Chapter 377: The Dragon Emperor Shakes the Heavens and Earth, and the Four Emperors Face the Heavenly Firmament!!

The sound of shaking the sky shook the sky, and the voice fell to the heroic figure, stepping out of the void and floating in front of the Huaxia fleet.

The other party stood proudly, wearing a Xuan color robe, his breath was one with heaven and earth, just standing where he suppressed a heavenly firmament, and the power was immeasurable!

The Dry Blood God Venerable was shocked in his heart, his body shook continuously, looking at the hideous spear coming from the Cave Sect, when even his hands pushed sideways!

Boundless blood qi spreads, forming a hideous blood gas millstone that constantly runs and crushes, seemingly being able to wipe out everything!

But even so, as soon as it came into contact with the spear, it collapsed, and it almost did not stop the spear in the slightest!

The power of tearing the sky shook endlessly, directly penetrating the opponent’s body, and shattering the opponent’s body!

Such a blow is terrifying, overbearing and extraordinary!

For a time, the Void Demon Clan was stunned, looking at the Xuanyi figure in the distance, and his eyes could not contain the jealousy.

Apparently they already recognized the origin of the other party.

“Dragon Emperor…”

A group of Void Demon Clan were slightly childish, saying each other’s names, at this moment, even Fang Cai’s Void Demon Dragon or the existence of the Demon Spirit Clan did not dare to act rashly, after all, the one in front of them was far from being their enemy.

Chen Long, one of the pillars of Huaxia Optimus, rose 30,000 years ago, but single-handedly destroyed hundreds of Void Demon Clan, and then entered the Void Demon Clan alone, facing the encirclement and suppression of many forces, and dealt calmly.

Ten thousand years ago, stepping into the supreme peak, entering the god emperor, his strength was terrifying, annihilating countless strong people, and on the day of breaking the mirror, he killed alone among the ten emperors of the void, and his blood spattered three million li.

Achieving supreme prestige, the word Dragon Emperor, is not a self-proclaimed but a feared name of the Void Demon Clan.

Such people are so terrifying that even the Void Demon Clan did not expect that the Terrans would send the other party here!

The Dry Blood God Venerable’s body was shattered, and his strength was greatly damaged, and after this blow, it would be difficult to recover without ten thousand years.

Chen Long slowly stretched out his hand, the spear flew back into his hand, and his qi machine fought and bent the spear until the void monster, his eyes were overbearing and domineering.

“Wait, dare to fight!”

When the words fell, the boundless gas machine rolled the universe, millions of miles of void hummed endlessly, countless stars were pulled by each other, trembling, so powerful can really reach the power of breaking the sky and the earth.

For a while, when a demon clan’s face was solemn, his eyes looked at Chen Long in the distance, containing killing intent, but he was extremely afraid.

“Dragon Emperor, you are probably too rampant!”

The elder of the Void Demon Dragon had terrifying eyes, his mouth spat out a sound of shock, and his breath was like an abyss.


Chen Long sneered, under the other party’s shocked pupils, the power of gathering the sky appeared directly in front of the other party, the spear in his hand penetrated upward, and in an instant, it seemed that the entire universe was shattering!

As soon as the blow fell, the layers of star-like dazzling scales of the hideous terrifying figure continued to explode, and the huge body drove away, and suddenly saw blood, and a punch knocked the other party back more than a million miles.

“Rampant, what about it!”

With this earth-shattering trend, the vicious and domineering voice once again filled the universe, causing the stars in the heavens to shake endlessly!

Countless Void Demon Clan eyes were shocked, you must know that 10,000 years ago, the other party killed into the Void Demon Clan, and the strength was only comparable to defeating the elders of the Void Demon Dragon lineage, but at this moment, one move was to seriously injure the other party, so the strength was inevitably a little too terrifying…

At this moment, seeing the might of the Dragon Emperor, almost none of the Void Demon Clan dared to speak out, for fear of being affected by the other party, even the Blood Emperor had a solemn complexion.

Although he is an emperor, his own strength is still a long way from the god emperor level, and the other party is the real god emperor realm, if he rushes up, I am afraid that he will not be much better than any void demon dragon

“Dragon Emperor, I haven’t seen you for ten thousand years, you are still so arrogant.”

The magnificent sound of heaven and earth throughout the universe caused the heaven and earth to buzz and the stars to tremble.

Chen Long looked at the far end of the sky, clenched the spear in his hand, and the momentum continued to climb and the battle intent rushed to the sky.

“It’s the Demon Venerable! It must be the Demon Venerable! ”

Everyone in the Demon Spirit Clan spoke up one after another, and hurriedly bowed down into the distance, shouting the name of the Demon Venerable.

In the hazy, a brown figure came from far and near, and every step seemed to give birth to Dao Yun, guarding the breath of the other party, and the Void Demon Clan finally breathed a long sigh of relief, and their hearts gradually stabilized.

The supreme existence of the Demon Spirit Clan also made a move.

In this way, he is not afraid of the Dragon Emperor, after all, when the Dragon Emperor killed the Void Demon Clan, the Demon Venerable fought with it and seriously injured him.

After all, the Demon Venerable is a strong man who has been famous for millions of years, and his strength is unknowable, just the appearance of the heavenly firmament is to cause the heavens and the earth to be extinguished, and it seems to solidify everything.

“Interesting, Dragon Emperor, how you returned ten thousand years ago, forgot!”

At this time, a roar came throughout, just a roar was to block the void, forming a torn zone, I don’t know how far-reaching, at the same time a dark green robe emerged, the person had dragon horns, and the power was abnormal.

Just appearing just made countless Void Demons feel a shocking coercion and touched the bloodline soul.

Another god-emperor-level existence!

Countless people were shocked, and the appearance of three god-emperor-level existences made the entire void unable to carry their existence, and the cracks around them continued to permeate, as if they were about to burst.

In the face of the existence of the two god emperor levels, Chen Long still did not touch the slightest, and his battle qi ran through the sky bend and the universe, still converging.


The roar came from the sky, and a hideous figure appeared not far away, the terrifying figure was not visible, like a giant python through the sky, and the incomparably huge body was no less than the previous Void Demon Dragon Elder!

The group of Tianjiao below such a figure couldn’t help but be stunned, and their hearts shook slightly and said their names.


It is one of the terrifying monsters of Norse mythology, the gods destroyed the existence of the gods in Ragnarok, did not expect that they could personally feel such a terrifying scene and above the head of the giant snake, a figure emerged, wearing the supreme god clothes, holding the eternal spear under the crotch of the eight-legged Masrepnir, magnificent.

However, the person who came was not a worker, but a white man, with a solemn face, pointing the eternal spear in his hand straight ahead.

“Clasius… The Terrible. ”

Which Dragon Horn God Emperor saw the other party’s origin and his eyes were extraordinary, the other party’s strength was not weak, plus the Dragon Emperor, even if the two of them joined forces, it was probably impossible for the two of them to leave each other behind.

And when he didn’t know how strong the Dragon Emperor had reached, when he fought with the Dragon Emperor, although he seriously injured the other party, the other party was only a new God Emperor, naturally he didn’t know the mystery of this realm, but at this moment

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