Chapter 379: Heavenly Star, Lingxuan, Prosperous World!!!

“He, actually merged with my avenue…”

Su Yang felt that the power emanating from the other party and his own avenue rules had all kinds of similarities.

Even he couldn’t help but be slightly shocked by such a change, but then something came to mind.

Wrapping the other party with the rules of the avenue and then began to infiltrate the other party’s power, the other party also seemed to perceive this power, when even if he began to struggle, it was violent, but he had already entered Su Tian’s sea of divine power.

Here Su Yang is the only god in the world, all the power is mobilized by him alone, even if it is a strange figure, he only dares to enter the divine and demon mark and does not dare to enter his body, not only because the other party is unwilling.

But no, Su Tian’s power in the sea of divine power is too absolute, and there is no room for breaking free at all.

However, a little time is completely tied to convenience.

Immediately, Su Yang began to analyze the power of the other party, which was a relatively long effort, but fortunately, his time at this time was not too urgent.

Finally, three days and three nights later, the last trace of the other party’s power was also analyzed by him, the sea of divine power, a layer of golden substance floating in Su Tian’s right hand, and the other party’s power he had basically analyzed ninety percent nine.

Only this golden substance is still difficult to penetrate, which seems to be caused by the lack of its own strength.

This is very interesting, you must know that even if the strength of the other party reaches the level of God Venerable, as long as Su Xiao is willing here, he can analyze it clearly, but at this moment, it can be blocked by this thing.

There is only one kind over there, and the strength of the other party is far beyond the gods, and it is not even a product of this universe.

Otherwise, it would never have been covered by him.

After doing this, Su Yang condensed a five-fingered cage with one hand, all of which were formed by the convergence of the avenue, enveloping the other party in it.

The other party also seemed to accept his fate, no longer struggled, and lay lazily in the cage, as if lying flat.

After doing this, Su Yang slowly withdrew from his sea of divine power, in fact, he still had a trace of plans, but he couldn’t go so quickly, and he still needed to slow down to see the other party’s reaction.

At this time, the Huaxia fleet has arrived, Tianxing.

Celestial stars are a large gathering base established by human beings in the universe, and it is also a base of tens of billions of people, with a large immigrant population, most of which are existences above the fifth order.

The living environment here is almost the best, the volume is hundreds of times larger than the blue star, especially the sky star also stores a large number of resources, rated as an eighth-level planet, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a paradise.

However, because of its excessive size, its gravity is also infinitely increased, and ordinary people can’t even step on it.

Because of this, the minimum requirement for immigration is that the strength has reached the fifth level, and there is no possibility of opportunism in terms of power or wealth.

Of course, with the current means of human beings, it is natural to change the gravity of the entire planet, but there is no need for that.

Because after the strength reaches the fifth order, he will not care about these hundreds and thousands of gravity.

The ship is moored here to replenish resources, and of course, some members have already obtained residency rights here and take advantage of this to disembark.

Su Yang slowly woke up from the cultivation room, and the person responsible for explaining to him was Chen Yan, the other party was very enthusiastic, after all, he had saved two lives by Su Yang, although his strength was not as good as the other party, but he admired Su Yang very much.

“Give, take this.”

The other party slowly gave Suzhou a card, surrounded by silver and blue, very peculiar.

“This is your identity, after the strength reaches the ninth order, you can stay on the eighth-order planet at will, but sometimes there will always be probes who take this and no one will check you.”

Hearing this, Su Xiao nodded slowly.

“Oh, by the way, take this, you can live again at will, and you can also bring your relatives and friends here, the strength reaches the fifth rank, and the number is within a hundred.”

The other party smiled and said, “In addition, in Zhongling Mountain, you will also get a cultivation place, which you deserve.” ”

In a case, this kind of resource provision strength is at least qualified for the existence of the True God level, but Chen Yan gave it to Su Yang without the slightest care, which is both a recognition and a kind of friendship.

After all, he also knew that with Su Tian’s qualifications since then, the possibility of the two meeting was almost minimal, and if he could take advantage of this opportunity to have a good feeling, he might be able to help him in the future.

Su Xiao didn’t care about this, anyway, don’t want it in vain, walking out of the ship and looking into the distance, it was already a building full of science and technology.

The surrounding body is blue and picturesque, the clear sky is not the slightest noise, extremely harmonious and beautiful.

At this moment, Suzhou seemed to remember something, and I couldn’t help but enter my palm and look at Chen Yan on the side.

“More, ask, where is Drunken Lingxuan?”

Chen Yan, who heard this, was slightly stunned, obviously not expecting Su Yang to ask him this question, so he couldn’t help touching his nose and telling him the destination, and his eyes looked at Su Yang with a meaning that all men understand.

I didn’t expect the other party to go there as soon as he got off the boat, if the other party really had this fun, maybe he could treat him, but looking at the other party’s look, he obviously didn’t want the two to go together.

Stepping out, Su Day stepped into the air, each step contained all kinds of mysteries, like the creation of heaven and earth.

Attracting countless onlookers, although there are many strong people here, it is still very rare to be able to ignore this nearly a thousand times the gravity and act freely, even the eighth order cannot easily do it.

Under such a blue sky and white sun, a figure walking in the air is inevitably too conspicuous, if it is not for Su Tian’s speed is too fast, I am afraid that everyone present is planning to photograph each other.

Going around in circles, Su Yang finally came to an antique pavilion, surrounded by fragrant, birds singing and flowers, which was pleasant, and there was even a condensing incense.

You must know that the condensation incense is an extremely rare thing, even some seventh-order powerhouses cannot obtain it, and it is directly ignited here for pick-up, which is not a small skill.

Su Yang looked at the attic and then walked up slowly, his figure resembling a fairy in the world.

Entering it, there are already many characters inside, most of the strength realm is at the seventh or eighth level, which is not bad, and the ninth order is relatively few, but it is not nothing.

However, most of these cultivators present were only cultivators, but their divine power was extremely weak and mottled, and at a glance, they knew that they were made by swallowing a large amount of resources, and there was not the slightest gold content.

It should be the children of some big families, after all, they are either talented or extremely valuable people here.

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