Chapter 368: The Land of the Ruins, the Gathering of Gods and Demons, and the Gift of Death to the Lotus!!

Layers of arrogance continue to converge in the sky, and the figure of the desolation dissipates in the immeasurable years, and only a projection of the years stands in the immeasurable years, seemingly with heaven and earth.

This is the other party’s body of years, and if this body does not die, he will not be in much danger.

Seeing this, Han Lishi’s body changed, and gradually turned into the appearance of Li Changgeng, this time to the land of gods and demons, a single Ni puppet could not cover too much, especially in the face of death, it was bound to be unable to hide from the other party’s detection.

Therefore, this action must be carried out with a real body, but he can enter the hinterland of the gods and demons alone, and if there is the slightest abnormality, he will die without a place to bury.

A strange space, layers of void formed a vortex of Dao, connecting all directions of heaven and earth, and countless qi of heaven and earth constantly converged into one point, turning into the purest avenue.

In the center, a black-clothed figure hovered here, his eyes were extremely black, like an endless abyss, and he could lead countless creatures to be devoured and wiped out with just a glance.

It is the devouring gods and demons, since the immortal battlefield, the devouring gods and demons have been hidden here with Li Changgeng for a hundred years.

In just a hundred years, although not much progress has been made, for the devouring gods and demons, they have manipulated their own power to the extreme, and the only pity is that they have not obtained the lotus of the avenue.

Suddenly, at this moment, his mind moved, and he stepped out in one step, and he had already come to Li Changgeng’s side.

The other party’s breath was erratic, and the next moment, he slowly opened his eyes.

“Let’s go, it’s time, we should also go out and take a look.”

Han Li said slowly, looked at the figure on one side, and got up to look into the distance.

“Where to?”

The devouring god and demon was slightly stunned, but seeing that the fate of the other party was so solemn, he couldn’t help but be cautious.

“The land of return will eventually go and cannot hide.”

“In this case, you and I will go together, you don’t deal with the chi very much, this time I can come.”

The Devouring God Demon said slowly, since the moment the other party helped him repel Di Jun that day, he had already regarded the other party as a deliverable back existence.

For gods and demons, everything is considered for their own benefit, and everything else is false.

They will only follow their own path, and their only long-cherished wish is to push their own path to the extreme.

Everything else is false.

But in his opinion, the other party has broken this rule, which makes him feel comfortable for a long time.

The two sides straddled the universe of heaven and earth, and finally came to the land of return.

In the distance, above the heavenly firmament, a hideous void and emptiness disappeared, and endless years were absorbed into it.

Here, during the Lich War, the gods and demons of death took advantage of the grievances of the creatures of heaven and earth, and their own death qi was condensed out of the ruins.

Although afterwards, the place of return to the ruins was worn out, but it did not completely dissipate, and the aura of death that stayed here formed a flood and desolation forbidden area.

All the gods and demons came here to accept the gifts of the gods and demons of death and obtain the lotus of the avenue, and they also swore with their own Dao hearts, and after returning to the peak, they would work together to do one thing for each other.

Although Honghuang Da Luo was prosperous and prosperous, even the immortal gods and demons that had already developed did not care much.

The gods and demons were originally born in the chaos of nothingness, and even if they returned to the chaos of nothingness, they would not change much for himself.

Devouring and emitting the aura of gods and demons, bringing Han Li into it, at this time, the gods and demons in the land of return had already noticed it, and they all looked at the figures of both sides.

“Devour… Aren’t you going to come here? Cause? ”

On one side, the God of Destruction Demon slowly raised his head, his eyes looking at both sides with scrutiny.

“Come when you want, leave if you want, what do I wait to do with you?”

The devouring gods and demons were not afraid at all, and their tone was indifferent and arrogant.

The destruction god and demon was severely damaged by Di Jun, even if he has the lotus of the avenue, it will be difficult for the pool to recover for a while, not to mention that it has only been a hundred years, and such time is just a work of opening and closing his eyes for the gods and demons.


The God of Destruction Demon snorted coldly, did not intend to say more to the other party, and simply turned his head to one side, after all, he and the devourer did not deal with each other since the chaos.

Even at first, the two were born together, but because the devouring was too lazy, they rarely interacted over time.

A white-clothed figure slowly walked out, the other party’s surrounding body was full of charm, immortal aura was pervasive, and there was a charm of its own, which was the god and demon of immortals.

Chi looked at the two of them and turned his gaze to Han Li’s body.

“Fate, you foresaw something this time.”

The way of fate is in line with the way of heaven, you can find everything and control everything, when it comes to true chess players, among all gods and demons, in addition to cause and effect, this fate is counted.

However, even in the chaos, the two sides did not make much moves, whether it was the death camp of the death gods and demons or the camp of the life gods and demons, they did not participate in each other, and the pools were not neutral camps.

However, there are traces of them in almost all camps.

It can be said that in the eyes of all gods and demons, there are various reasons for this person’s every move, and even when Pangu opened the world, it was convenient to foresee in advance, and the other party did not participate in any battle.

From beginning to end, whether it is fate or cause and effect, neither of these two has half a point.

Seeing this situation, the gods and demons were determined in their hearts, although they didn’t know what the death gods and demons wanted them to do, but at this moment, even fate came here, which couldn’t help but make them have a bottom in their hearts.

This is stable.

After all, when it comes to trade-offs, this is an expert, and although they promised to do one thing for death, they did not promise to do it.

After all, such a big cause and effect, even if they are gods and demons, they can’t ignore it.

Perhaps the three thousand avenues, any one, cannot be ignored.

“Why ask, since fate has come here, he has his plan.”

The sound of the avenue looped, and a pitch-black figure slowly walked out, just a momentum that made everyone present dare not have the slightest contempt.

Han Li’s heart tightened, and the avenue of fate on the side of his body appeared, looking solemnly at the figure.


He whispered softly.

“Since you have been devoured here and there, you should have your share.”

The Death God and Demon slowly withdrew his hand, and the Devouring Daolian ran out, rushing to the extreme, but the Devouring God and Demon on the side did not have the slightest intention to collect it, but looked at the fate on one side.

As if knowing what the other party was thinking, the Death God and Demon couldn’t help but slowly shake his head and sigh.

“It’s a pity that the Fate Daolian was divided up by the rest of the people, and it can’t be obtained for the time being, but it is bitter for Daoists.”

“But don’t worry, in ten thousand years, I will bring this thing to you Death God and Demon to look at Han Li, his eyes are solemn, it doesn’t seem to be fake.”

I have to say that the God of Death and Demon have a unique temperament in buying people’s hearts, and it is not small to give a lotus of the avenue so easily to devour.

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