Chapter 380 Peerless Style, Changes in the Kingdom of God, My Fair Lady, A Good Gentleman!!

None of the people who can land on the eighth-level planet are ordinary people, especially those present, and they all have mysterious origins, and even many of them are chaebol princes, and their origins are amazingly large.

Even some are strong people who have their backs to the true god or the god venerable level, and they are naturally fearless.

Su Yang didn’t care about this, the reason why he came here was only because Su Qingyun had left him a message when he first boarded the spaceship.

The person who got the information pointed to Drunken Lingxuan, stating that if there was nowhere to go, he could go to Drunken Lingxuan.

Although he didn’t have much predicament at this time, he was still a little curious, according to his understanding of Su Qingyun, the other party was a creature who had escaped from the Kingdom of God, but that was all.

How could the other party possess such a huge amount of energy, even to provide him with shelter on an eighth-level planet.

It is necessarily impossible for the other party alone, so there is only one possibility, and behind the other party is a huge organization.

And this organization must be extremely deeply rooted and have great power, coupled with the secret that the other party told him, he almost had a thought in his heart.

I don’t know how many years the Terran has opened up the Divine Kingdom of Cultivation, and Su Qingyun can never be the first, nor can it be the last ~ one.

Although this Drunken Lingxuan looks elegant, Suzhou can detect the undercurrent below.

Slowly came behind the crowd, his eyes were not far away, where was a scroll, covering all things in heaven and earth, but what Zhensheng depicted was a fragment, and a fragment contained everything in heaven and earth.

Although the idea is fanciful, but it is a little worse, what really makes Su Yang care is more than that, this scroll is not simple, but an entrance.

An entrance that seemed to be the only one he could excavate.

It is tainted, the chaotic qi of heaven and earth.

Even a hint of the breath of gods and demons.

This couldn’t help but make Su Xiao stare slightly, and then stepped out, came to the scroll, and then melted into it.

In a great world that supports the sky, an incomparably magnificent giant tree connects heaven and earth, giving birth to supreme prestige, and under all kinds of breaths, the qi of heaven and earth is abnormal.

On one side, a beautiful figure wearing plain clothes, floating on it, the delicate face is lightly powdered, adding a thrilling beauty, like the most perfect masterpiece of the heavens, ice muscle jade bone, cold and elegant.

Su Qingyun looked at this heaven and earth, her strength had reached the ninth level at this time, the aura around her body was more convergent, there was no insight, and the cold aura on her body was also more and more condensed.

People can only look at it from a distance, but dare not look closely.

It is like an empty valley of the lotus, lonely and self-appreciating, but rejecting everything.

In two years, the world she carries has become more and more powerful, and her physical body is constantly improving, and she can still carry it.

But as her strength stepped into the ninth level, the world she carried also changed slightly.

When the other world that Su Yang helped her Tong Xin open up had already formed, the chaotic aura spread out, and the Dao Fighting creatures destroyed the sky and the earth, giving birth to supreme power.

She naturally knew who these creatures were, and it was this kind of creature that Su Yang had born and evolved from the wasted world, stemming from chaos and disorder and being irresponsible.

Every strength is extremely fearful, but she is not Su Tian, she does not understand what gods and demons are, which leads to this world and being in a kind of boundary, unable to advance, which also causes her world and cultivation to be confined here.

With a wave of your hand, the two worlds are completely two extremes, this world of its own, prosperous and prosperous, countless creatures practice incessantly, but the other is full of chaos and disorder, the vastness of the firmament above, and the vastness of the earth below.

Once the two sides meet, it will inevitably lead to a conflict of ideas with each other, resulting in various disagreements, and even killing and destruction.

And that’s not what she wants.

“I have seen Her Highness the Holy Daughter.”

As Su Qingyun fell, a golden-armored figure was on one knee, extremely respectful, and they were endlessly grateful to the other party for everything they had done.

The pressure of the whole world weighed on her shoulders alone, obviously such a weak girl, but she was firmer than anyone else, and stronger than anyone.

“The most I can support is that the two sides will not collide again for a thousand years, and the rest is up to you.”

Su Qingyun said slowly, and when he heard this, the other party nodded yes.

Are millennia long?

If it is placed in the human race, it can be regarded as a round of prosperity, but in the kingdom of God, how quickly does the years pass?!

The thousand-year time of the Kingdom of God in the body is even less than a month in the outside world.

After doing this, Su Qingyun slowly withdrew from her own world, an attic room, and she gradually awakened to the stars.

Walking to the window and looking at the sky, I seemed to be thinking about how to do it in the future, but for some reason, I always remembered the white-clothed figure.

Maybe it would be nice if the other party was there.


The space was light, and a letter was delivered to her window, but before it could fall, it turned into crumbs and returned to nothingness.

And Su Qingyun’s complexion gradually became cold, without the slightest emotion, and said coldly

“If Young Master Xu is better off going to the Demon Battlefield in his spare time, he may be able to gain something, so why bother.”

“My fair lady, a gentleman is good, if a fairy can take a boat with me, even if the universe is forbidden, I am willing to break in.”

The sound of clear drinking came in the distance, thousands of miles away, on a mountain peak, a figure in green clothes stood with his hands in his hands, the Dao rhyme hovered behind him, the gossip mark itself evolved the heaven and earth This time the other party has been here, it has been several months, it can be said that it is very annoying, but because the other party is also a person in this world, she is not good to expel.

And the other party has a very good sense of proportion, every time he is thousands of miles away, and has never crossed it.

On the mountain peak, the man in Tsing Yi has a light face, a strong body, and the strong aura of the free side.

He and Su Qingyun are both creatures of the Kingdom of God, the difference is that Su Qingyun is not a creature of the Kingdom of God who broke free, and he personally killed the Lord of his Kingdom of God.

Kill the Heavenly Dao with yourself.

Of course, not only his own reasons, but also outside assistance, but even so, it is still not to be underestimated.

The strength of one body can be described as the pinnacle, no less than that of the outside cultivators, especially the gossip mark behind him, which is the carrier of the entire kingdom of God.

The other party is not carried in the flesh like Su Qingyun, not to mention,… It will not carry it, after all, his divine kingdom, because of the resistance, only he survived, and this gossip mark was refined by the sacrifice of the divine kingdom.

“You seem to be familiar with her.”

At this time, a white-clothed figure came behind the other party, like a nine-heavenly immortal.

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