Chapter 378: The Fallen Plateau comes from the sky, pushing the heavenly firmament against life and death!!

After 10,000 years, the other party’s strength has improved at least several times that of 10,000 years ago, and the changes are too great, even he does not dare to take action without permission.

At this time, Crasius had already arrived above the fleet of country M, and he was born in country M, the oldest Optimus Pillar.

The strength is also extremely strong, but in the past 30,000 years, it has rarely been shot, and it is rumored that the other party has been tracking down something in these 30,000 years, so he rarely appears, but he did not expect to come here today.

This is also what Chen Long did not expect, he thought that the M Congress would send the rest, who had thought that it would be this old antique.

Chen Long looked at the Huaxia battleship, stayed on Su Tian’s body, and nodded slightly.

“You’re very good.”

He said slowly, in the face of the boast of a god emperor, if this is spread out, even if it is a true god, the realm of god venerable will cause an uproar, and for a while, all Hua Xia looked at Su Yang with envy.

And Su Yang is not surprised by this, not at all because of the other party’s boast, but half smug, in his opinion, the so-called boast is too vague, what he wants is not boasting but convincing.

One day the heavens and the earth will be convinced, and the creatures of heaven and earth will look up to it!

Seeing that Su Xiao was still not humble or arrogant in the face of such boasting, Chen Long couldn’t help but appreciate it more.

“Good boy, this old man likes it.”

Then he looked into the distance: “It is very likely to fight in a while, you run away as fast as you can, and I and the one will escort you away.” ”

Chen Long pointed to Clasius not far away, his expression was solemn, obviously this battle was very dangerous, even he did not dare to be careless.

However, just as the other party continued to talk about the follow-up matters, a roar that shook the heavens and the earth came from a distance, shaking the sky and causing the stars to shine!

“This breath.”

Chen Long stopped speaking, and when he even looked into the distance, the Void Demon Clan not far away noticed the roar before, and his expression was extremely solemn.

“This sound…,”

The position of the other party is too long, and Su Xiao still can’t perceive it, but this roar seems to be very similar, the golden sacred cow that was suppressed under the Central Holy Dynasty before?

For a while, countless lights looked into the depths of the universe,… I saw the golden light sweeping the sky and the earth, and another hideous roar far beyond the previous one spread out, and the voice was extremely formidable!


A huge barbarian bull rushed from a distance, seeing the appearance of the other party, even Su Yang couldn’t help but be stunned, when he saw the other party’s body circulating golden light, a pair of wings like gold pouring, but how miserable it was at the moment!

The tattered flesh is full of decay and depravity, full of dead qi, the original wings have long been broken, the color of gold is gone, and only the pitch-black skeleton exudes a depraved aura, which makes people dare not look at it directly.

The momentum emanating from the other party was extremely unusual, but the cultivation did make the four god emperors present stunned.

The other party’s cultivation could not be seen clearly with their strength, but the momentum revealed by the other party was at the level of God Venerable.

The former may be surrounded by the depravity and filthy aura on the other party, but the latter is thought-provoking, a god-level square eye of the entire universe, is an upper existence It can be said that the god emperor does not come out, and there are very few existences that can pose a threat to the other party.

Could it be that there is a god emperor chasing and killing each other behind?

But how can this be so rare that the entire universe cannot fight more than fifty, and this meeting of the four emperors is already a rare encounter in 100,000 years, let alone others?

The golden divine cow roared, and at this time, the other party had noticed everyone in front of him, but unfortunately its physical body had been damaged, coupled with the endless years of suppression, it was difficult to recover its strength, and it had reached its limit.

Another step out, the other party’s body was like a gears that had long decayed, overwhelmed, and the next moment it collapsed and shattered, turning into nothingness.

Such a scene made the people present feel terrifying, a god-respected and strong man in the hall actually died like this, not even the bones were left, it was difficult to imagine what kind of hand existed that would be so terrifying.

With the fall of the golden sacred cow, the horror in the distance was finally revealed, and it was an incomparably majestic and hideous pitch-black plateau.

Countless hideous breaths spread out to breed all kinds of terrifying aura, even the Dragon Emperor and the Thunder Emperor on the side couldn’t help frowning.

On that dark plateau, they seemed to sense another terrifying creature, and the momentum of the other party was not weak in the slightest, and…

Still recovering!

“What the hell is this…”

Chen Long couldn’t help but say, when he even looked at Krasius on the side, he had already made a decision, and the existence of the two god emperor levels of the Void Demon Clan not far away was also a step forward.

Although they are enemies of each other and kill each other constantly, they have not yet reached the point where you must die and I die.

But this depraved breath in front of them made them feel the disgust from their souls, as well as a trace of fear.

It seems that if you let the other side continue, something uncontrollable horror will happen

“There are so many troubles in just one Heavenly Void Realm…”

The eyes of the Demon Venerable were extremely solemn, and the momentum of the four people climbed to the peak, and they rushed straight away, and for a time, the entire heavenly dome was loose, and the stars in the sky were squeezed away with each other’s figures.

It is incalculable that they have really pulled a heavenly firmament!

Carrying the entire universe and pushing away, such a scene can be described as earth-shaking, causing countless creatures to be shocked.

At this time, the Huaxia fleet also hurriedly left, they had just received a message from the Dragon Emperor.


What the other party said was ‘escape’ rather than ‘retreat’, which shows that the danger is bound to be terrifying, and even the top existence such as the other party is jealous, not to mention that they will inevitably die if they stay here!

When even entering a faster-than-light state, it migrates out.

At this time, an extremely secret golden aura directly caught up with the spaceship and rushed directly into the center of Su Tian’s eyebrows, but the next moment, a cold chill spread to the other party and did not dare to advance any further, but turned around and merged into the body!

All this happened in an instant of ten million, even Su Yang was unable to react, only to feel that another breath rushed into his body and disappeared.

“One or two, really use me here as a rent?”

Su Yang immediately ran the three thousand avenues, the meridians around his body continued to surge, and the aura of the avenue continued to spread, and finally inquired about this golden aura.

The other party actually hovered above the sea of his divine power, and immediately the power of the avenue imprisoned the other party, but the next moment, the momentum of the other party was slowly merging with his own power, and it seemed to have some similarity with the avenue…

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