Chapter 381: The Complete View of Heaven and Earth!!!

In an instant, the man in Tsing Yi only felt that the warning was suddenly,… Although I was shocked that the other party could come to this world so quietly.

But he still pretended to be calm, slowly turned around, and looked at each other.

“Your Excellency has some face, it seems that he is not my drunken Lingxuan.”

The other party asked, at the same time, the divine power in his hand gathered and prepared to launch a sneak attack at any time, and his whole body was on alert, extremely alert.

“I’m in…”

The voice was flat, but it was like thunder bursting in the other party’s ears, and without waiting for him to react, a palm was pressed on the shoulder, and the terrifying power directly pressed the other party’s whole person to kneel!

Tens of thousands of high peaks suddenly turned into flat ground, causing earthquakes in the sky, like landslides and tsunamis!

“Ask you.”

The words fell, everything returned to calm, the other party’s legs exploded, the flesh and blood were blurred, the face was white and hideous, there was no cloud just now, and a pair of eyes looked at Su Xiao in shock and fear.

Where did the madman come from, so fierce, moreover, just the might of a palm made him have no power to parry, as if the sky had collapsed, extremely shocking!

At this time, such a violent shaking sound naturally aroused the idea of many people, and the people here are all creatures of a divine kingdom, and their strength is a top existence.

They also knew about the matter of this person for several months, but they didn’t care, but it was difficult for the two of them to move their hands with such a loud momentum, so they all sent out their divine sense to check.

But if you don’t check it, you can’t know it, and when you look at it, you are shocked, and you see that the other party’s breath is not like a creature of the Kingdom of God at all, but more like an alien existence!

For a while, he couldn’t help but be shocked, and when he appeared one after another, he looked at Su Tian.

Especially when he saw the figure in Tsing Yi being pressed to his knees and fell to the ground, his face was even more shocking, you must know that the strength of the man in Tsing Yi is also recognized, he has reached the peak level of the ninth order, and the strength is so strong that even some old guys are very taboo.

But it is really unbelievable that the other party has ended so miserably at this moment.

“There are a lot of people.”

Su Xiao stood in the air, pulling the man in green with one hand, as if dragging a dead dog.

Then it was thrown not far away,… At the same time, not far from the void and light forehead, a plain-clothed figure slowly walked into the air, step by step, the temperament was cold and elegant, and the beauty was picturesque.

Su Qingyun looked at Su Tian’s figure, and was a little stunned for a while, thinking that something had happened in the outside world, but she never expected that it was him…

“Long time no see.”

Su Yang looked at the other party and said softly, Su Qingyun was a little flustered for a while, but he forcibly suppressed his temperament and said softly.

“Long time no see.”

Perhaps even she didn’t notice it, and her voice was mixed with a slight tremble.

“This is not the place to talk, let’s go.”

Looking at the side, fortunately, there was no chaos, Su Qingyun issued an invitation to Su Yang, and the two walked side by side and walked into the distance together.

Only a little stunned people on the side were left, as well as the half-dead young man next to him, but the injury on the other party’s body was not serious, it was just a traumatic injury, if Su Yang really moved the killing intent, how could he live until now.

Seeing the previous situation, everyone also knew that the two knew each other, if so, coupled with Su Qingyun’s changes a few years ago, they had already thought of the person’s origin and therefore there was no hostility.

It’s just that some pity glanced, the man in green on the side, people have long made it clear, you are still so entangled, so you deserve it.

After shaking their heads, everyone left, and they also had a little impression of the appearance of the person in front of them, such a change, they need to report it well.

After all, Su Qingyun’s reshaping of the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom shocked everyone, and the impact involved was extremely far-reaching, and it was precisely for this reason that even if Su Qingyun told the other party his secret, he was not implicated.

Su Yang and Su Qingyun walked side by side, talked a lot of interesting things on the side of the mountains, and listened to each other for three days.

“In this way, you suspect that there is something strange about the Heavenly Void Realm.”

Su Qingyun looked at Su Tian, thinking about the pitch-black plateau mentioned by the other party, and couldn’t help frowning.

“Yes, the power contained in it is particularly strange, especially on that plateau, which faintly does not seem to belong to this universe…”

Su Xiao said softly, said his opinion, he has no taboo about Su Qingyun, after all, this matter can’t be hidden for long, and when the Dragon Emperor and the Thunder Emperor return, it will inevitably trigger changes in the cosmic pattern…

But the only thing he didn’t say was that at the moment when that strange plateau appeared, his eyebrowless divine and demonic mark was unprecedentedly restless, and it seemed that the two had a lot of connection.

However, the mark of God and Demon in the center of his eyebrows was inherited from the Divine and Demon Chaos Method, which was an extremely ancient esoteric technique, and the Heavenly Void Realm was just a Void Realm, how could there be such a connection.

If it was before, he naturally wouldn’t believe it, but he had experienced too much along the way, whether it was the mark of the god and demon in the center of his eyebrows, or getting a peerless figure in it, and even the other party had said that his god and demon chaos method was incomplete…

It can be seen that the other party only knows that the secret is far beyond him, but unfortunately the other party will not open his mouth easily, and he can’t help her, and it is even more difficult to get some clues from the other party’s mouth.

“I do have some opinions, so I might as well listen to them.”

Su Qingyun looked at Su Yang and explained her thoughts.

“What is the starting point of the universe of heaven and earth, once in the kingdom of God, we have infinite thoughts and speculations.”

“Or the Tao, or the singularity, the ancestors, the origin, but who would have thought that our world was created.”

Her eyes were confused as if she recalled the emotions of knowing the scene at that time, ignorance, hesitation, and a trace of fear.

“If our world was created by man, is it possible that your world is also possible?”

“Even if not, is it possible, the world you know is only a part, and its true face has never been known.”

Listening to the other party’s words, Su Xiao couldn’t help but think deeply, although the other party’s words were ethereal, I have to say that this may not be impossible.

Just like the Honghuang Da Luo he created, although the mythical Da Luo is all-encompassing, there is still a certain constraint.

And this bondage is him, because this great Luo Honghuang was created by him, and whether he achieved it or not was in his thoughts.

Suddenly, Su Xiao was like being struck by lightning, as if he had discovered some true meaning, his eyes stared incomparably, looking at the sky, and looking at the vast universe in the distance.

That is the location of the Heavenly Void Realm.

Perhaps, this is already very close to his conjecture, and what he needs now is the strength to explore everything.

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