yuan Essence contains incomparably strong power, but there is no violent aura that is extremely gentle, and the moment it enters the flesh body, it spreads at a very fast speed, constantly merging into his flesh and blood divine soul, and Su Tian’s momentum is also constantly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Su Yang concentrated his heart, gathered his energy in one point, the sky glowed out, and the three thousand avenues hovered on both sides of the body, exuding endless Dao charm.

Gradually, Su Tian’s momentum gradually converged, and his breath disappeared, seemingly merging with the entire heaven and earth, turning into everything in heaven and earth.

In the space of gods and demons, the figure was beautiful on the side, and Xiumu looked at the Chaotic Nine Heavens Xuanhuang Pagoda, reflected on Suzhou’s body, and the flow of light seemed to see through everything.

“Such a weird Dao rhyme, no, three thousand avenues.”

The other party said slowly, his tone mixed with a little surprise, looking at the figure caught in cultivation, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the wilderness of Da Luohong, the Kunlun Mountains are upset.

The Queen Mother of the West stood proudly, sitting alone on a stone chair, the chess pieces at her fingertips wandering, as if she was thinking and seemed to be out of her mind.

“The situation at this time is not in our favor, if you go recklessly, although you can get a momentary pain, but it will also plunge heaven and earth into new calamities.”

“Heaven and earth cause and effect, four elephants and five behaviors, nine yin and yang, thousands of worlds, will change at that time, when slowly and slowly!”

Han Lishi’s voice echoed in her ears, and it was precisely because of this that she curbed the anger in her heart and gradually calmed down, the other party had said that everything in the future depended on him, but the other party was only a little fruitful.

Where did he get such a big confidence, he has not weak means, but these alone do not seem to be enough.

Queen Mother Xi was a little irritable,… The next moment she walked into the stone wall, intending to retreat for a while, perhaps only in this way could she calm down slightly.

Han Lishi sat cross-legged in the endless years, his eyes were pregnant with the avenue of majesty, the qi of heaven and earth was rolling endlessly, and endless rules appeared between his palms.

He has stayed here for another three days, constantly deducing the world’s avenue, years and futures, seeking a glimmer of opportunity, but unfortunately there is no progress.

It’s not something he’s always done.

The immeasurable years rolled endlessly, a heroic figure slowly walked, the invincible avenue hovered on the other side, and the powerful momentum shook the heavens and the universe.

It was Shi Haoshi, the other party rushed here when he got the news from the other party, and he looked at the old friend in front of him for a while.

The other party is the same as him is the first generation of the Terran, but unfortunately then he broke away from the Terran and developed alone, until ten thousand years ago, if it were not for Su Ming’s reasons, I am afraid he would not have noticed the slightest.

“What is it that actually wants us to meet here?”

Ara looked at the other party and said.

Before he came, he had already discovered that this immeasurable time and space was completely imprisoned, and the disorder of heavenly machines had formed a chaotic place, such a big skill, even the strong people of the Taichu realm were afraid that they could not perceive it.

“The first Qilin is in the Terran race, right.”

Han Lishi looked at the wildness and said slowly, not with doubt, but with certainty.

Ara did not refuse, but looked at each other with a solemn face.

The other party could ask Shi Qilin, so he already knew the other party’s plan.

“What is this victory for?”

Desolation carries heaven and earth, without the slightest emotion, and the figure is stretched by the years for a long time, endlessly.

“The backtest is unknown, the appearance of the fierce man, the fate has twisted and turned many times, I plan to enter the gods and demons.”

Han Lishi was simple and direct, said his thoughts, and looked at the figure on one side as if he was asking.

“Enter the inside of the gods and demons?”

Ara looked solemn, did not object, but carefully thought about the feasibility of this matter, and then looked at the other party.

“Which god and demon are you going to incarnate?”


Han Lishi whispered softly, and then raised his palms horizontally, and the Supreme Avenue of Destiny spread out, the layers of void shook endlessly, and the aura of the Avenue was extremely fierce.

The momentum belonging to the Han Li clan gradually dissipated, and a supreme avenue without the slightest emotion swirled down, and even if it was absurd, such a technique could not help but be slightly stunned.

With such a strong avenue qi, if he hadn’t known in advance that this person was Han Li, I am afraid he would have mistaken it for the Fate God and Demon Buddha.

“I need to do something.”

Wild knows that the other party has prepared all preparations and means, so let himself naturally have intentions.

“I will send you to the future, where you try to entangle the gods and demons of fate, the other party is in the past, and now it is impossible to pursue, and can only go to the future.”

The Fate God and Demon is the most important part at this moment, and the longer the delay of the desolation is, the safer it is for Han Li.

And this is also the only means, the reason why the desolate is used as a cover, and not the Queen Mother of the West also has a lot of considerations.

The Queen Mother of the West is too conspicuous in the Great Luo Honghuang, not to mention that once the other party escapes into the long river of the future, it is that the moment the other party steps into the Kunlun Mountain, countless supreme beings will wrap their divine thoughts in it.

Although she was afraid of the Queen Mother of the West and did not dare to get closer, once the Queen Mother of the West went to the coming years, it would inevitably alarm Di Jun and even Hongjun, and even a group of gods and demons would be affected.

Her strength is too high, once she takes action, it will inevitably affect the whole body, so the most important thing to do is to cover up.

And the reason for choosing the famine is also very simple, now that the prestige of the human race is getting stronger and stronger, the two emperors of Yan and Huang have successively preached the Daluo Daoguo, and the sight of the two of them in the Honghuang Continent at the moment is the hottest.

After all, these two, once in the half-step fruit realm, the combat power is really not low, and they have created such a vicious forbidden technique as Fa Tian Xiangdi, and the power is so strong that even Di Jun and Hongjun have to be cautious.

Therefore, compared with this, there are many fewer eyes on the Ara body, and because of the rules of the gods, the past and future years are often refined, which can be regarded as a layer of shielding

“In that case, let’s do it.”

The desolate voice responded, the invincible avenue was hidden in the body, and the momentum around the body converged to the extreme, seeing this situation, Han Li was in the air with one hand, pinching the Dao seal in his hand, and the immeasurable years were rolling endlessly!

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