Chapter 371: Killing Lack of Hong, Attacking Strongly!!

But the lack of rainbow can rank first in the list of gods and demons, and how can it be a simple character, immediately the bones around the body avoid crackling, and the figure is to break free.

He cultivated the momentum of his body to the extreme, and a pair of pupils stared at Su Yang extremely dangerously, but just broke through the ninth level, it was unheard of to have such terrifying combat power.

You know, with his strength, he is a top-notch existence in the Void Demon Clan, and since he was born, no one in the almost equal realm is his enemy, and he once firmly believed that he would become the supreme existence of the universe in the future.

All living beings will crawl at his feet.

But the person in front of him, but he had such a terrifying strength when he first entered the ninth rank, the same realm was just a look, and he almost imprisoned himself.

Such a scene almost broke his heart!

And Ye Tianxuan on the side couldn’t help but stare at him, although he knew that Su Tian’s combat strength at this time must be good, and even surpassed himself, but the breath that just appeared, even he had to be solemn.

In this place, if Su Yang’s object of casting is him, I am afraid that it may not be much easier than this lack of rainbow.

“Do you think you can escape?”

Su Yang looked at each other indifferently, one-handed into the air, the power of heaven and earth gathered, and the three thousand avenues were suspended between the palms.

“You’re not afraid that I’ll expose you all!”

Que Hong didn’t expect that the other party’s killing intent on him was so strong, and he directly took action, and he didn’t care about being discovered by that person!

Su Yang pressed down, and the layers of power turned into a supreme stone monument, and the space was imprisoned, and at the same time, the opponent’s qi machine was locked.

Seeing this, Ye Tianxuan on the side also sealed his hands, and Gu Ding manifested, when even Gu Ding urged Ding to detain the three together!

The space was blocked, even the heavenly machine was cut off, and this next breath could not be transmitted, and Qihong only knew at this moment that a catastrophe was coming, and constantly dodged and retreated, but the divine monument above his head had already locked him!

“You’re not afraid that I’ll blow myself up!”

Que Hong raised her hands, her body trembled constantly, and her eyes were cracked to look at Su Tian, hoping to force the two to retreat.

“If you had the guts, you would have blew yourself up long ago.”

Su Yang didn’t say much anymore, it was to cast the Divine and Demon Chaos Method, and bombarded with one punch!


Lack of Hongsi roared and screamed, and the next moment his flesh exploded, and his proud body drove in front of Su Yang like paper paste.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Tianxuan inspired the ancient ding rune to suppress all the other party’s spiritual thoughts and wipe them out one by one.

Finally, the screams of the other party gradually dissipated and completely turned into nothingness.

In this way, this number one on the list of gods and demons died so easily, even Ye Tianxuan felt a little unreal.

But there is no surprise, although the other party’s strength is strong, but it lacks the heart to die, if the other party is self-detonating at the beginning to confront them, maybe it can save a trace of spiritual will.

Subsequent repossession of one person may not be able to return to the top.

It’s a pity that the other party is too sparing for his life, and he doesn’t have the courage to blow himself up and give up all this.

The two divided up all the treasures on each other’s bodies, put away Guding Ye Tianxuan and looked at Su Yang to ask what was in their hearts.

“How do you do this?”

“No plan, just break in, just you and me, any plan is useless.”

Su Xiao said slowly, “In addition, I have a helper to resist the Heavenly Vein Saint Venerable for a while, and we must save everyone at this time. ”

Hearing this, Ye Tianxuan also couldn’t help but nod, if the two sides only save the human race, I am afraid that they will not be able to escape far at all with the combat strength of the human race, so the two of them can fight one against ten, the enemy is hundred, but the enemy is one thousand, ten thousand is impossible.

Only by combining all the forces can we have a greater chance of victory, and the Terrans can escape faster with more targets.

After the two finished discussing, they acted separately, Ye Tianxuan sneaked in from the rear, and Su Yang entered through the front door to act as an attraction.

“Help me kill the Heavenly Pulse Holy Venerable.”

“Not enough, I’ll only help you, but your request is a little too much.”

The light and shadow flickered, and the figure of the other party appeared in front of Su Tian, noble and cold, and glanced at Su Tian’s figure had left.

“I only buy you three hours of time, and after three hours, whether you die or live depends on your creation.”

When the words fell, the rolling heavens and the sky moved, and a round of supreme bright moon rose, overwhelming the world, crushing the central holy dynasty.

The powerful momentum caused the heavens and the earth to tear apart, the entire continent was trembling, and countless strong people were shattered by this terrifying aura…


A roar spread out like rolling divine thunder, and a figure appeared above the void, soaring into the sky, and the vast figure reached out to grab it!

The Heavenly Pulse Saint Venerable’s gaze was incomparable, looking at the shadow of the bright moon rolling in the sky, his eyes were shocked, such a terrifying attack could never be unleashed by this group of extraterritorial demons!

Could it be that an unknown strong person has entered here!?

He was shocked in his heart, did not dare to have the slightest contempt and carelessness, raised his hands up, and blessed the sky with supreme power, and confronted this round of Haoyue.

At the same time, he summoned the Heaven Swallowing Sparrow and Xuanwu, so that both sides would take it seriously, and the demons outside the region were likely to take advantage of this opportunity to come and sneak attack.

On the stone slab, white clothes appeared, and the fierce wind howled, blowing the wind and sand into the sky, as if the heavens and the earth were roaring.

Su Yang took a step, and his own momentum was like a rising brilliant sun, which made countless people look at it in shock.

The Shattered Star Halberd appeared in his hand, and a great figure behind him rose up to support the heavens and the earth.

Dharma heaven and earth!

Such a scene shook the sky, and the terrifying momentum spread to the heavens and the earth, causing the heavens and the earth to tremble, and countless cultivators of the Heavenly Void Realm were terrified and fled one after another.

The Mountain Spirit Monarch roared, and the momentum soared into the sky and turned into a vicious beast, like a mountain crashing towards him!

In the next moment, the halberd tore through the air, penetrated the chest, and nailed the opponent’s body to the heavenly stone pillar!

For a time, the blood flowed profusely.

“It’s Mako! It must be Mako! ”

The creatures of the Blood Demon Clan shouted excitedly, although they were extremely weak, they still had this radiance.

The blood poured out, the waist was penetrated by a chain, the originally fair skin was dull at the moment, and the white lips looked at the figure in the distance, but the eyes showed a trace of doubt.

That figure was far from the serum element, and the breath released by the other party had nothing to do with the serum element.

“He’s not…”

Blood poured into a hoarse voice, but besides the serum yuan, who can wear more blood armor and hold the Shattered Star Halberd?

Su Yang condensed a three-foot long sword, running the rules of kendo, and in an instant, the sword qi in the sky was running rapidly, slaying countless heavenly natives.

Such a scene made Chen Yan and the man with the sword in the distance stunned, this scene was so similar.

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