Chapter 369: The years to come will be turbulent, the gods will be broken, and the heavens and the earth will be shaken with anger!!

The sudden appearance of the Death God and Demon, even Han Lishi couldn’t help but be slightly stunned and silently transported Zhou Tian Dao, converging his breath to the extreme.

“Don’t Daoists have anything to ask?”

The Death God Demon looked at the devouring on one side, as if he wanted to know the reason why the other party came, but the devouring on one side looked at Han Li on the side without words.

The figure slowly retreated, giving way to Han Li for his position, and such an action immediately attracted the attention of a group of gods and demons, especially the death gods and demons led by him couldn’t help but stare slightly when they saw this scene.

The devouring character is for him to understand, the devouring avenue is talking about his own words, but it is the head of all gods and demons, and the other party is willing to open the way for fate at this moment, which he could not expect.

He thought that the two sides were only forming an alliance for reasons of interest, but this seems to be a little more than he expected.

The appearance of these two sides is not like that of a simple ally.

“Compared to the Daoist lotus given by Daoists, I still want to know what Daoists want to do this time.”

Han Li looked at the other party, and the corners of his mouth were not hurried.

Hearing this, the figure was slightly stunned, most of these gods and demons were driven by death because of the Dao Fruit Lotus, if not for the original death of followers, few gods and demons would really follow him.

And what Han Li asked at this moment was also the death god and demon who all the gods and demons wanted to know the most in their hearts, looking at Han Li on the side, his eyes calm and easygoing.

“One of these actions is that I can’t bear that a group of innate gods and demons such as me will become vassals of this group of acquired beings, and second, as you all said, I think I should destroy this great Luo Honghuang and return to the boundless chaos.”

The other party’s statement is in line with the impression of death by a group of gods and demons, destroying the Great Luo Honghuang and bringing death to all beings in heaven and earth.

The other party has been doing it from beginning to end.

However, few people present would really think that the practice of the death gods and demons would be so simple, and the more upright the other party was, the more strange it was.

This statement, death was not only said to Han Li alone, even before that, it was the same for a group of gods and demons.

If you really believe the other person, you are a real fool.

A quiet place, heaven and earth are self-contained, the heavens are chaotic and boundless, immeasurable years appear, and the figure of the desolation emerges.

According to Han Li’s prompt, probably this place is where the gods and demons of fate are, and in addition, the weather is bound by layers of rules all around.

However, in the perception of the wilderness, this heaven and earth is not a flooded barren continent, and the rules of the surrounding weather and heaven and earth are strange, and this force is very similar to the immortal world or the demon world.

In this way, it seems that the fate god and demon should have obtained a kind of heaven and earth treasure like Hongjun.

The only thing that makes Huang a little puzzled is when the second exotic treasure was obtained, if it is in the future years, there is not much doubt, but if it is from the previous years, it can be summarized more than suspicious.

Immeasurable, immeasurable, the breath of the avenue is constantly running, and it seems that it has long been doomed to half.

A figure is made in it, and its eyes turn into yin and yang, circling and running, which is extremely strange.

At this moment, the other party got up, looked at the distant years, and then woke up.

“Fate, disturb again.”

Whispering, the sound of the avenue is constantly moving.

As Chi’s gaze looked, the hole penetrated the layers of space and directly spread to the Honghuang Daluo, but even so, he still did not find the strange force of fate

“Not here, if so, when in the past.”

Looking ahead about to cross the immeasurable years, at this moment, a hideous momentum broke through everything, carrying an invincible posture to block his way.

A thick big ding spiraled down, shaking in all directions, causing a heavenly earthquake, layers of invincible avenues wrapped down, a figure slowly walked, each step caused the heavens and the earth to tremble.

“Invincible Avenue, Terran, Desolate.”

He looked at the heroic figure in front of him, his eyes gradually solemn, and he seemed to have an understanding.

“Changing the years, obscuring the future, the idea is good, but unfortunately it is a little worse.”

Wild eyes stared at the other party, unable to calm down for a long time, and even a little stunned, logically speaking, the other party should be the fate god and demon, but why did he still feel another breath above the other party’s body.

Yin-Yang Avenue.

The gods and demons of fate looked coldly, their eyes swept away, condensing layers of heavenly que, containing the power of supreme suppression, and implementing them.

The heavenly dome appeared layer by layer, turning into thirty-three heavens and suppressing it.

Desolate did not dare to be careless, holding the divine ding, the invincible avenue ran up, rushing head-on, and all kinds of terrifying momentum collided with each other.

The strength of the desolate is not weak, it has reached the peak of the Dao Fruit, even if the realm of the beginning has not yet been understood, it has already been enlightened.

Seeing that this move could not suppress the other party, the gods and demons of fate immediately raised their hands, and in an instant, the entire sky turned into incandescent light, and the earth turned into pitch black ink.

The two forces rotated each other, forming an unattainable yin and yang taiji.

Desolate held up the thirty-three heavenly gates, and the qi around his body gushed out frantically, shattering the heavenly firmament layer by layer, and his eyes looked at heaven and earth, such a scene even he couldn’t help but be stunned.

“You devoured the yin and yang gods and demons!”

Although the gods and demons who get the Dao Lotus will gain the power to devour other Dao gods and demons, the fate Dao Lotus was clearly given to Han Lishi by him!

Even so, the other party should not be able to devour the other party, but such a scene has to make him believe.

“Stay here, it’s all doomed,… The power of fate you can’t stop him from saying slowly, his hands raised to the sky, the whole heaven and earth began to merge, and the power of yin and yang can reverse heaven and earth, bend, and clean. ”

It can also wipe out everything and return heaven and earth to their original chaos!

Wild eyes are sharp, and there is no fear, this battle must be fought, and he must delay it for enough time, otherwise it will be an endless disaster for Han Li.

I saw that he pressed on the top of his body with one hand, and the Invincible Avenue was injected into it, and the power of ups and downs emitted gradually disturbed the yin and yang of heaven and earth, but unfortunately the scope of influence was extremely limited.

As small and powerless as a drop in the ocean.

“In this case, we will have a good fight!”

With a roar, the power of the desolate whole body was injected into the divine ding, and the divine ding was extremely shocked, and thousands of rays of light emanated from the divine body, and the cracks were made up for one after another, and then exploded!

Like a singularity, it collapsed and shattered, emitting an unparalleled brilliance, and the sun and the moon were incomparable.

At this moment, it was as bright as the blazing sun.

Even the Fate God and Demon did not expect the other party to be so decisive and directly explode his own God Ding.

Such great perseverance is really terrifying, and it is worthy of being the strongest of the human race.


The yin and yang qi of heaven and earth were dispersed, and at the cost of the collapse of the god ding, they broke the other party’s move.

He held a three-foot blue feng, his clothes flew into the sky, and his eyes were like torches, shaking the heavens and the earth like a giant in the sky!

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