Chapter 372 Suppressing Xuanwu, Defeating the Heaven-Swallowing Sparrow with One Move!!

Su Tian’s figure rushed straight to the sky bend countless heaven and earth rules surging wildly, the whole person actually climbed to the peak, and the rules of the way of the sword were entangled.

A sword swing seemed to split the entire heaven and earth in two!

The sword intent is full of ups and downs!

The rules of kendo slammed into the stone pillar of Babel, cutting off the chains directly and saving everyone.


At the same time, a sharp howl pierced through the layers of void, and the terrifying concussive force caused countless creatures to vomit blood.

Especially these imprisoned void monsters and human races, they were already extremely weak, such a roar almost cost them half their lives, and a group of newly liberated creatures fell to the ground, and blood continued to spill from eardrums.

Su Yang supported a heaven and earth, although he could ensure peace for a while, but he could not divide his efforts to save the rest of the people.

In the distance, a hideous Xuanwu crawled forward, a huge body, covering the sky and the sun, a hundred thousand miles of huge, the hideous tortoise shell was covered with runes and wound up, and the dragon’s head was terrifying.

The tail snake was extremely poisonous, and the roar just now was issued by the other party.

Su Yang held the Chaotic Nine Heavens Xuanhuang Pagoda in his hand, and countless divine energy was injected into it, fixing the entire time and space, and the figure rushed straight forward and came above Xuanwu, and the three-foot blue front in his hand converged the rules of the heaven and earth sword Dao, condensing into a hideous sword shadow.

Immediately through the down!

The sound of the sword resounded throughout the heavens, directly hitting the opponent’s body, and sparks burst out!


Su Yang held the Chaotic Nine Heavens Xuanhuang Pagoda, took advantage of this opportunity, mobilized the three thousand avenues, converged into the rules of heaven and earth, and suppressed the other party!

Xuanwu roared angrily into the sky, and the layers of anger were raging, directly spitting out a piece of Wang Yang, and the angry waves covered the long sky and covered everything.

Every move of the other party is pregnant with infinite light!

The two forces collided fiercely, causing the space to tear, and the huge body of Xuanwu was continuously sunk by the impact, and the scales on the body were shattered layer by layer, and blood filled the air.

The waters of Wang Yang summoned by the other party were also shattered and opened, and the 100,000-zhang tower plunged into the clouds, like an immortal tower standing tall in the sky.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Yang held up the heavens and the earth, rushed straight into the sky, and came to the stone pillar of the sky alone, and what he wanted to rescue at this time was the blood demon clan.

Su Yang pressed with one hand, and the rules of heaven and earth in his hand surged wildly, shattering layers of chains continuously.

A group of figures were able to get rid of it in time, and the blood pouring face turned pale, looking at Su Tian, his eyes were solemn and there was a trace of fear.

The corners of her mouth trembled, but she still couldn’t ask who the other party was.

In any case, whether it was the Blood Armor, or the Broken Star Halberd, they were all too familiar with it, but the person in front of them was not the person they expected.

“Let’s go.”

Su Xiao said silently, his tone flat and not mixed with the slightest emotion.

“You. Why do you have the Blood Armor, and the Broken Star Halberd. ”

Finally, the dark moon on one side couldn’t help but make a sound, her eyes glared at Su Tian, her eyes were bloodshot, and her voice was a little trembling.

“That’s a lot of nonsense.”


The words fell, directly smashing the other party on the stone pillar, and the other party’s flesh was directly embedded in the stone pillar, although so, the other party’s eyes were still cold and sharp

“As for this battle armor, it is natural to kill the other party.”

Su Xiao replied coldly: “People and demons are not opposed, when he meets me, he should have died.” ”

When the words fell, the blood demons suddenly glared angrily, and at the same time their hearts were sad, they never expected that they thought that it would be His Royal Highness the Demon Son who came to save them, but who knew that it would bring bad news.

“Now while I’m not interested in killing you, get out.”

After the words fell, Su Yang turned around and left the Wuma Heavenly Dome that went straight to the top.

The reason for his remarks is firstly to hide his true identity and second, it can be regarded as a trace of protection for these two people, otherwise if the news that the serum yuan is Su Yang spreads, it will inevitably cause an incalculable impact.

It can be said that the close people of the serum yuan will inevitably be liquidated, although these have nothing to do with him, but at least, the dark moon and the blood softness are what he does not want to be involved.

Killing the serogen with your own hand is the best way.

Looking at Su Tian’s departing figure from a distance, the blood on the side was gentle, his eyes were godless, and he seemed to have collapsed down as if he had lost support.

The dark moon on the side hurriedly picked up the other party, her eyes looked at Su Tian’s distant figure, she knew that rushing up with her own strength would only send her to death, but after all, her strength was too weak.

If her strength was stronger, how could it be?

At this moment, Su Xiao above the heavenly dome came to the side of Wuma Tianqiong, and the momentum around his body rolled away, and Su Tian’s face became solemn after a little probing him.

This forbidden chain must have come from the hand of the Heavenly Vein Holy Venerable, with the blessing of supreme divine power, it is extremely difficult to destroy.

If he was still at the eighth level, he would definitely not continue to rescue at this moment, but his strength had already reached the ninth rank, and his five fingers pinched his fist to lead the heavens and the universe.

The layers of vibrating qi converged a little, and the Divine and Demon Chaos Law was cast, and this punch seemed to collapse in the sky.

Almost collapsed the positive space into a singularity.

What followed was the power of endless annihilation!

The chains vibrate, buzz constantly, and fall in a circle, and several chains have already cracked.

Wuma Tianqiong gradually woke up, his eyes looked at the figure in front of him, he was too weak at this time, he couldn’t even exude a trace of spiritual will.

Or the other party’s spiritual will has long been crucified and cannot convey any thoughts.


Just as Su Yang was about to throw a second punch, suddenly there was a crying sound from the heavenly firmament, and I saw a huge wing covering the sky.

The Sky Devouring Sparrow swallowed the sky with light, and the hideous figure seemed to control the heavens and the earth, and directly hissed!

Su Tian’s figure retreated, distanced himself from the other party, his hands stood up in the sky, and the law behind him was like heaven and earth, straight and the void shook endlessly, and the huge fist sound shook up.

The waves of qi rolled, and the moment the two sides clashed, the wind and clouds of the entire heavenly firmament swept and raged, and then collapsed!

Su Tian’s eyes were sharp, and the momentum climbed layer by layer, leading the chaos of the heavens, and the three thousand avenues continued to flow up, and the double back was sealed.

A magnificent guide slowly traveled from heaven and earth, and the pure and hideous aura covered the main piece of the Canggong, which made countless people stunned.

Especially when the Heavenly Pulse Saint Venerable who was fighting against that round of Haoyue couldn’t help but separate his divine soul and go away, his heart was shocked.

However, the strength of the ninth order was able to unleash such a terrifying blow, and this kind of power was no less than the three-turn true god level.

I only heard a mournful wail above the long sky, the huge figure of the Sky Devouring Sparrow was drenched in blood, feathers splashed all over the sky, and the blood that burst down was like a rain of blood!

The huge body smashed heavily on the ground, making it difficult for countless cultivators of the Heavenly Void Realm to see the extreme.

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